Top-Two Bill in Montana for U.S. Senate is Revived

On Saturday, April 22, a Montana bill dealing with school board elections, which had passed the House, was amended to delete all the existing parts of the bill, and instead to be a bill for a top-two system in Montana in 2024 for U.S. Senate. So supporters of top-two in Montana have not given up, even though the original bill for a top-two system was already defeated.

The new bill for top-two is HB 774. The Montana legislature’s website still has not been updated to show the new language. Thanks to Apollo Pazell for this news.


Top-Two Bill in Montana for U.S. Senate is Revived — 56 Comments

  1. The irony of the GOP supporting this. If you look at the 2018 primaries about 100,000 voted in the Democratic primary, and about 150,000 voted in the Republican primary. The Republican primary had four candidates split their votes nearly evenly (roughly between 20% – 30% each). If something similar happens in a blanket primary the Democratic Party will 100% have a nominee, and you’ll get a plurality Republican. In the general, if the plurality Republican isn’t a center Republican (meaning a non-MAGA Republican) the center Republicans and independents will vote Democratic.

  2. Dummy rats won’t have a nominee. We could have conservatives register dummy rat and run just to confuse the other dummy rats and split them up. Divide and conquer.

    That’s if they get ballot labels. What if they don’t? Find some crazy leftards, maybe some homeless bums, and get them in the primary. Then put some funding and ads behind them.

    Now if the dummy rats do it to is. That’s what razor wire and bull whips are for. That’s one great thing about big sky country, lots of wide open spaces.

  3. They’ll be lucky if they make it out of their driveways. If I was them I’d start looking online for jobs and housing in a blew state.

  4. Elephant scheme– avoid divide and conquer by Donkeys.

    Abolish the ANTI-Democracy minority rule gerrymander USA Senate.

  5. In my neck of the woods no one minds hearing leftists scream, just as long as they’re screaming in pain. I mean that’s just a fact regardless of whether you wish it was otherwise.

  6. To be perfectly honest, listening to our enemies scream in pain is one of the biggest reasons folks around here join the Klan to begin with. Hate it or not, that’s just reality.

  7. Her name is Arden Zazula. She’s a communist from Michigan who moved to Arizona to vote against Kari Lake and Blake Masters. Our Klavern has a professional private investigator who looked it up.

  8. Bolshevism sucks. Have any of you ever actually taken a communist for a copter ride?

  9. I hope this passes and the candidates are either two Republicans or a Republican and a Libertarian. Commie Tester needs to go!

  10. The looneytarians ran a spoiler and split the conservative vote, which is why this bill is happening.

  11. Looneytarians are for legalizing drugs. We need a real drug war where dealers, users, and legalization activists are all summarily executed. It’s the only way to win the war on drugs, like Duterte did on the Philippines and China did in the 19th century.

    Fentanyl alone is killing as many in the United States as two 9-11s every week. It’s killing as many Americans a year as were dying in WWII and more in one year than all the American deaths in the Vietnam war. Wake up. Chinese Communists are already at war with us. It’s time to start fighting back, among other things by euthanizing their agents and useful idiots.

    Covaids was a deliberate CCP attack on America. So is fentanyl. So was stealing the 2020 election and putting in their dementia ridden puppet. The Russia hoax was their deflection from their business partnership with the Clinton’s and Biden’s and their actually colluding to steal our elections.

    The two phony impeachments of Trump, the current unfounded persecutions of Trump in New York and elsewhere, etc, are all Chinese Communist Party orchestrated attacks because Trump is the only one leading the fight against them.

    Tik tok is another of their weapons of war. They are deliberately frying the brains of the younger US generations. It works just like an illegal street drug, except it also helps them spy on us, like their balloons and humint agents and sleeper spyware in all the electronic crap they ship us.

    Trade with red China should be completely outlawed. So should travel to or from there. And we do not need any of their immigrants. Ship them back, return to sender, and all their junk which is just taking American jobs. Let’s shut down the borders and remove all the foreigners.

    The final racial holy war was always going to be against the Yellows. Xi Jinping is the antichrist foretold in Revelation. They are behind the great population replacement and the great awokening. They are behind the corrupt Nazi Satanists in Ukraine trying to deflect from what China does and plans to do in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Xinjiang Uyghur region, and all over the world. They’re behind all attacks on Trump, the assault on U.S. borders, the tranny agenda, forced feminization and weakening of American fighting men, etc.

    It’s the Chinese Communists who are behind the fake news media attacks on Trump’s perfect phone calls to Ukraine and Georgia. They are behind BLM terrorists and riots. They are behind the feminization of J6 patriots. They are behind Fauci. They probably groomed Obama too. It’s time to stop rolling over for them and start fighting back.

