
Joe Manchin Says He Will “Consider” a Presidential Run — 16 Comments

  1. USSR TODAY IS fake news. Manchin will help Trump win an even bigger landslide victory.

  2. Joe sat to my left in a US Senate debate in 2010. I would gladly help get him on the ballot…. for the going rate fee of course.

  3. One big problem I see with Manchin is his age. At 76 he’s in the same age group as both Triden and Bump. Even RFK,jr is nearly 70. Aren’t there folks out there younger than these fossils?

  4. …and, unlike the West Virginia lawmaker, I’m not in favor of promoting lung disease.

  5. Who needs another Wall Street machination —- another amply-funded organization whose wealthy donors’ identities are cleverly concealed from the American people under a nebulous, non-profit entity?

    Using the “No Labels” moniker, the same people who systematically destroyed the middle and working classes in this country over the past four or five decades, destroying countless lives while obliterating thousands of once-productive communities, small towns and big cities alike, across the American landscape — through unfair trade agreements such as NAFTA, GATT, CAFTA, etc., all of which were designed to reduce the American standard of living.

    In doing so, the financial oligarchy decimated the world’s most productive and prosperous economy in world history, and now wants to come in under the cloak of darkness to save the United States of America. Give me a fucking break.

  6. “One big problem I see with Manchin is his age. At 76 he’s in the same age group as both Triden and Bump. Even RFK,jr is nearly 70. Aren’t there folks out there younger than these fossils?”

    Maybe our Boomer autocrats don’t defenestrate their younger potential rivals, as happens in some places, but they have managed to marginalize them quite effectively.

  7. We can see around the world today that one of the big drawbacks of extending the human lifespan is that autocratic leaders of every sort stay in power long after they would have been gone in earlier eras.

    How long before Prince George succeeds Charles and William?

  8. The Habsburg dynasties of Spain and Austria kept themselves in power for long periods by inbreeding. It didn’t matter that they produced some of the most intellectually enfeebled monarchs that the world has ever seen.

    Today, autocrats don’t need to inbreed. They just get all of the best medical care that modern science can provide to keep in power long after minds have diminished.

  9. In fact, rumor has it that Putin has managed to stay in power even tho he is dead. The ultimate autocratic success story.

    Not that it does Russia any good.

  10. @WZ,

    Maybe Putin is ambidextrous. No reason to assume something sinister or not right. Don’t Russian Orthodox sign themselves opposite of Roman Catholics?

  11. He was a KGB man. He could probably put it on his ear using his lip and tell you the time just fine.

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