Orange County Register Covers Hearing in Presidential Qualifications Case

On October 5, U.S. District Court David Carter heard arguments in Santa Ana, California, in one of the presidential qualifications cases. This California case is the one in which Alan Keyes is a plaintiff. Here is a newspaper report from the Orange County Register about the hearing, in which government attorneys argued the case should be dismissed before any discovery takes place.


Orange County Register Covers Hearing in Presidential Qualifications Case — 50 Comments

  1. Where is bill van fraudster?

    He promised “big news” today. Looks like a dud. He promised Obama would be out of office by July 4, 2009. He’s still the President.

    The moral is, if van fraudster promises something, count on the opposite happening.

    These cases are junk lawsuits and are going nowhere. Isn’t it strange that “conservatives” are offended when a patient whose life is ruined by an incompetent doctor sues to get the care he needs to continue his life, yet they wet their pants over the queen of junk lawsuits, Orly Taitz? Isn’t it strange how they think torture and illegal detentions even of US citizens don’t violate the constitution, yet anyone who disagrees with their definition of natural born citizen (which is apparently every judge and legal scholar who fas expressed an opinion) is a traitor?

    This whole birther b.s. is about raising money from suckers on the internet and getting on the talk shows. Nothing more and nothing less…

  2. “natural born” = AT BIRTH allegiance to a regime — a BIG deal in 1787 — due to the various EVIL monarchy – oligarchy regimes then in Europe having *subjects* — i.e. de facto serfs controlled by the then *nobility* ruling class gangs.

    Sorry – NO Prez allowed to be a born FOREIGNER — as C-I-C of the U.S.A. military.

    The question is the nation-state status of Obama due to his father being a BRITISH empire subject/citizen (of Kenya) when Obama was born in 1961 — WHERE EVER Obama was physically born — land, sea, air or outer space.

  3. Okay, Demo Rep, you are subject to British laws, but the rest of us aren’t. Nobody gives a rat’s arse what British law says, just as they don’t observe our laws in Briton. Why is this simple fact so difficult for you birthers to understand?

    The sovereign United States of America has her own laws, which say that anyone who pops out of his or her mother’s womb on U.S. soil is a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN. PERIOD. Even if they pop out outside of U.S. territory, as long as the mother is a citizen, that child is a NATURAL BORN CITITZEN.

  4. Mike Huckabee was a cartoon dog marshall in his youth
    Bobby Jindal was raised by a cell of fundamentalist barbers.
    Newt Gingrich is actually a big, fat, talking newt who bores his prey to death
    John McCain is a bald woman who picks corn in the nude.
    Trent Lott is actually a small piece of a runway from the Mobile Regional Airport.
    Mitt Romney is made out of styrofoam and a plastic laminated hairpiece
    Sarah Palin is actually a brilliant legal scholar whose knowledge of the Constitution is unequaled by contemporaries, an exceptional diplomat with extensive international expertise and experience, a philosopher of incredible depth and wisdom, and a committed environmentalist, but her amazing breasts and shapely bottom keep us from seeing all of that.

    Good God…I’ve become a liberal birther.

  5. Did Obama acquire a right to Kenyan nationality at birth through his father? Perhaps, but that has no bearing on his being a natural born US citizen. Since many countries extend rights of citizenship to children and grandchildren, there are 10s of millions of US-born American citizens who could potentially claim citiozenship in other countries. They are nevertheless, just as American as those whose ancestors arrived on the Mayflower (who were interlopers anyway, just ask the natives who were there to greet them).

    Can anyone point to any single policy of Obama’s that favors Kenya over the US? He ordered the shooting of the Somali pirates despite their ethnic ties to some Kenyan tribes. And what policies towards Britain is Obama following that are any different from those of Bush, Clinton or any US President in the 20th Century? ZERO.

    As for the notion that birth to 2 US citizen parents ensures loyalty, I submit the following names-Aldrich Ames, Robert Hanssen and the Walker family. Maybe Orly Taitz will get to meet them when she goes to jail for suborning perjury.

