Former Congressman Will Hurd Defends the Idea that a New Party Could Win the Presidency

Former Republican Congressman Will Hurd of Texas appeared on Meet the Press on Sunday, July 30. He is seeking the Republican presidential nomination. When asked if he would consider running as the No Labels presidential nominee, he declined to talk about that. But he did defend the No Labels position that a new party presidential nominee could theoretically win the presidency. He pointed out that the president of France and the president of Mexico were both persons who won their first election as the nominee of a new party.

Here is a link to the entire edition of Meet the Press. The interview with Will Hurd begins after about fifteen minutes.


Former Congressman Will Hurd Defends the Idea that a New Party Could Win the Presidency — 34 Comments


    XXXXX is FAKE NEWS and communist ???


  3. Meanwhile, the whole AZ new age / dark age / bad old days / continuous rot / continuous progress / impending apocalypse / nothing new in 6000+ years self contradictory mishmosh remains a nebulous mystery zone. Evidence that AZ “cures” would make things better rather than worse is equally hard to come by. Attempts at clarification are ignored, sidestepped, invite straw men deflection, or are met with condescending accusations, name calling, unsupported assertions, indecipherable gibberish etc.

  4. Benny is correct, meet the depressed is indeed fake news. Thankfully, this is not France or Mexico, and no lubels is not any serious danger of winning the presidency . The most likely scenario is that they’ll waste a bunch of money getting on the ballot in a lot of states and then decide they won’t run anyone again, like their predecessors in 2012. The best case scenario is that what will happen is exactly what the Demon Rats fear: they will decide they can win early next year, nominate a ticket, scramble to remove themselves from the ballot once they realize they can’t,.and still end up pulling enough votes,.mostly at Beijing Biden’s expense, to get the election out of cheating range for the demon rat/CCP/Derp state / fake news cabal, ensuring a massive TRUMP landslide of historic proportions.

  5. “Freep ” is not only communist fake news, it’s also a pay site, making links to it commercial spam. That makes AZ a spammer.

  6. Trump cases will either be dismissed, come to not guilty conclusions, or procedurally delayed and eventually dismissed as moot. Like all the other investigations into, lawsuits against, impeachment of, and fearmongering about Trump by the increasingly desperate derp state – fake news cabal, the point is just to sow confusion and try to gum up the works. Like all the rest of it, it will only fail, backfire, and keep making Trump stronger and stronger until the derpfaker leftist establishment uniparty evil cabal either finally realise there will never be any way for them to beat Trump, or more likely until he decisively crushes them once and for all over the next 5 years. In any case Trump is on the winning side of history and anyone not yet on the Trump train will end up on board, getting out of the way, or getting run over.

  7. AZ is right about one thing, no plea deal for Trump. But probably not for the reasons he thinks. It’s actually because TRUMP doesn’t need any plea deals. He’s innocent, the cases against him are nothing but desperate stink bombs, the 2024 election will be out of cheating range for Demon Rat traitors, Trump will be President again, and the globalist cabal will be crushed . Hide and watch.

  8. There’s one kind of new party that could actually realistically win the presidency, that is, if the leftist cuntry club former GOP establishment somehow wrestled control of the GOP and the nomination away from Trump. Trump could then win as a third party or independent candidate. However, that looks increasingly unlikely as Trump consolidates control of the GOP.

    The no lube bunch don’t appeal to enough real voters to stand any chance. Most of their support is financial and editorial; if dollars or opeds could vote they might have a chance. Real world main street voters, not so much. Cases in point : Bloomberg, mcmuffin, various formerly elected never TRUMP gop pink elephants, Liz Cheney, and various other dead armadillos.

