No Labels Party Sues Arizona Secretary of State to Block the State From Holding a Primary for Itself

On October 19, the No Labels Party of Arizona filed a federal lawsuit to stop the Secretary of State from holding a primary for it in 2024. No Labels is a qualified party in Arizona, and in Arizona, all qualified parties nominate by primary. No Labels Party v Fontes, 2:23cv-2172. Here is the Complaint. The case is assigned to U.S. District Court Judge John T. Tuchi, an Obama appointee.

The Complaint mentions the Eleventh Circuit precedents that permit parties to block particular candidates from their presidential primaries. But the Eleventh Circuit includes Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. The Complaint does not mention two Ninth Circuit precedents that find political parties do not have the right to block state laws on how qualified parties nominate. Arizona is in the Ninth Circuit. The two cases are Lightfoot v Eu, in which the Ninth Circuit blocked the Libertarian Party of California from nominating candidates by convention; and Alaskan Independence Party v State, which blocked the Alaskan Independence Party from barring a particular candidate for U.S. Senate from its primary.

Arizona No Labels doesn’t want a primary because already two candidates have filed to run in the No Labels primary, for U.S. Senate and Corporation Commissioner. No Labels doesn’t want to have candidates for anything but president.


No Labels Party Sues Arizona Secretary of State to Block the State From Holding a Primary for Itself — 32 Comments

  1. FOR TIME X —



  2. Shouldn’t this be Lightfoot v Eu? It looks like you forgot the v which is short for versus.

    I assume that is Gail Lightfoot.

  3. I’d have to agree with the No Labels party here. In West Virginia, parties that garner 10% or more for their gubernatorial candidate are prohibited from nominating by convention and required to nominate by primary. But parties that get between 1% but under 10% are permitted to do either, and the Mountain Party somehow double dips and does both (Libertarians nominate). Why should electoral performance have anything to do with party administration?

  4. Nazi impersonator troll “boring Goering” Edward Brown puddle can’t keep his pathetic goo to himself, and feels compelled to share his unwanted spurts. Wind farms torture and kill whales.

    stopthesethings dotcom

  5. Possibly. There’s also precedents from Oklahoma Americans Elect trying to nominate Gary Johnson and national prevailing to stop it. And from the recent Michigan trademark infringement by the fake libertarian party. The new standard is that the national parties are in charge of the state parties, as opposed to the previous understanding that state parties could do what they want within the laws of that state.

  6. I am a humble whale who supports Wind Farms. I farm in the Midwest, and go to church regularly. I have often posted scientific rebukes to the fake news notion that Wind Warms harm Whales. They do not.

  7. Edward Brown Pile “scientific rebukes” are as plausible as him being a whale who farms on land. He is a Nazi fake news fraud merchant carrying water for political rent seekers in the dirty wind farm racket which kills whales and birds, rips off taxpayers and destroys the environment. See stopthesethings dotcom for the real facts.

  8. Boring Goering Eddie Brownshirt should just hang it up already. The only thing you’re farming is BS.

  9. Wind Farms don’t just kill whales. They kill Eagles among many other birds.

  10. Who is the person who authorized this lawsuit on the behalf of the party?

    Does AZ NLP have party officers?

  11. 1. Time and time again I have provided links to prove that wind farms don’t harm whales.

  12. Your link was fake news. Fraudulent political rent seeking by crony corporatist Satan worshippers. The real facts are at Stopthesethings Dotcom .

  13. I was listening to KJZZ, the Phoenix public radio station, and they did a story on this that ended by saying that if No Labels has candidates in Arizona, it has to reveal the names of donors who contributed $60,000,000 to the party under AZ law? Is that what the case is really about? “Follow the money”? (Or DON’T follow it.)

    In AZ, you can vote only in the primary of your party, but if you are an independent/unaffiliated voter, you can choose any party’s primary ballot either by mail or at the polling place. (You have to make a choice during each election, so some people sometimes choose a red primary ballot, sometimes a blue one, depending on who they want to vote for/against.)

    If No Labels wins this lawsuit, then the supposedly 15,000 registered voters with their party will not be able to vote in any primary since they are not registered as independent and not Democrats, Republicans or Libertarians or any other party that has a primary. Shouldn’t people be warned: “If you register as No Labels, you can’t vote in any primaries.” Otherwise, isn’t it unfair? Would that be an equal protection issue? (In addition, people in other parties can be candidates but they can’t be candidates unless they leave the party.)

    When people bring up different laws in different states, does that matter? Every state has something different in its election laws, right? Arizona law is just Arizona law. Or is there a federal standard way to nominate candidates?

  14. The case is really about them not wanting to have candidates for any office except President.

  15. I know someone who would be a great No Labels Party candidate for Senator from Arizona. She is not a member of any party but takes some views from Democrats and some from Republicans.

    Her name is Kyrsten Sinema. Why doesn’t she try to run in the No Labels Party? She’d be perfect!

  16. If they didn’t want to be a party, then they should have just nominated their presidential ticket and get on the ballot the way Ross Perot did in 1992, the way Ye did, the way RFK Jr. and Cornel West are trying to do right now? Then they wouldn’t have 15,000 No Labels Party voters/party members who could legally run and vote in Arizona state primaries.

  17. I hate wind farms and make anti-semitic comments because I am a boring old brownshirt.

  18. You mean supports wind farms, but otherwise correct, Edward Boring Goering Brownshirt.

  19. No, my name is I shamefully promote a pornographic, fake news website as all-American, scientific facts. I accuse people of being Nazis if they call me out on my pornographic, fake news, BS.

  20. I confess to being a total idiot who is remarkably bad at trolling. Even I realize that anyone here can go to and see there’s nothing pornographic there, but a wealth of genuine scientific information, as opposed to the paid propaganda of environmentally destructive, tax looting wind farm crony corporate deception and fraud.

    I also confess to being a Nazi driven by hatred and penis envy of whales. That’s why I want to torture them to extinction with wind farms.

    I confess to impersonating whales as well as Jesus, Trump and AZ among others. How sad and disgusting I am. And pathetic and boring and loathsome. I am a sexless dog. There is really nothing to me except failure, envy, and hatred.

    I’m really bad at trolling and lying. I wish I could stop, but I can’t and won’t.

  21. Can anyone help me figure out why I would make up lies about that site being porn? Is it because I want more people to read it? Or fewer? Even I have no idea.

    God, I am so pathetic.

  22. FV, they can’t do it that way because they want to get ballot access in as many states as possible before they decide whether to nominate a candidate. The other method you suggest requires nominating the candidates first and then seeking ballot access.

  23. Also in answer to another question you asked earlier, there’s no federal nominating standard. The complicated mess of state laws that together make that up is the major focus of this site and the associated print newsletter which predated the web.

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