  6. fundamentalist barbers? LOL!!! Good one Jerrel.

    Hear that whispering wind slowly passing through rubber? That’s the sound of the Birthers balloon deflating.

  7. # 4 Sorry — there is also 14th Amdt, Sec. 1, first sentence (1868) regardless of any earlier stuff.

    All persons born or naturalized in the United States, [[[ and subject to the jurisdiction thereof ]]], are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

    [written to overrule the infamous Dred Scott v Sanford Supremes case (1857) — to make U.S.A. ex-slaves to be U.S.A. citizens]

    Sorry — Foreign folks born in the U.S.A. are NOT **subject to the jurisdiction** of the U.S.A. regime — i.e. the kids of FOREIGN ambassadors, LEGAL tourists, ILLEGAL immigrants, wartime invaders, stateless pirates, sex slave gangs, ship wrecked folks, etc. etc.

    Sorry – TOTAL male dominance in 1866-1868.

    Sorry – the U.S.A. kids born in U.S.A. areas occupied by the Japanese Empire in 1941-1945 were U.S.A. kids and NOT subjects of the Japanese Empire.

    How many captured U.S.A. women were raped by Japanese military folks and had kids during or just after World War II ??? — with special U.S.A. naturalization acts for such kids.

    The MORON party hack Supremes are brain dead on the subject matter — par for the course for them.

    But of course New Age flippant leftwing legal MORONS do not give a rat’s ass about being lawful about anything — about the same as New Age flippant rightwing legal MORONS — about things like the 4th Amdt and legal declarations of war — i.e. the EVIL Bush II regime.

    See the leftwing / rightwing ROT in the Roman Republic in 120 B.C. to 27 B.C. (i.e. many civil wars and tyrants) — when the EVIL super – tyrant Augustus Caesar took over the regime (which still claimed to be a republic).

    How soon before some party hack MORON in Devil City shoots off his/her EVIL mouth and starts Civil WAR II ???

    Count the BILLIONS of ammo rounds in the U.S.A. — U.S.A. Population about 306 million at the moment — including lots of kids and old folks — i.e. lots of ammo rounds for each fighting age folk.

    See the pending 2nd Amdt cases from Chicago in the Supremes.

    I.E. If folks want a Foreign citizen/subject to be Prez (and C-I-C of the U.S.A. military) then get a constitutional amendment. Good luck.

  8. Re: “natural born” = AT BIRTH allegiance to a regime — a BIG deal in 1787 — due to the various EVIL monarchy – oligarchy regimes then in Europe having *subjects* — i.e. de facto serfs controlled by the then *nobility* ruling class gangs.”

    Then why didn’t they say it? I mean it would have been easy for the framers to write into the Constitution “no dual nationals” or “no one who is not a child of US parents.” But they didn’t.

    They just said Natural Born, which at the time under the citizenship laws of the colonies and the early states just meant “born in the country.”

    In other words, it was clear that the framers of the Constitution barred foreigners from being president, and they barred naturalized citizens from being president, but they did not bar American-born children of foreigners from being president, not even if they are dual nationals, or they would have said so.

    This is what the Wall Street Journal comments: “Some birthers imagine that there is a difference between being a “citizen by birth” or a “native citizen” on the one hand and a “natural born” citizen on the other. “Eccentric” is too kind a word for this notion, which is either daft or dishonest. All three terms are identical in meaning.”

  9. Sorry to you DemoRep, but YOU are the “brain-dead MORON”.

    Any person on US soil IS “subject to the jurisdiction thereof”. If you break the law in the US, you can be prosecuted and imprisoned, regardless of whether you are a US citizen, resident alien, illegal alien or legal tourist. If you give birth to a child, it too is “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” and is a US citizen at birth, regardless of any other citizenships it may hold through parentage. The ONLY exception is for foreign ambassadors, who have diplomatic immunity (along with their families) and therefore are not “subject to the jurisdiction thereof”.

  10. Demo Rep –

    Damn straight! Martin Van Buren was the first legitimate president. Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe and even Adams’s sons were EVIL sons of non-American MORONS who were British citizens when their ILLEGAL, MORON FAKE president children were born.

