Rasmussen Polling Company Includes Robert F.. Kennedy, Jr., as a Theoretical Independent Candidate

On September 20, Rasmussen Reports, a polling company, released a poll that includes a theoretical independent presidential candidacy by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.  See this story.  The poll says Kennedy would get 25% of the vote in the general election.


Rasmussen Polling Company Includes Robert F.. Kennedy, Jr., as a Theoretical Independent Candidate — 18 Comments

  1. If RFK Jr. runs as an independent it will be bad for the Libertarian Party as he will suck up most of the attention and protest votes and the LP’s presidential vote total could slip back below 1 million votes, possibly significantly below thar threshold.

  2. I would oppose giving RFK Jr. the Liberarian Party’s presidential nomination. I think RFK Jr. is good for a Democrat, and for a mainstream politician, but this does not make him a libertarian. I am of the opinion that a person should be at least a fairly hard-core libertarian in order to be nominated as a candidate by the Libertarian Party, especially for a high profile office, and I do not think RFK Jr. would pass my litmus test to make the cut.

  3. It is nice to see RFK Jr. trying to pull the Democrats back in the direction of sanity. He is the only Democrat I have heard say anything sensible since Tulsi Gabbard, and Tulsi ended up leaving the Democratic Party.

  4. Democrats who want to hedge the bet on Biden should get their slates of Uncommitted Electors ready in as many states as possible. As Uncommitted when elected they can vote for anyone including RFK, Jr.

  5. I would vote and donate $1,000 to him. I still remember standing by the railroad tracks seeing two trains of dead Kennedys go by. It was sad. On the first train I saw Jackie Kennedy standing and waving. Times were good under John Kennedy. They went to church on Sundays, the economy was good, our troops were fighting communists in Vietnam. LBJ was a disaster. I’d take a Kennedy any day over a Trump. Just for ole times sake and I usually vote GOP!!!

  6. Joe Biden will remember that JFK told him to mentor RFK when he was elected to the Senate. Biden will recall that he was only in his second term at the time. He will the remember sniffing Caroline’s hair and inexplicably shout “so good, so good, so good”, before recalling that he used to front the Rolling Stones before Bono joined the band.

  7. I supported RFK Jr. as a potential running mate for President Trump until last week when he proposed banning all fracking. I really like RFK Jr. and it hurts that he did that but that’s a disqualifying position in my view.

  8. Richard, Assuming that he did decide on an indy run, what is the latest that he could start petitioning to theoretically make 50-state access? I.e, how long can he let the Dems screw with him?

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