Bennett Book on Discriminatory Election Laws to be Released on October 13, 2009

Professor James Bennett’s new book, “Not Invited to the Party: How the Demopublicans Have Rigged the System and Left Independents Out in the Cold” will be released on October 13, 2009. It is hardcover, 211 pages, and will sell for $24.50.

Professor Bennett is a Professor of Economics at George Mason University and has published at least 18 other books. He wrote an earlier version of “Not Invited to the Party”, which was released a year ago. However, that book was only 141 pages and sold for $99, so it didn’t get the attention that the new version will receive. Last year’s version was “Stifling Political Competition: How Government Has Rigged the System to Benefit Demopublicans and Exclude Third Parties.”


Bennett Book on Discriminatory Election Laws to be Released on October 13, 2009 — 10 Comments

  1. Pingback: Economics professor will release book on discriminatory election laws | Independent Political Report

  2. What a rip Nader’s new book is 733 pages and sells for $17.51 on Amazon. ‘Only the Super-Rich Can Save Us

  3. NO party hack stuff needed.

    P.R. and A.V.

    Too difficult for even genius profs to understand ???

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