  12. Demonization of J6 patriots. Google is another one of their dirty tricks. Soros is working with them too

  13. RF,

    I’m having a luau with the girls. Thinking of inviting you. I think you’d be the center of attention. The coven would just eat you up.

  14. @RF

    A certain Turkic-Mongoloid tribe which often passes for White is very much in that mix with Xi and CCP. Names like Soros and Zuckerburg echo throughout history.

  15. Then execute them on national television, after a fair military tribunal of course.

  16. Gary,

    Is there such a thing as national television anymore? Is that sort of like the horse hitching posts from which we got a “post” office?

  17. Terry,

    I’m glad you asked. There’s something even better than national television now, called Integrated Public Awareness Warning System, and the President has total access, at his own discretion. He may have to declare an emergency, but that’s easy for a president to do, and he does not need anyone’s permission or approval.

    IPAWS is way better than twitting or even truth social. It lets our past, currently in exile, and future President Trump to simultaneously text everyone’s phones any time he wants, including by sending video streaming via sms. At the same time an audio version will be sent to every landline which picks up, and audio and video versions will take over all radio and tv broadcasts. Cable and satellite systems licensed in the US all participate too.

    So, all President Trump has to do is declare an emergency – and there are plenty of reasons to do it – and not only can he order that traitors be detained, tried by military tribunal , and executed, but he can also make sure everyone is watching. Not only that , but he can have it on 24-7 along with his commentary and anything else he wants to send out. He can literally talk to everyone all day every day, and they can’t change the channel or block him or do anything except watch or listen or both .

    So why didn’t he do this his first term. You might ask? He was surrounded by deep state controllers/advisers and frustrated by court interference and the entrenched federal bureaucracy. These problems were eventually solved, but it was only as he was already headed out the door, and too late to implement.

    Trump issued an EO on his way out which reclassified tens of thousands of mid level federal bureaucrats as political appointees. Trump can now fire and replace them as soon as he’s back in office. The stolen election will actually help because it gave his campaign team time to interview the Trump loyalists who will take these jobs over. He’s going to come in on day one, fire the deadwood, have military and federal police ready to escort them out of their offices and the replacement patriots ready to move in.

    The deep state swamp creatures can sue, but the top levels of the federal judiciary including the supreme court now have conservative majorities thanks to Trump. Besides, in a national emergency military tribunals under the ultimate authority of the commander in chief can take over for civilian courts. So maybe they won’t even be able to sue. And if they can, they will lose. And go directly to jail. After being convicted under the President’s orders they can be executed. It’s going to totally rock. Maybe their heads can be put on spikes surrounding the federal district in DC.

    Can Biden do it first? Technically, but he’s too invested in having everything seem normal to actually do it. Trump has no such problems. Shaking up the established way of doing things is very much who he is and what he does. Biden wouldn’t replace the swamp creatures anyway; they are his people.

    Plus most of the active duty military, veterans, active and retired law enforcement, and legal gun owners are on Trump’s side if it comes down to it. In which case control of the countryside is of paramount importance. Guess who has the support of rural areas. Cities can starve in a week if rural areas don’t send them food.

    Long story short, commies, it’s check and mate for you in under two years. Better leave the country now while you’re still allowed to. Spoiler alert: it won’t help you in the end. Once we make America great again, the rest of the world will follow. Trump will sit on a throne of pure gold and rule the world for all eternity. Life extension technology makes it possible.

    But let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves here. First things first. Trump will win in 2024. Nobody seriously thinks he won’t be the GOP nominee anymore. And the general election will boil down to a referendum on the status quo. The dims will lose that referendum. Thanks to everything that was learned from the stolen 2020 election there are now plans in place to make sure that does not happen again. So TRUMP will be president again 100% guaranteed. Now you can go back to the top and read it again. As many times as it takes to sink in.

  18. Trump did win in 2020. Unfortunately the confusion from China virus/covaids and illegal vote machinations allowed Red China just enough of an opening to cheat with the help of American traitors. Exactly how that happened has been sufficiently well analyzed to prevent it from happening again at this point. Stop the steal folks will be well organized and prepared, as will the armed response in case they laughably try to claim “another” Biden victory. It won’t come to that, because the state of the economy is not making a lot of people happy, and most people are tired of Biden crime family corruption, dementia, inflation, waste of money supporting the wrong side in Ukraine, Chinese spy balloons, etc.

    The borders and crime in the streets are at disgraceful levels. People who don’t even pay much attention to politics are clamoring for Trump to triumphantly return and make America great again. So, it was close enough for the Demon rats to cheat and not cause a revolution in 2020. It won’t be in 2024. Hiding in the basement won’t cut it this time.