    The demon rats have the even more extreme left effectively neutralized to the point of scattered token opposition, much like various other long term and transitory minor parties. The fake center has much more support in derp state, fink tank, fake news, open ed, wall street and beltway rent seeker and hangers on circles than among any actual large numbers of voters. They may also have support in Mexico, France, China, and various other places with very few US voters . Beijing Biden, Mau Mau Harris, Mayor Skeet, Michael Obama, Crooked Hillary, and anyone else covered with their ever deepening stench is ever more and more unpopular. The republican dwarves running against Trump are cancelling each other out and getting nowhere. It’s more and more obvious that Trump 2024 can’t and won’t be stopped. No matter what the fake news keep insisting, the real new center of American politics is somewhere between Donald Trump Sr. and Donald Trump Jr. Which, incidentally, would be a great 2024 ticket. I can’t think of any better way to own the libs. Imagine the massive fits of apoplexy and autistic screeching as millions of precious little snowflakes melt down in agony, pink vagina hats run for cover, Xi flees for Outer Mongolia, and giant chimpouts of burn loot murder and antifa cuck commies are met with righteous law enforcement response. Globalists will pack for Switzerland, Zelensky will seek refuge in Israel, the derp state will create large hazy clouds around the DC beltway as documents are burn en masse..
    It will be glorious!

  9. The men in white coats were already at AZ house. They determined he’s more trouble than he’s worth, no doubt a loon but no real threat to himself or anyone else, probably not going to make it much longer based on average life expectancy anyway, or possibly that there is in fact no actual carbon based lifeform there, just an artificial ztupidity android programmed by clueless preschool morons from Timbuktu.

  10. The only way that a third party candidate for President could possibly win under the current system is if such a candidate were able to win a sufficient number of votes in a handful of states to deadlock the electoral college and force the election into the House of Representatives in which the state delegations are evenly divided, and such a candidate has a sufficient number of positions that are considered both liberal and conservative, that negotiations for that candidate’s election as a compromise candidate are successful. The chances of that coming to pass are very slim. The closest that we have come to that recently was with Gary Johnson in 2016, but he was unable even to carry his home state of New Mexico, which even by itself was not sufficient to deadlock the electoral college.

    BUT, that does not mean that third party candidates for President are not useful. The most useful thing that third party candidates of all ideological persuasions can do in 2024 is get on the ballot in as many swing states as possible, and flip those states in a variety of ways, which would point to the necessity of changing the method of selecting Presidential electors. Both Gary Johnson and Jill Stein were able to do that in a number of states in 2016, and even Jo Jorgensen was able to flip a few states in 2020.

    This trend needs to continue in 2024, and as many third party candidates of all sorts need to get in the ballots in at least all six of the major swing states: AZ, GA, MI, NV. PA and WI. Good luck to them all.

  11. A REPEAT OF 1860 X 1,000,000 LURKS


  12. There’s actually another way entirely. That would entail spending and polling in approximately parity with the big two, getting in main event debates, doing well in them, and winning a majority of electors . Goofy Johnson and Sloppy Weld were not on the radar at all electorwise at any point .

    Ross Perot was on the first leg of that before he dropped out and then later back in in 1992. That odd set of moves cost him enough support that he didn’t win electors, since his support was not very regionally based. Perhaps it was intentional due to him not actually wanting to be President but rather to make a point and bring certain issues to the forefront. Or maybe he really had a paranoid spasm, or maybe the derp state really did threaten his family. Whatever the case, he went from actually leading in early polls before temporarily withdrawing, which had he not done that could have put him on track to do nationally what Ventura subsequently did on the state level.

    Before that the method Walter Ziobro mentioned was almost successfully implemented by George Wallace in 1968. He ignored the advice of staff to concentrate on winnable border states to campaign in states which were longer shots for him. Had he not ignored their advice it’s quite plausible that the election would have ended up in the house and achieved his campaign objective of playing policy kingmaker and winning substantial concessions from the eventual winner in exchange for support. As it was, he pushed Nixon towards a southern strategy in 1972, but could have had much more impact on that direction had he won a few more mason Dixon “border states” and thrown the election in the house.

    Another way was achieved by Lincoln and the Republicans in 1860. That was due to one of the then major parties collapsing, making way for a new one.

  13. 1860 is not lurking, since neither democrats nor republicans show signs of foreseeable collapse. Negative partisanship keeps them strong .

