Pennsylvania Bills to Let Independent Voters Choose a Primary Ballot

Several bills are being introduced in Pennsylvania that would let independent voters choose a partisan primary ballot. They are HB 976, HB 979, and HB 400. See this story. The reporter used the wrong term for these bills. They would set up semi-closed primaries, not “open primaries.” An “open primary” has been defined in U.S. Supreme Court opinions for 50 years as a system in which parties have primary ballots and party nominees, but on primary election day, any voter can choose any party’s primary ballot.


Pennsylvania Bills to Let Independent Voters Choose a Primary Ballot — 6 Comments

  1. I don’t see why not, but they should pay for, choose, and administer their own candidate selection process, whatever that is. Max also makes a good case that losing parties don’t really need to pick officeholders, and that when there’s a standing count of the voters in a precinct who stand with each party precinct captain on election night, the party with the most voters standing should then pick the officeholders.

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