Oregon Bill to Let Voters Choose Which Party to Support When Candidate is Nominated by Two Parties

Oregon permits fusion, but when a candidate has the nomination of two parties, his or her name only appears once on the general election ballot, with both party labels. Representative David Gomberg has introduced HB 3593. It provides that when a candidate has the nomination of two parties, his or her name appears twice on the ballot, once for each party label. The bill says that if a voter “X’s” both boxes for that candidate, the vote is deemed to be cast for the smaller of the two parties.

The bill had a hearing on April 6, but the Committee hasn’t voted on the bill yet.


Oregon Bill to Let Voters Choose Which Party to Support When Candidate is Nominated by Two Parties — 46 Comments

  1. This is a good idea. It could be used to determine if a party is entitled to its own ballot line in the next elections.

    It could even be used on the Presidential level. The separate line votes could be used to proportion the electors if the fusion candidate carries the state.

  2. How is letting parties and voters have more choices communistic?

    That certainly doesn’t happen in China.

  3. The Communist Party has an overwhelming majority, but there are 8 other parties in the Chinese Government.

  4. And they are all fused under one dictatorship. That’s what the confusionists want for your country as well.

  5. That’s why America needs more parties to be on the ballot. Two choices aren’t enough especially when one party is pro-Zionist and capitalist and the other party is pro-Zionist and capitalist. Real good choices we have.

  6. Calling Democrats communists is just as absurd as calling Republicans fascists. Both are wrong.

  7. “The Communist Party has an overwhelming majority, but there are 8 other parties in the Chinese Government.”

    Those other parties are only allowed to run a handful of candidates in selected constituencies permitted by the CCP. Thus, the CP “majority” is never in doubt

  8. From 1947 till 1987 there were 9 republican governors elected, not one since mail in ballots started. Anyone see the problem here. 🤬🤬🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  9. The election system in Massachusetts is similar to the election system in China. The Republicans are only permitted to run a handful of candidates to the legislature, known as the Great and General Court, through a quaint practice called Gerrymandering, named for an early Governor of the self same Commonwealth.

  10. Walter Ziobro: The Chinese Communist Party having an overwhelming majority should never be in doubt. They have done a great job. The Chinese Communist Party has lifted more people out of poverty in a shorter period of time than any other country in history.

    The most recent Chinese Communist Party Congress adopted their new plans with several ideas that came from members of those other political parties.

    The Chinese Communist Party does listen to other parties but it should never give up power.

    AZ: The killing done is China is greatly exaggerated. If you start counting dead bodies and measuring oceans of blood you cannot forget the death toll of American and European Capitalism. Capitalism has brought genocide, slavery, and colonialism.

  11. Oregon should let voters write-in a short essay (25 words or less) that explains the reason for voting for a candidate.

    A voter for Ron Wyden might write:

    “because he is a Democrat” “because he is Progressive” “because he reminds me of a deer caught in the headlights”

    These would be tabulated, with similar comments accumulated.

  12. Are you fucking kidding me? Stock is either retarded or a paid propagandist. Most people in China are in extreme poverty and have no rights.







  14. If government can only ever get bigger, more expensive, more intrusive, more antiChristian, more antiWhite, more feminized, more “progressive,” more cultural bolshevik, etc, that’s communist. DemonRats and Rhinoes are communist. Slow choke communism is not any less communist than fast choke communism. It’s still choking you to death, and it is still communism. If there is no serious “reactionary” party your “conservative” party is just slow choke communist, your “liberal” party is a faster choke, etc. The revolutionary communist brigade, even faster. Khmer Rouge or Juche, fastest of the fast. Any faster than that, you need to skip commie hell on earth and go directly to hell. But regardless of how slow or fast you go that’s exactly where you are headed with Rhinoes, demon rats, soylent greens, and things even further left as your only choices.

  15. Demon rats are the more communist AND the more fascist of the two. Fascists are on the left.

  16. There should be no ballots, and especially no secret ballots. Unaccountable power is dangerous. Voters elect representatives, and voter choice thereof should be just as public as the votes those representatives take..