    I get it now.


  11. Not to mention Andrew Jackson, both of whose parents were IRISH, meaning at the time that they were British subjects. And, even though they were naturalized US citizens (we presume, no one has ever seen the proof), British law at the time did not allow British subjects to stop being British subjects just because they were naturalized in a foreign country. So, they were dual nationals.

    It is a good thing that the writers of the Constitution did not bar the children of foreigners from becoming president.

  12. 12 –

    Excellent point! Come to think of it, Poppy Bush lived in so many states, headed up the CIA, was a UN ambassador, and was Chief of the liason office to the People’s Republic of China, for goodness sakes. He and Babs were all over the place. Who knows WHERE “W” was born? Do we have HIS birth certificate, or did it disappear with his military discharge papers?

    Incidentally – I’ve just been given credible evidence that as many as 30 US Republican Senators are actually Mongolian spies here on a mission to over spice the food in restaurants across the length and breadth of this great country of ours, and when the rest of us are busy rehydrating they’re going to take over the Capitol Building in D.C. and turn it into a “combo” Creationist Theme Park/Pan-Asian take out diner.

    Think I’m joking? Then prove that I’m wrong.

  13. By the way – how perfect is it that the plaintiffs in this case are represented by two attorneys named Gary Kreep and Oily Tartz?

  14. #11 – Sorry — special transition language for British subjects who became U.S.A. citizens on 4 July 1776 — i.e. qualified to be a Prez – Washington, Adams, Jefferson, etc. — and their kids living on 4 July 1776 and those born later.

    Who was the last U.S.A. citizen from 4 July 1776 ??? — made it to 4 July 1876 or later ???

    1. Natural born — kids are natural born U.S.A. citizens.

    2. Naturalized (ex-Aliens) — kids are natural born U.S.A. citizens AFTER the naturalization process is complete.

    3. Aliens — kids are aliens.

    Difficult only for the many pre-school legal MORONS on this list – along with the party hack Supremes.

    See also Art. III, Sec. 2 — noting the citizens of a State versus FOREIGN citizens / subjects — for U.S.A. court jurisdiction.

    Sorry – NO mention of any dual nation-state citizenship stuff in the Constitution.

  15. The qualifications for Reps, Sens, Prez and VP.

    Exactly who has *standing* to challenge any candidate for the offices — to prevent UNCONSTITUTIONAL persons holding such offices ???

    Art. I, Sec. 2, para. 2. No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of twenty five Years, and been seven Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen.

    Art. I, Sec. 3, para. 3. No Person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty Years, and been nine Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State for which he shall be chosen.

    Art. II, Sec. 1, para. 5. No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

    12th Amdt. Last sentence — But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States.

    NO qualifications specified for being an appointed party hack Supreme or any other U.S.A. judge.

  16. Demo Rep, by your twisted logic none of us are citizen since at some point, we had ancestors who were born of non-native Americans. If, according to your idiocy, only a native born citizen can bequeath citizenship, it would be impossible to for anyone to ever become a citizen of the United States.

    Think about it. I know thinking makes your head hurt, but try it.

  17. #15 Richard- In order to settle this matter as to whether her name is Orly or Oily, we will need (at a minimum):

    -her birth certificate. No, not that short form thing. The LOOOONG one-minimum 4 pages. Since it’s in Russian, translation must be certified by at least 3 professors of Russian at Ivy League universities (Sorry, no U Cal).

    -Sworn testimony from the entire delivery crew present at her birth

    -DNA from Oily/Orly and all ancestors back 4 generations

    After all, Richard, fair is fair. In fact, I’m wondering how we really know who YOU are….

  18. I don’t claim to know whether Obama is eligible to serve as President or not. His mother’s citizenship, by itself, wouldn’t have made him a citizen of the US if he was born in Mombasa as his grandmother reportedly claims. Every Rep. and Sen. were informed about the depositions filed with Supreme Court by Phil Berg indicating that Obama’s grandmother said she was present at his birth in Mombasa. Yet not one of them raised a point of order or point of information on the day that the Electoral College votes were counted. If Obama is serving as President on some basis other than the Constitution, I think we should know about it. My wife and I had to show more birth info to allow our children to be put on a Little League team than the Republicans and Democrats had to provide to get their Presidential/VP candidates on the ballot in all 50 states.

