FEC Publishes Up-to-Date Version of Directory of State Election Offices

The Federal Election Commission publishes “Combined Federal/State Disclosure and Election Directory” every year or so. It is a very useful book for anyone who needs to know how to contact state election officials. It can be seen on-line at www.fec.gov, or the FEC will also postally mail a print copy to anyone who requests one. Technically it isn’t a book; the FEC copies all 145 pages and fastens them together with a clamp.


FEC Publishes Up-to-Date Version of Directory of State Election Offices — 8 Comments

  1. What’s the advantage of wasting tax money printing and mailing physical copies if it is available online? Anyone who really needs one should print it his or her own self or pay a user fee covering printing and mailing costs.

  2. I realize it’s a very small part of government waste of tax money, but it’s still an example why the government should be trusted with as little money as ppossible, particularly as you go up the chain to higher levels of government, with the federal government being the worst. Government at all levels has control of way too many things (otherwise, who would care about state elections officials, especially in other states?) . The only things that other entities couldn’t do better than government are national defense and criminal law enforcement, and even those are debatable. Get as many other things as possible out of government hands, or failing that, to as local a level of government as possible .

  3. They weren’t fake electors. The electors that ended up being accepted were the actual fake electors.

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