Two Maine Bills to Improve Ballot Access May Pass in Special Session That Began on April 5

The Maine regular session of the legislature ended on March 30, but the legislature convened in special session on April 5. Two bills that improve ballot access are likely to be considered in the special session. They have already passed the policy committees. They are LD 769, which eases the definition of a qualified party; and LD 1320, which lets independent voters sign petitions to place candidates on a primary ballot.

LD 769 eliminates the requirement that after a qualified party has been on the ballot for four years, it must increase its registration from 5,000 to 10,000. Instead, both new parties and old ones alike would need 5,000 registrants.


Two Maine Bills to Improve Ballot Access May Pass in Special Session That Began on April 5 — 4 Comments

  1. I’ve explained exactly how a whole bunch of times, any constructive engagement pro or con available???

  2. That’s an opinion, and every asshole has one. I’m not a troll at all and my foolishness or lack thereof could be demonstrated by counterarguments which you’ve not even tried to make. What I’ve seen of your writing seems foolish indeed, and it’s been at the very least alleged that you troll and impersonate your betters. Additionally you’ve been mocking Jesus and the Russian Orthodox Church, so your immortal soul is in grave peril. You may be a synagogue of Satan, seed of Satan Brownstein or Braunstain of some sort, or perhaps a Zionist or fake Jew supremacist , or khazar. You envy real men and leaders like LUKASHENKO, TRUMP and PUTIN. Men who are better than you in each and every respect. Men whose shoes you are not worthy to lick.

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