    I was struck by the way that the government handled the case brought by reservist. They did not court martial him, they rescinded his activation orders. The only reason for that extraordinary approach is to deny the fellow his standing in court.

  19. #19- I see that you are from Maryland. My daughter was born in Maryland and I happen to have her birth certificate in front of me. It has the same information that Obama’s certificate from Hawaii does. She never played Little League, but it was good enough to get her a passport, teaching license, and all other documents she needs.

    So please enlighten us on exactly what you were asked for from Little League, because I hear this from birthers all the time and have never gotten a straight answer.

  20. Re: “if he was born in Mombasa as his grandmother reportedly claims.”

    He wasn’t born in Kenya. His Kenyan grandmother actually said that he was born in Hawaii. This can be clearly heard if you listen to the complete recording of the tape, which is on Berg’s site. The complete recording includes a question asking “Whereabouts was he born?” And her answer was: “America, Hawaii.”

    Here is the complete recording on Berg’s site. Be sure to listen for at least five minutes until the question is asked. (

    If it is too difficult to listen to the complete tape, here is a transcript (

    There have been NO official documents from Kenya (numerous forgeries, however) that say that Obama was born in Kenya, and the only organization to have claimed that there are documents “sealed” in Kenya is WND. Its reports have not been confirmed by anyone. (And it would be easy to confirm because all you have to do is to find out if there are files which area sealed). There are hundreds of journalists in Kenya, and the fact that there were sealed files would be news.

    Moreover, IF a child had been born in Kenya and subsequently came to the USA, there would be US documents showing that the trip took place. That is because if a child were born in Kenya, she or he would have to have either a US visa on a British passport or be issued its own US passport while in Kenya. IF either of those took place, there would still be US records in the US embassy in Kenya and in the US State Department in Washington, and they would have been found by now, and they have NOT been found.

    All the allegations of Obama’s birth abroad were checked out by the McCain campaign, and they found that there were no facts. No facts at all. (

    It is strange to believe that Obama’s mother even left Hawaii during pregnancy. Pregnant women rarely traveled long distances in 1961 because of the fear of stillbirths. Moreover, to travel to Africa in 1961 required a Yellow Fever shot, which is very bad during pregnancy.

    There is NO proof that she left Hawaii before Obama was born. (NO one has even shown that she had a passport.) No proof that she went to Kenya, and no proof that Obama was born there.

    There is an official birth certificate, whose facts were confirmed by two officials in Hawaii, that he was born in Hawaii.

    He provided his birth certificate, the official birth certificate of Hawaii. (

    Obama put it on his web site, and showed the physical document to both Polifact and Factcheck. So, he has shown the physical document.

    The document that he has shown is the OFFICIAL birth certificate of Hawaii. It is accepted by ALL the departments in Hawaii as proof of birth in Hawaii (Yes, including DHHL. I checked, they prefer the original, which some people have, but they accept the Certification as proof of birth in Hawaii) The US State Department and US Military also accept the Certification as proof of birth in Hawaii.

    The facts on the Obama birth certificate, that he was born in Hawaii in 1961, were confirmed by the two officials of the Hawaii government who looked into his file. (

    The Wall Street Journal also notes that it is the official document. It said: “Further, if Congress were to pass the so-called birther bill, Obama would be able to comply easily. The bill would require presidential campaigns to submit “a copy of the candidate’s birth certificate” to the Federal Election Commission. The certificate Obama has released publicly would meet this requirement.”

    Many states now issue only short-form birth certificates. They are legal documents, and when they have the raised seal and signature as required by the US State Department, they are accepted by the State Department. (Obama’s physical document has the seal and signature, as shown in FactCheck’s detailed photograph).

