Intruder Climbs Across Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s Home Fence Twice in Same Day

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., is seeking Secret Service protection as a presidential candidate, but so far it has been denied to him, even though it is granted to various other presidential candidates this year. On October 26, an intruder twice invaded Kennedy’s home property, but he was caught both times. See this story.


Intruder Climbs Across Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s Home Fence Twice in Same Day — 4 Comments

  1. I went and saw Nader talk in ’04 for the hell of it when I was at college. I remember he had Secret Service protection.

  2. Why denied??? He’s a major enough candidate and if anyone should have secret service it’s a Kennedy. This sounds like Biden tyranny to me. Maybe they are hoping something bad happens. Disgusting! And I’m not even voting for the guy but this is crap.

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