News Story on West Virginia Lawsuit on Trump Ballot Access

This article describes the legal arguments in Castro v Warner, s.d., 2:23cv-598, the pending West Virginia lawsuit over whether former President Donald Trump should be on the Republican presidential primary ballot in West Virginia.

The article has a picture of Castro.


News Story on West Virginia Lawsuit on Trump Ballot Access — 20 Comments

  1. I work every day with a narcissist. Castro really sounds like one in his complaints, perhaps more than Trump sounds like one.

    Richard, have you considered lumping some of these Castro cases into fewer posts? They sometimes drown out the other posts.

  2. Skipped over latest flood of AZ screaming fake news links and nonsense except to note once again for anyone who doesn’t yet know that Demon rats are way more fascist than GOP, and that AZ knows this because conclusive proof has been posted here countless times.

    Castro and AZ are narcissists. When you’re as great as Trump, it’s hard to be humble, and yet he manages it admirably.

    Porcus, I don’t know what AZ looks like. Not that I would want to. My mental picture of him is Beijing Biden in a mothballed polyester suit and see thru platform shoes with skeletons of goldfish which have been dead for decades floating around in them.

  3. Respect mah obscurity!!! “Plaintiff’s obscurity is not relative and attributable to President Trump–it is absolute.”

  4. Seriously, the Inter-Mountain is one of the few decent rags in the state. They typically cover Phil Hudok’s Constitution Party/ Treaty of Peace stuff. Just came back from the Forest Festival there, Elkins, last weekend. Good town!

  5. Regarding a question posed by AZ above.

    There’s a chance for Republicans in California’s top two primary. It depends on how many Democrats make a somewhat serious run, and how many Republicans. If there are say 4 Democrats and 2 Republicans breaking into double digits it’s even possible that two Republicans could end up being the top two, if the Democratic vote is evenly enough split.


    R 17
    R 16
    D 15
    D 14
    D 12
    D 11

    Top R total 33, Top D total 52, leaving 15 percent for various candidates below 10% each. Most of the 15% could also go to Democrats. Republicans could realistically get in the mid 30S and get BOTH of the top two spots. Realistically, but not likely. They could get one or zero. But 0, 1, or 2 isn’t a function of just which major party is least unpopular in Kalifornia; it’s also a function of the degree to which each party coalesces around a frontrunner or two ahead of the primary.

  6. Check out “California World” on CrowderBits YouTube channel. The fascist left wing automated censor system does not allow a direct link. Left wing fascism is out of control in Californication and online.

  7. I’m zero percent Puerto Rican. I support the Senate and the repeal of the 17th amendment. I like the incremental Max plan for abolishing primaries. Chuck addressed your real world question about California and whether Republicans stood a chance to make it into the top two, not your sick fantasies or weird schemes.

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