    This is what the Wall Street Journal concludes: “Obama has already provided a legal birth certificate demonstrating that he was born in Hawaii. No one has produced any serious evidence to the contrary. Absent such evidence, it is unreasonable to deny that Obama has met the burden of proof. We know that he was born in Honolulu as surely as we know that Bill Clinton was born in Hope, Ark., or George W. Bush in New Haven, Conn.”

  21. # 18 Look at # 16 and # 17 and see if you can learn anything — along with the many other genius folks incapable of detecting law CLASSIFICATIONS — a major part of what the Supremes do in each of their cases.

  22. Hi Jerry – thanks for asking. The local Little League required us to submit a copy of birth certificate to them. No state required copy of birth certificate as part of ballot access for presidential or vice-presidential candidate.

    As to the certificate from Hawaii, that’s another important matter. Rather than relying upon signature of doctor or midwife or even just the parent(s), Hawaii law allows issuance of such documents on the basis of application from any family member asserting the birth. When you look at the Maryland birth certificate, you know that it is backed up by documentation which includes signature of, in the case of a baby born in a hospital, the attending physician. When you look at the document proferred by Obama campaign, you have no idea who attested to the details. Given the depositions about the grandmother’s claim that she was present when Obama was born in Mombasa, I conclude that there is no prima facie case that Obama is constitutionally eligible to serve as President.

  23. Hi smrstrauss – You bring up many interesting points, and I hope they’re given all due examination and cross-examination in proceedings where folks are sworn in and subject to criminal charges if they commit perjury or obstruction. The notion that the eligibility to serve as President should be delegated to and the like seems silly to me. Your point about McCain raises another important point — he had his own citizenship problem to consider. Perhaps a different candidate would have made Obama’s eligibility an issue in the campaign.

  24. 24 –

    Obama played 15 games of Little League.

    I hope this settles this burning issue.

    23 –

    I’m not going to spend much time worrying about what the Supreme Court has to say until each of the nine justices produce three forms of identification, and all are validated by Glenn Beck or some other universally recognized pillar of truth and justice.

  25. #24-Please show me this deposition. Just for fun, humor me. The only “evidence” is an interview with a step-grandmother (not his grandmother) who states very clearly (listen to the unedited version) that Barack Obama Jr. was born in America. It was his father, Barack Obama Sr. who was born in Mombasa.

    There are 2 possible stories regarding Obama’s birth:
    -his mother gave birth to him in Hawaii where she and her parents lived.
    -she got an emergency passport and spent a lot of money for an 18 year old student and spent days and several plane changes travelling to a 3rd world country with meager medical resources in the middle of an insurrection to give birth surrounded by people she had never met. Then she took the newborn baby and did the return trip. The baby had no passport (even babies need passports) so she would have had to smuggle him into the US as well as various countries en route (ever tried smuggling a baby under your clothes-they tend to cry at the worst possible times). Then she lied in order to get a birth certificate registered that showed him born in Hawaii so he could grow up to be President.

    So if you want me to believe the insanely illogical one, you should have very substantial proof.

    #25- You said “a different candidate would have made Obama’s eligibility an issue in the campaign.” You mean like Hillary?

  26. 27 –

    It’s plausible that Mrs. Obama might have gone to Kenya to take advantage of a maternal mortality rate that’s roughly 65 times higher than that in the United States.

    You skeptic!

  27. Re: Insanely illogical. Very good.
    And what is more, you had to get a Yellow Fever shot to go to Africa in those days, and that is VERY bad during pregnancy.

  28. Re: “The notion that the eligibility to serve as President should be delegated to and the like seems silly to me.”

    He showed the document to both FactCheck and Polifact, and the facts on the document were confirmed twice by the officials in Hawaii, and the notices in the newspapers were sent out by the government of Hawaii for births in Hawaii, and not for births outside of Hawaii.

    Has any other president had anywhere near as much proof that he was born in the USA? No because no other president has even shown a birth certificate.

  29. Re: “Hawaii law allows issuance of such documents on the basis of application from any family member asserting the birth.” This is not true. To issue a birth certificate saying that someone was born in Hawaii, they require proof of birth in Hawaii.

