No Labels Responds in Arizona Lawsuit Over its Ballot Access

On April 19, No Labels filed a motion to dismiss in Maricopa County Superior Court, in the lawsuit Arizona Democratic Party v No Labels, cv2023-004832. This is the lawsuit filed by the Democratic Party to remove No Labels from the ballot. Also on April 19, the Secretary of State filed a lawsuit to dismiss. In this case, No Labels and the Secretary of State are on the same side. The Secretary of State had already determined that No Labels is a qualified party and is defending his decision in court. Here is the brief of No Labels.

The Democratic Party says the party does not belong on the ballot because its ten officers filed their declarations too early in the process. In Arizona, when a new party petitions for a place on the ballot, ten officers or persons who represent the party must file declarations. The purpose of the declarations is so that the Secretary of State knows who is in charge of the new party. The Democratic Party says that the declarations are not supposed to be filed until the petitioning is complete.


No Labels Responds in Arizona Lawsuit Over its Ballot Access — 18 Comments

  1. I think No Lubels will end up helping TRUMP even though they’re trying to do the opposite, so I wish them the best of luck despite themselves. The same goes for Republican dwarves seeking presidential nomination; it only makes President Trump stand out all the more above the field. Speaking as an LEO, I can’t wait to Make Trump President Again!

  2. Agreed with uncle LEO on both counts. DeSantis is a great governor and I still can’t bring myself to regret endorsing or voting for him or donating to and campaigning for him in 2018 and 2022, but my vote as a delegate to local, state and NATIONAL gop conventions will be pledged to Trump in 2024 just as it was in 2016 and 2020, as will of course my primary and general election votes and those of all friends, neighbors, Kinfolk, fellow deputies, and anyone else I can influence while I ride around in my work truck.

    Furthermore, if DeSantis does campaign, I’ll not vote for him for anything else ever again, no matter how long I live. Unless Trump puts him on the ticket, of course. In that case I will. But I don’t think that will happen, among other reasons because I think President TRUMP wants to keep his official residence in Florida like any other real American (other than our confederate Kinfolk just across the Georgia line).

  3. With NPV, attempts by Democrats to suppress liberal third parties, and by Republicans to suppress conservative third parties will become SOP. Plurality voting compels it.

    Choosing Presidential electoral votes by states, by whatever method, doesn’t drive the major parties to suppress third parties in states that are clearly blue or red. Only plurality voting in swing states, like Arizona, drives them to do it.

    The only way that third parties can protect their ballot access is to support ranked choice or approval voting in all general elections.

  4. No Labels also helps Senator Sinema. Gives her access for a Independent run to keep her Senate seat since she is no longer a Dem.

  5. You got a point there Frankie. I think they’ll end up helping TRUMP also. I know it’s the opposite of what they are trying to do but I think for once the dims are right – no labels will spin away from what the people behind it are trying to accomplish and help Trump and the GOP. I don’t think that’s just wishful thinking.

  6. Burt… Likely because if she decides to run in their primary for Senator no real challengers would exist. Since Independent voters can vote in any party primary here in Arizona it likely she would have a cakewalk to the general election. I suspect its her only chance to get on the ballot for the general election. Running as a independent requires getting 3% of voters to sign who cannot be a registered Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, or No Labels.

  7. Remember when whatever no labels was called a few years ago made sure nobody else was allowed to run under their label without their approval? That was even though they followed state law and the previous federal precedents all said the state party wishes take precedence over state parties. The American Select lawyers were just that good, or well connected, or something.

  8. 3% is pretty easy if you’re Sinema. That’s if e-sigs are not yet allowed; if they are, a boiler room can get it knocked out in a week.

    Method 1: take statewide voter list. Cross out all the ineligible people. Send your team door to door to collect high validity signatures from the eligible ones.

    Method 2: Just print up petitions (or pick them up from the state office if you can’t print them. I did this for too many clients in too many states for too many years so it blurs together) and hire a contractor. The contractor hires petition hobos directly or through one or more layers of subcontractors.

    The more conscientious ones will ask people if they’re independent voters or if they like Sinema or whatever. Some of the others will pretend they are just registering new voters (if new voter signatures are accepted) or will tell all kinds of lies about what people sign like “sign if you think inflation is too high” or “sign to make sure all votes count in 2024” or literally anything they can think up. Some will just say they think the signer is good looking and they get paid if you sign and they need the money to pay rent and child support. Some will say “sign if you want/don’t want trump back in office”. Or they may ask if the voter likes Senator Sinema and present a different clipboard each holding the same petition depending on the answer. There’s about a million ways to spin it, and most registered voters are probably either dumber than you think, less attentive, or both.

    Method 3: if this is allowed on this type of petition just mail it to every eligible household, provide sase and a letter to ask them to get friends and family to sign. Supplement with ads, social media, text campaigns, phone trees, free/earned media, etc.

    There’s more and it would probably be a combination but 3% of independents is only difficult for a broke third party, not your own state’s sitting senator who is well known in and out of state and sitting on millions in campaign cash or fundraising ability or both.

  9. Americans Elect was able to keep Gary Johnson from using their Oklahoma ballot line even after his supporters followed state law to get him the state party nomination there. I think they were also pretty successful in keeping downballot candidates from using their ballot lines in other states. Maybe Arizona now is different, but not necessarily.

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