  14. “1860 is not lurking, since neither democrats nor republicans show signs of foreseeable collapse. Negative partisanship keeps them strong .”

    Yes, but as you say, negative partisanship keeps them strong. I predict that if either major party WERE to collapse, the other would also soon collapse, as the contemporary reason for being of either one of them would cease to exist.

  15. They seem to be fairly evenly balanced in strength. Republicans have picked up support among white working class, including former democrats and nonvoters, and starting to make some inroads among nonwhite working class, especially men. Meanwhile they have shed former support among relatively affluent suburban moderates. Despite this latest realignment neither one is overwhelmingly predominant. They have traded parts of their coalitions several times in the past but continue their mutually dependent parasitic domination of power at the expense of everyone else throughout it all.

  16. IMO, one of the most interesting third parties to emerge is the Solidarity Party. In a sense, they are the mirror image of the Libertarian Party: they are interventionist on both social and economic issues.

    I hope that both the Solidarity and libertarian Parties get their nominees on the ballots in all the key swing states, and that both are able to cover the spread between the Dems and Reps in those states.

  17. Solidarity party is probably still at the hit and miss stage on easiest states , particularly given what I read in another post here today about petition prices doubling during and after the scamdemic. If they have a lot more money than in 2020 I’m not aware of it.

  18. Actually, the best we can hope for is Trump goes into exile in Russia to escape punishment for treason, and Congress passes a bill banning anyone over 75 from running for President. Then we can start over with the two current losers in the rear view mirror.

  19. Gene has no clue what treason means, but that’s typical for commie retards like him.

  20. That’s of course wishful thinking and leftist nonsense Gene, and completely ridiculous. Beijing Biden will may be try that route fleeing to Beijing because he is the actual traitor and commie Xi quisling hand puppet. So Trump will be President again, winning in a massive landslide . The Biden Crime Family will attempt to find space in the Xi convoy to Outer Mongolia as they are ejected from power in Beijing. However, Xi will declare there is no room for white devils in his convoy and the Biden’s will be fed alive to hungry rats, dogs and pigs by angry Chinamen. After that they will be banished to the most torturous ring of hell reserved for traitors to God and country. Meanwhile Trump will make America greater and Whiter than ever while Putin does the same in Europe, together saving European civilization, saving the White race which is the greatest race to walk the earth, and saving Christendom and patriarchy. The forces of darkness, globalism, leftism, derp state, fake news, Soros and Satan will be defeated, Jesus will return and the Kingdom of Heaven inaugurated with Trump and Putin at Jesus side. Hallelujah!

  21. Bill is right! Wow! God rules, Satan drools! Kill a commie for mommy! White Power!

  22. I guess the idea that public schools have dumbed down America is no longer controversial. The comment section here, and everywhere else, provides plenty of evidence.





  24. Thank God no one in my family darkened the door of a government school since reconstruction. We are 100% Christian and homeschooling folk, especially even more now when they took God out of the pubic schools and mixed the races! From my great grandpappy who served with Nathan Bedford Forrest in the Confederate army and the original Knights of the Ku Klux Klan , to my kids and grandkids and their kids and grandkids, not a one of us has gone to the Yankee occupation schools, as we remain proud unreconstructed Kinfolk! If I found one of the younguns was going to a Godless race mixing school them and their parents would be caned, birched and paddled black and blue, I tell you what!

  25. There is a tweak in the electoral college that can give third parties a chance to compete:


    If Libertarians and Greens are able to reach an electoral deal, it could happen.


    Third parties can aim at the heavily duopoly states and say: “we want to make a deal: we wont run any candidates in swing states (for president) or swing districts (for the us house) if you allow us to nominate your electors in the safe states and dont field a nominee for any safe us house districts)

  26. Libertarians and Greens often don’t agree with THEMSELVES within their own parties. It’s unlike that they could form some kind of an electoral coalition with each other.

  27. About the only thing that gets Libertarians and Greens to work with each other is on issues of ballot access.

    The best thing that could happen with both parties in 2024 is that they help each other and support each other to get on the ballot in those key swing states.

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