Georgia Trial Over Districting Begins September 5

U.S. District Court Judge Steve Jones will hold a trial in the Georgia redistricting lawsuits beginning on September 5. The post-trial briefs are due September 25. The case is complicated and involves a challenge to the U.S. House and legislative districts.

If the judge rules against the current districts, the legislature will be given a chance to draw new ones. But the state may appeal any ruling against the districts. It is therefore somewhat likely that the new districdts, if new districts are needed, won’t be known until 2024. And if the district boundaries aren’t known until 2024, several Georgia precedents would require that petitioning candidates will need fewer signatures, relative to how much petitioning time is lost. The Georgia petitioning period runs from January through mid-July.


Georgia Trial Over Districting Begins September 5 — 18 Comments

  1. @DFR,

    Let each candidate define the area where they wish to seek votes.

    A candidate might receive 57,683 votes. They would be able to cast 57,683 votes in the legislature.

  2. Riley plan sounds like a formula for confusion and possibly cheating as to whether bills passed or not? Even if no confusion, more incentive to pad vote margins with ineligible votes and miscounts such as are prevalent in Demo Rat infested areas.

  3. College towns are notoriously bad. Many students register at parents house plus multiple addresses they move around in college town. Some only have college ID. Professors and instructors also move around a lot, and many are means justify the ends commies.

  4. Urban ghetto areas, Indian reservations, and other demo rat colonies are the source of most of the fake votes for fascist demo rats. The rest is machine and human vote tabulation error.

  5. JR– how long have me/you noted exact voting methods ??? years — going on decades. ???

    PR Condorcet

    elect 5

    10 candidates – voter number votes (sure to have problems) or candidate rank order lists of other candidates

    yes/no APPV for tie-breaker

    all combos of 5 test win – 1 test loser – 4 other lose

    winning 5 would have a voting power equal to final votes – direct and from losers

    simpler — ALL cands *win*–

    have voting powers they each get.

    obvious bit higher nom pets/fiing fees to not have zillion candidates on ballots

  6. @Silas,

    USA ID. A voter has not moved unless they update their address. USA government informs local electoral officials when voter moves. Voting in person by paper ballot counted by hand.




  8. So your plan only works with 666 national id ? There was a reason why SSN cards used to say “not for identification purposes”….anyone remember??

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