Tenth Circuit Has Been Pondering Wyoming’s 300-Foot “No Politics” Zone For Over One Year

The Tenth Circuit heard Frank v Lee, 21-8060, on May 17, 2022. The panel has still not issued its decision. The case is over the Wyoming law that does not permit First Amendment activity within 300 feet of the entrance to the polls. The U.S. District Court had struck it down, and the state had appealed. Generally courts have upheld 100-foot limits, but no greater distance.


Tenth Circuit Has Been Pondering Wyoming’s 300-Foot “No Politics” Zone For Over One Year — 4 Comments

  1. I won an election charge once because of displaying a candidate’s campaign sign in the front window of my house that was within 300ft of a polling place.

  2. Are you of the opinion that the 14th amendment is invalid or didn’t apply first amendment protections to state actions even if there is no equivalent provision in their state constitutions?

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