Libertarian Party of Maine Voter Registration Drive Reports Great Progress

On a Libertarian National Committee Executive Committee Zoom meeting on Wednesday, September 6, 2023, Libertarian Party of Maine Chair Harrison Kemp reported that the LPME now has about 2,500 registered voters, with another 1,500 voter registration cards about to be turned in to the state for validation. Projecting about an 80% validity rate on those new voter registrations, the LPME would have about 3,700 registered voters, or about 1,300 short of the 5,000 needed to be a recognized political party in Maine.

If the 5,000 figure is achieved, the LPME would become a recognized political party in Maine, which would entitle the LPME to place the Libertarian Party’s 2024 presidential ticket on the ballot in Maine, and make possible for down ticket candidates to get on the ballot with fewer signatures than if the LPME were not a recognized party in Maine.

The LNC’s Executive Committee voted to encumber $7,500 for this voter registration drive, which the LPME Chair thinks will be completed by November 2023.


Libertarian Party of Maine Voter Registration Drive Reports Great Progress — 10 Comments

  1. Cagey answer, but the typical state l.p. with a population the size of Maine can’t raise that kind of money. Who’s the (sugar) daddy?

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