  30. Hi Jerry – That you see only two possible stories reflects more on your lack of imagination than on the data. There’s no need to presume, for example, that eye on future Presidency had anything to do with the events way back when. You’re not the first to make such a silly claim, and I doubt you’ll be the last.

    PDFs of the two affadvits (sorry, not depositions) included in Berg’s Supreme Court filings are available at

    * 10/30/08 Affidavit of Bishop Ron McRae
    * 10/30/08 Affidavit of Reverend Kweli Shuhubia

    There’s also an exhibits document related to these

    * 10/30/08 Exhibits for Affidavit of Bishop Ron McRae

    Your speculation about Hillary is an interesting point. I hope the full story of her campaign’s investigation and calculus in these matters is told someday.

    I was delighted to read today that Judge Carter has scheduled trial date for late January.

  31. Steve- You must have misunderstood (yeah, right!). I didn’t ask for the depositions of Bishop Mcrae or Rev Shuhubia. I asked for the deposition of the actual witness, Sarah Obama. Those affidavits are what is known in the legal profession as “hearsay” and are totally worthless. This “case” has been going for well over a year. Why don’t you guys depose your actual witness?

    So, you actually believe that a pregnant woman would travel from Hawaii to Kenya in the middle of an insurrection to have a baby in a 3rd world hospital? Since you claim to have children, let me ask you what you think your wife would have said if you’d come to her while she was a week or so away from her due date and said, “Honey, what do you say we leave Maryland and go on a little jaunt to Sierra Leone. I’m sure you can find a nice clinic there to give birth in”? Your story regarding Obama’s birth is preposterous and any thinking person can see that. I suspect even you can see it’s whacky.

    As far the case going to trial, your story is a non-story. The judge said on Monday that he will rule on the defense’s motion to dismiss and he has not done so. Here is where things stand
    That “trial date” is just a placeholder on the calendar until he rules on the MTD. Based on what he said in court, the odds of a trial are slim, because there is no case ther and no jurisdiction. But you knew that.

    Perhaps you ought to get out a bit more and not believe everything Alan Keyes tells you.

  32. #30- “Has any other president had anywhere near as much proof that he was born in the USA? No because no other president has even shown a birth certificate.”

    Yes, I think we ought to ask Steve to show the proof for all the previous 43. He can start with Bush and work backwards. A friend of mine spoke to a guy who said that he was present when George W Bush was born in London, England. And the story in the pub was that Barbara went there to have him because George Sr. was born there too and they wanted to keep the Bush family tradition.

  33. Re: “Reverend Kweli Shuhubia”

    And that is a pseudonym. What good is an affidavit from a guy who will not give his real name?

    Re: “Affidavit of Bishop Ron McRae.” This is not an affidavit saying that McRae knows that Obama was born in Kenya. It is an affidavit saying that McRae says that he heard the grandmother say that Obama was born in Kenya. But the grandmother DID NOT say that Obama was born in Kenya. If you listen to the complete tape you can hear her say that Obama was born in Hawaii.

    So there is no evidence that Obama was born in Kenya, but there is legal evidence that he was born in Hawaii, and the official birth certificate was confirmed by the officials in Hawaii, and there is even a witness who recalls being told of his birth at the time (

  34. 34 –

    So…”W” was been born in a London pub, eh? That explains so much.

    Thanks for the information.

  35. If being born on U.S. soil does not confer citizenship (i.e., natural born citizenship) then can one of you birther dimwits please explain why pregnant mothers from around the world go through all the hassle, expense and possible danger of flying to the United States to give birth? It is not for the superior medical care. It’s so that child will be a U.S. citizen. The mother is not a citizen obviously and may not even know anything about this country. All she has is a short-term visitor visa. Yet her child becomes a full-fledged U.S. citizen simply by virtue of being born here. Yes, that child could one day run for president. Yes, that child is legally as American as any of you even if he never sets foot in this country after birth. He can come here, present his birth certificate and avail himself of all the rights and privileges you have.

