Maine Bill to Expand Ranked Choice Voting Advances

Currently, Maine uses ranked choice voting for federal office in both primaries and general elections. But for state office, ranked choice voting is only used for primaries, not general elections. A proposed constitutional amendment to allow ranked choice in general elections for state office has advanced. LD 1917 passed the joint Veterans and Legal Affairs Committee on May 18. Thanks to Fairvote for this news.

If the bill passes the legislature, then the voters would vote on it. The reason Maine has a different policy for state office than for federal office is that several years ago, the State Supreme Court ruled that using ranked choice voting for state office in general elections violates the State Constitution. So the proposal would amend the State Constitution.


Maine Bill to Expand Ranked Choice Voting Advances — 18 Comments

  1. Richard, that seems unlikely given how opposed Maine Republicans are to RCV. Maine requires supermajority support for constitutional amendments.

  2. If RCV really worked, you would not need party primaries nor party registration.

    The only way Fairvote can get party hacks to support it is to let them game the system.

  3. Party hacks like Rcv because most of them are communist. Even a lot of GOP party hacks are communist, and as for the Democrats, the only reason they are not named Communist anymore is because that name is unpopular, plus inertia. There was a nest of communist infiltrators running the national Libertarian Party for the last decade as well, up until last year.

  4. I would just like to know why others think that they have the right to change a fee election
    When it’s suppose to be one vote and then the winner of that vote.

  5. Exactly. This no lube party is all about using money to manipulate the election. To begin with, they are deceiving hundreds if not thousands of Mainers into enrolling with a party they at best wanted to allow to compete in the election, if even that. They are probably doing the same thing in more States, too.

    Then they say they want to spend a whole lot of dark money to throw the election and make sure Mr. Trump and America loses and the Chinese Communist Party and their American traitor partners in crime win. Hopefully this will backfire on them. But whether it does or not, they will still end up interfering in the Primary, because some people will not be enrolled in the party they want to be enrolled in and will not have noticed they were duped onto changing without their knowledge and understanding despite any unexpected snail mail and news coverage they don’t pay attention to.

    A change in who can participate in the Primary can potentially change the outcome of the primary. That can potentially change who becomes the Presidential nominee. And that in turn can change who becomes President. They could also be screwing, intentionally or not, with the composition of Congress, state and local office, etc. All this at the very early stage of their big push, and even if they end up deciding not to run anyone.

    Some of the donors to this treasonous globalist shill project rightfully hide their head in shame. They want to change a free election into a fee election. If repeated smear campaigns, hounding with persecution based on known ridiculous lies by known liars, espionage by biased and corrupt state and federal agencies, Chinese biowarfare wrecking the economy, two thousand mules and electronic vote counting fraud to steal an election under cover of election rule changes stemming from that same biowarfare, every dirty tactic the deep state and fake news can employ, two phony impeachments, a bunch of actual and planned criminal prosecutions and civil lawsuits by biased prosecutors based on total bullshit, et tedious cetera, can’t stop Mr. Trump from winning yet again, saving America yet again, and making a grateful America greater than ever, they intend to stop him by hook or by crook. I’d hide myself in shame if I was them too.

    They want to change a free election into a fee election, or an auction if you will. Then they want to rig the auction to make sure Xi, the CCP, and their domestic fifth column win the auction. Instead of one man, one vote, they want it to be those who vote decide nothing, those who count the votes decide everything. Fraud is simply their modus operandi, and this enrollment fraud is just a small early sign of much more to come.


    34 L–M–R
    33 R–M–L
    16 M–L–R
    16 M–R–L

    L 50 – R 49

    M 65- L 34
    M 66- R 33




  7. Apologies, I’m not fluent in your programming language, and it’s not included in Google translate. Please pass the note to your programmers to reprogram you for automatic pretranslation to human before you post.

  8. The AI bot known as A”Trump=
    HITLER”Z bot did not answer the translation request. It usually posts only gibberish, lies, insults, and fake news. The people who programmed it are probably preschool troll morons. It’s time for people to stop being polite and start getting real with and about this rude lying little AI bot.

  9. CNN is Chinese Communist controlled fake news. A”Trump=Hitler”Z AI bot knows this, but keeps putting up their fake news links along with other fake news links, insults, lies, and gibberish. That’s why I say it’s time for people to stop being polite and start getting real with this AI BOT which is most likely programmed by clueless know it all preschool troll morons who love tyranny.

    President Putin is an elected President, not a monarch. Crooked Corrupt Sleepy Dementia Beijing Joe Biden won’t accept President Putin’s offer to debate, because President Putin would show the whole world what a cognitively impaired drooling senile idiot Beijing Joe really is.

  10. Tom: “Richard, that seems unlikely given how opposed Maine Republicans are to RCV. Maine requires supermajority support for constitutional amendments.”

    Only in the legislature, when it goes to the people for a vote, only a majority is needed.

    Although it will be an obstacle, I don’t think the GOP is in perfect lockstep on this. Getting enough GOP votes for it is possible, if not probable.

  11. It’s true, there are a lot of Rhino traitors. That’s why you should ask them if they support Trump and LePage 100%, and if they say no, don’t vote for them or give them a penny.

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