Reply Brief Filed in U.S. Supreme Court in New Jersey Ballot Labels Case

On August 23, the New Jersey plantiffs in Mazo v Way, 22-1033, filed this Reply brief in the U.S. Supreme Court. The issue is the New Jersey law that restricts the content of ballot labels for candidates in partisan primaries. The lower courts had upheld the restrictions. The U.S. Supreme Court will consider whether to hear this case in late September, but we may not know if the Court is interested until early October.


Reply Brief Filed in U.S. Supreme Court in New Jersey Ballot Labels Case — 12 Comments

  1. Write-in only voter verifiable ballots. The state ballot monopoly should only print the titles of the offices up for election with space for the voter to write-in their preferred candidate’s name – NOTHING MORE.

  2. Two fake news links.

    AZ admits he hates elections and loves bureaucracy. No wonder he loves Hitler and Stalin and Biden

  3. Did you see MTG’s latest interview with Alex Jones? She’s a fantastic leader and very bright and 100% pro freedom

  4. I agree completely with Rob, Ray, the Amazing MTG, and Dave. Candidate replacement lists …extremely retarded idea. CCPNN, USSR Today, and NY slimes are all fake news links. Voters are mostly moving to Republican leaning states, not swing states. In person standing count voting > write in ballot.

  5. MTG + Alex Jones = winning ticket! But first we need Trump back in office ASAP.

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