
Dennis Kucinich Out as RFK, Jr.’s Campaign Manager — 18 Comments

  1. Look for a libertarian to be the next campaign manager possibly.

  2. I saw Kucinich yesterday. He knows the Kennedy campaign is a big lift. Better left to more energetic and hungry youngsters.

  3. Insiders tell me he got sacked because he would not stop talking about space aliens. He always talked about the UFO he saw outside Shirley MacLaine’s house. He wanted RFK to make space aliens the centerpiece of the campaign.

  4. Edward Brown, for anyone who doesn’t know, is a troll and impersonator. Both Kucinich and Kennedy are married straight men, both on their third marriages, and have kids. Edward Brown is best known for making up lies, posting completely absurd and nonsensical comments, immitating anyone he envies such as AZ, Trump, Jesus, a whale, etc, and having a genocidal hatred of whales due to penis envy. He also may have changed his legal name to Edward Thomas Jones Brown in honor of AZ, who he both envies and hates much like the other objects of his pathetic IMPERSONATION attempts.

    If Edward Brown holds any real honest views, he keeps them well hidden. As far as can be determined he is strictly a moron troll who is here for lulz and lulz only. His trolling and impersonator acts are boring, repetitive, and absolute zero IQ. If not Thomas Jones, the TJ in his name could be Totally Jealous or Totalitarian Jerk***.

  5. @Andy, the Kennedy campaign did a swing through Florida this week. I saw them at their Miami stop.

  6. NEB, lots of married “straight” men with kids are covert gays. The percentage of men who are openly homosexual or bisexual out of those who engage in homosexual behavior and or watch homosexual pornography is tiny. The vast majority of homosexual men have had, and most continue to have, heterosexual partners, including cis female wives and kids. Even “purely” gay men as well as “purely” lesbian women, even the minority who present as stereotypical lisping homosexuals or butch “dykes,” commonly have heterosexual hookups, much as many, perhaps most, supposedly “pure” heterosexuals have homosexual hookups. These can range from anonymous to secret lovers or even double lives and double families.

    Most, maybe even all, people are born bisexual. Bisexual behavior is the norm rather than deviant across a wide variety of animal species, including ones genetically closest to human. Sorting people into homosexual and heterosexual and defining homosexual behavior as deviant is a cultural phenomenon. It persists despite changes in the law, so most homosexual relationships and hookups are still in the closet to this day – I would say the vast majority. The same can be said of heterosexual “straying” by outwardly “pure” homosexuals. It’s often hidden because of disapproval by the lesbian and gay community.

  7. Kennedy is short – Kucinich is shorter & has that winey voice & you can’t see him over the podium. I am short too so totally understand the problem – but how can you be a “spokesman” if you can’t be seen. The lady taking over is apparently taller. End of story. As an aside – while getting my Covid Booster the other day I could swear I saw Kucinich in line waiting for one too & we all know what RFK 2.0 would think of that……




  9. Mr Kraus … Kennedy is 6’2″” tall… since when is that “short”? You expect me to believe that you saw Kucinich getting a booster??? I hope you don’t have an adverse reaction or develop turbo cancer, imbecile. You give yourself away, troll.

  10. Kraus just proved he is a communist and a retard by getting another poison shot. Angela booting his ass was a fantastic move.

  11. Good news from New Zealand as conservatives win and retarded commie party booted out of power. Excellent news from local elections in Bavaria and Hesse earlier this month.

    A very important election is taking place in Poland tomorrow; if the retarded globalist EU commie Tusk coalition wins, the corrupt AshkeNazi khazar khaganate occupying western Ukraine will expand its fascist attack against Christian European civilization into Belarus, further into Russia, and most likely into Bulgaria, Serbia, and maybe even Hungary. Pray for a massive win by Kaczynski, Law and Justice and United Right.

    Millei and Argentinean libertarians are looking good next week. Pray for their success. Jim Jordan needs all our lobbying help as well as prayers to prevail as House Speaker.

    Let’s unite the Right and boycott, sanction, defund, defeat, and abolish the left. We must ensure a victory for Donald Trump and a future for White children! Hail victory!

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