  19. American president elections basically boil down to “are you better off than 4 years ago” and right now most people are saying no. Biden’s obvious senility won’t help him either, and most parents don’t appreciate the tranny propaganda and forced elitist gender bending of their kids. The war graft in Ukraine is getting old even to those who used to fall for it, etc.

  20. It helps to think of Trumps first three general elections as president as the original 3 star wars movies. Trump gave the American people a new hope for renewed greatness in 2016. In 2020, the evil globalist empire and their Commie Chinese partners in crime struck back. In 2024 Trump will come back like the Return of the Jedi, destroy the death star of the derp state, save America, and make it greater than ever, going for the Gold.

  21. Carey,

    The only downside is that Carlson is not the coolest possible name. But he is the best person just based on his views and name recognition. Other good choices:

    TRUMP-TRUMP until we can actually crown Trump, having DJT Jr as veep would be next best thing and great way to own libtards

    TRUMP-KING Former congressman Steve King is tanned, rested, and ready, and the name alone subtly conveys that Trump should be crowned Emperor

    TRUMP-SANDERS Sarah Huckabee Sanders that is. Not only a very shuckable and huckable governess down south, but her married name will confuse low IQ libtards who worship the geriatric communist senator of the same name into voting for Trump

    TRUMP-GREENE So of course MTG rocks hugely, but she also has a cool name that will confuse greenie weenie soylent greentards in much the same way as SHS (see directly above), so both ladies deserve consideration for serving directly under President Trump.

    Any others in this vein???

  22. TRUMP-KENNEDY While the best Kennedy would be JFK Jr admitting he is not actually dead and fulfilling Q Prophecies, RFK Jr is running against Xo Xiden in the dummy rat primary. If he can jump ship to GOP this would be a true unity ticket and put the kibosh on the fake No Lubels unity deception by the derp state.

    There’s also former MTV VJ Lisa KENNEDY Montgomery, but she would need to ditch the Montgomery part and her current association with Fox, now that they went full libtard by firing Tucker.

    There could be some other Kennedy’s I didn’t think of yet.

  23. I’m with GA on the KENNEDY thing. Geriatric and senile Democrats would run over each other in their golf carts and walkers to vote for a ticket with a Kennedy on it.

  24. Steve King is good, but Don King is still alive, albeit 91 years old, and thus also deserves considerating.

  25. I don’t think we should limit our consideration to American citizens. The Demon rats got to have one ineligible foreigner president, Sodom Hussein Osama, so to be fair the GOP should get one, but only one, and then we can go back to both sides only nominating people who were born in the USA and pledge allegiance to the American flag and the King James Bible.

  26. Putin is doing a tremendous job in Russia. I say put in Putin. We can save taxpayers money on his salary, secret service, white House upkeep, air force one etc since the Russkys are already paying for that. Plus it would keep us out of WWIII, especially on the wrong side. I see it as a win-win. If that’s too radical at least make him Trump’s veep to get everyone used to it a little before he gets his own turn.

  27. Fascism is left wing. Stop spreading the deliberate communist big lie that fascism is right wing. It never was and never will be no matter how many times this lie gets repeated.

  28. Bs is bs and commie crap is commie crap. I personally don’t care if there’s one of them or 500 posting it, and it won’t matter who they are until it’s time to load copters.

  29. The top two jungle primary system is a terrible system to ensure blue dictatorships or red dictatorships depending on the political beliefs of an area. This creates an illusion of choice that is ironically one of the most communistic/fascistic ideas in American politics. California and Oregon also use this system, and look what’s happening to them. For a party claims to hate democrats, they are sure loving the most dictatorial aspects of the Democratic Party. And Vice versa is also true of the GOP. I am hoping that Top-Two never comes to North Carolina.

  30. Let me rephrase my point since i didn’t do a great job explaining my second half of the comment. The Republicans are trying to use Democratic tactics to ensure that their party benefits at the expense of everyone else. The Democrats do the exact same thing using Republican tactics to benefit them at the expense of others as well. Top-Two will basically encourage a lot of people to stay home because someone from the same party is guaranteed to represent the same people anyways, which will drive voter turnout even lower. We saw this happen at the 2021 special elections for US House. Top-Two will never work in the United States.

  31. My proposal is for single round elections with standing count voting. There would be no primaries, runoff, subsequent rounds, etc. However, it would incorporate the better part of multiround voting, because the assembled men would see which of their friends and neighbours stand with which party over the course of an evening, which party commands how much support, listen to their speeches, and walk over to a different party, one by one or in groups, and as many times as they wish until it’s time for the count. Entire parties can “fuse” into other parties, or split off, so long as a man who served as a party precinct captain before election night leads the split off charge.

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