  36. # 40 The dimwit Supremes have yet to review the legislative history of *natural born* and the first sentence of 14th Amdt, Sec. 1 (added in the Senate in May, 1866) — due to armies of lazy, MORON lawyers.

  37. #41-You seem to believe that nasty names and shouting (capital letters) make it so. They do not. “Natural born” in plain English means “from birth”, as in “a natural born killer” (someone who was a killer from birth) or “a natural born fool” (someone who was a fool from birth). So, there is no mystery at all-“natural born citizen” means one was a citizen from birth. All citizens are either natural born citizens (citizens at birth) or naturalized citizens (acquiring citizenship at a later date). Under the 14th Amendment, anyone born in the US and subject to its jurisdiction-that is anyone born in the US who is not the child of a foreign diplomat with diplomatic immunity-is a citizen from birth, hence a natural born citizen. If you can’t see that simple, plain reality, then I must conclude that you are a natural born fool.

  38. 43 –

    I did! A few times each, in fact. And although I’ve also watched the “Wizard of Oz” at least 40 times in my lifetime, I still don’t believe lions can talk, scarecrows can think, tin men can walk, or that monkeys can fly.

    Fiction is fiction no matter how many times it’s trotted out for public consumption.

    By the way, I’m not like the rest. I will defend to the DEATH your RIGHTS to capitalize wherever and whenever you like, no matter how RIDICULOUS your arguments ARE.

  39. #44 This is the way these birthers are. They go to court with a bunch of silly arguments and no facts; the judge has no choice but to rule against them; then they complain the judge is corrupt.

    Listen up you fools! If we and any sane person disagrees with you, it’s not because we’re not listening, nor because we’re corrupt-it’s because you’re WRONG! And saying something that’s wrong over and over doesn’t make it right!

    Now do you get it???

  40. The party hack Supremes have the final word — until the guns go off – 1775 or 1861 style ???

    For NON-MORONS —

    See Blackstone’s Commentaries — used by the 1776-1787 folks to write constitutions and bills of rights — which are meaningless to New Age STATIST MORONS.

  41. 46 –

    Well, there you have it. Obama is a foreigner and the Supremes pack sidearms.

    You heard it first from Demo Rep.

    Good Lord…what has this country come to? STATIST MORONS!

  42. why were libs so interested in McCains BC to the point we had to have senate hearings to certify him as being fit…but yet they can not understand why people have questions about chairman obama’s bc? Libs like to call these people names and totally ignore the facts regarding comrade obama’s bc?
    comrade obama has something to hide by not releasing the bc. If he had nothing to hide…he would not be using tax payer money to defend a ridiculous lawsuit. He would release the bc and gain all the political capitol that he would get by prooving that these people were crazy.
    Lets see if any libs have the guts to address the questions…

    why does comrade obama’s sister have a hawaiian bc as well as citizenship in indonesia?
    why is it that NO hospital, doctor, nurse or any wittness at all come forward to support comrade obama?
    Why have 2 different colb’s been released…..does that mean one is a fake??

    Hawaii does not even accept the colb for government documentation…their website clearly states this….why is it that America must settle for it then?

    please dont try to bring up as proof that it has been seen. Fatcheck is in no way a government agency and their word counts for squat…they also would not be able to see it because comrade obama is the only one who can see it…all they have seen is the same colb garbage the rest of us have.

  43. Reds –

    I just saw a huge pink elephant fly by my window. Honest I did.

    Prove I didn’t.

  44. Re: “Why does comrade obama’s sister have a hawaiian bc as well as citizenship in indonesia?

    Turns out that she does not and never had a Hawaiian birth certificate. She is now a naturalized US citizen.

    Re: “why is it that NO hospital, doctor, nurse or any wittness at all come forward to support comrade obama?”

    The doctors and nurses may well be dead. If they were in their 40’s in 1961 they would be in their late 80’s now.

    But, there is a witness who recalls being told of the birth and remembering it very well because she wrote about the unusual event of a birth to a woman named Stanley to her father, who was also called Stanley (

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