No Labels Leaders Seem to Say they are Less Likely to Enter the 2024 Presidential Race if Trump is Not the Republican Nominee

This Politico story says that leaders of No Labels have given some indication that No Labels won’t enter the 2024 presidential race if the Republican Party nominates someone other than Donald Trump.


No Labels Leaders Seem to Say they are Less Likely to Enter the 2024 Presidential Race if Trump is Not the Republican Nominee — 8 Comments

  1. Like Ross Perot, they have no long term vision. He started the Reform Party as a personal vehicle, and when others tried to keep it going, he abandoned it.

  2. I hope that their long term vision is to create a new ballot line that any random words with any platform can use to get on the ballot. With a name like No Labels, that better be what they’re doing.

  3. Are you daft? They have no long term vision. Their sole purpose, as they already admitted, is to try to keep President Trump from getting his office back, if the ludicrous indictments, various forms of vote participation and counting fraud, and whatever other dirt the deep state and fake news can cook up doesn’t do the trick. Hopefully it will backfire on them.

  4. Which, incidentally, is exactly what I think will happen. Unless they decide against running anyone again, which is also highly likely.

  5. They’re a bunch of liberals. 90% they run nobody because their only reason to exist is to keep the Big Guy in by hook by crook.

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