Minnesota Legalizes Recreational Marijuana

On May 30, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz signed the bill legalizing recreational marijuana. Normally BAN would not post this type of news, but it is relevant to this website because Minnesota has recently had two ballot-qualified third parties that made this their number one issue. Minnesota becomes the 23rd state with legal recreational marijuana.

There is still a federal ban and the Legal Marijuana Now Party, which is still on the ballot, is keen to work on doing what it can against the federal ban, which obviously relates to congressional elections.


Minnesota Legalizes Recreational Marijuana — 10 Comments

  1. Hopefully, they will make it illegal again soon, along with every other state, and start putting millions of dopers to work at hard labor for decades in privately run prison camps. It would be better yet to exterminate them. That’s how China won it’s drug war in the 19th century. A few million executed dopers would be well worth the price to rid us forever of the cursed scourge and global brain cancer of dangerous drugs. Public executions would be ideal.

  2. Legalize Marijuana Now Party is one of the parties? What is the other party?

  3. They had a pretty active Build A Time Machine To Kill Baby Harry Anslinger Party. But then it turned out that everyone at the party was too stoned to get valid party paperwork filed with the state, some joker made off with the collection box, and the party just sort of petered out over time, especially when nobody could come up with more weed or a way to pay the power bill. There’s still a few homeless squatters hanging out at the abandoned factory where the party was. They may actually be right on the verge of perfecting a working time machine any day now.


  5. Before November 2022, Minnesota had two ballot-qualified third parties, both of which were focused on marijuana legalization. The other party, Grassroots-Legalize Cannabis, went off the ballot in November 2022.

  6. I would have to disagree with Terrance and not do what China did to end its drug war. If anything, this would likely fuel the drug war in the U.S. as the feds have enjoyed doing since Nixon started the war. A couple of the biggest complaints I have heard about the War on Drugs from other people are that they have crushed the black family unit, and this is a backlash to the civil rights movement.

  7. Drugs did that, not the war on drugs. The war on drugs is righteous and Godly, and can and should, indeed must, be won. China did the right thing. Opium addiction was destroying their families, country, economy, society, and their very civilization.

    Drug addiction is doing the same thing in every country in the world now. It should be treated like international terrorism. Drug users, dealers, smugglers, manufacturers, and legalization promoters alike should be treated like international terrorists or like intentional spreaders of a very deadly and easily transmissible plague; quarantined and exterminated for the greater good.

    A few million dead dopers is a small price to pay to save the world from descending into complete savagery, which is exactly what will happen if drug addiction is allowed to keep spreading and getting worse as it has been in recent decades. That’s still true if a few thousand completely innocent people are horrifically killed by mistake. It’s a price well worth paying to save billions of people and the legacy of human evolution and civilization heretofore, all of which will be lost if the drug menace is not treated as the existential threat that it actually is.

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