  17. Stock is posting nonsense, as usual. The communist Chinese have killed tens of millions, often gruesomely, enslaved literally billions. They run a totalitarian dictatorship.

  18. AZ: Some of the things you listed did not happen. Others are greatly exaggerated.

    A friend of mine lived in Beijing for 7 years teaching English. He lived in an area with many Muslims and walked by an open and functioning Mosque on his way to work every day. The head of his school told him that because they had so many Muslim students the cafeteria would not serve pork out of respect for their religion.

    The reality of China is very different from what the Capitalists want Americans and Europeans to believe. It is nothing but fear mongering.

  19. Jim Riley,

    Similar comments? As interpreted by, and how? This is errant nonsense. No one needs to read or write anything to vote. The men who vote should stand up like men with those from among their neighbors they wish to be counted with… and be so counted. That party appoints the peace officers of the precinct for the next year. You’ve hopefully seen the rest of that by now!!!

  20. Hey Stocky boy, if you think China is paradise you should move there. Live in poverty and possibly be enslaved. Your bullshit doesn’t fly here.

  21. Stock, you are much worse than a retard. You are an evil liar. AZ was talking about Uyghurs. China fears territorial separation. A section of Beijing seceding is not what they are worried about. All of the things AZ wrote about in that comment happened. Some of them involved tens of millions of human beings sacrificed on the altar of your evil demigod, who is very much real despite your unconvincing protestations. We see you, and we see your tricks.

  22. @ Pete

    I agree, except I think he would be even “happier” in North Korea!!!

  23. Greatly exaggerated? Please tell me some more about how Stalin’s crimes were greatly exaggerated while you’re at it. This should be entertaining.

  24. Bdlu is half right. The Demon rats are communist, and the pre Trump establishment rhinoes are communist. Both the DP AND GOP are Zionist, thus ziocommies. They are not sufficiently differentiated. Splinter parties, however, would not solve the problem. Unifying around TRUMP would. I’ve spelled out what else would with my proposal quite a few times now in these pages.

  25. AZ


  26. Pete: I want to build Socialism in the United States. I can’t do that if I move to another country, no matter how much I admire that other country.

    Every country has a blood soaked past. So what?

  27. Stock wants poverty and enslavement in the US. He doesn’t believe in freedom whatsoever. He’s an evil person, which explains the Satanism.

  28. Ryan: Socialism is more Democratic and brings more freedom than Capitalism. The workers will be richer and the bosses will justifiably be poorer.

  29. Eddie: I wasn’t pretending. I joined the Libertarian Party in 1992 and shortly afterwards became a devotee of Ayn Rand and Murray Rothbard. I thought of myself as a Radical for Capitalism.

    That began to change during the debate over Obamacare. I came to the conclusion that government provided health care would be more effective then free market health care. That ended my belief that a free market is the solution to all problems.

    A few years later I began to question the idea that Taxation is Theft. The reason we have a Constitution is because the Articles of Confederation made it almost impossible to levy taxes. During the Whisky Rebellion George Washington rode at the head of the Army to violently deal with a group of people that refused to pay taxes.

    My thinking about what are rights and what is the role of government changed about 180 degrees. This occurred during a period of about 6 or 7 years.

    By early 2020 I realized that I was not a Libertarian anymore. So I quit the party and registered to vote Democratic.

    In early 2021 I began to watch the YouTube channel Good Morning Revolution! by the CPUSA. I thought about what I was hearing. I read Marx, Engels, and Lenin. By October of 2021 I realized that I was a Socialist and officially joined the Communist Party USA.

    I am sorry I wasted so much time in the Libertarian Party.

  30. Stock will join anything because he has no friends and is desperate to meet people. The fact he’s fallen into the lies of communist shows he has no brains.

    Healthcare run by the government is worse. There’s a reason Canadians have to wait months just for an MRI. There’s a reason our veteran hospitals are run so poorly. This is what retards like Stock want for is.

  31. Stock sounds like a Chinese agent or spy. Maybe he told Biden not to shoot down the baloon.

  32. Some countries have a blood soaked present, like China and NK. Some blood soaked pasts are bloodier than others. Etc.

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