Indiana Green Party Files Brief in Seventh Circuit in Ballot Access Case

On November 17, the Indiana Green Party filed its Brief in Indiana Green Party v Sullivan, 23-2756. This is the case that challenges the petition requirements for minor party and independent candidates. No statewide general election petition has succeeded in Indiana since 2000, when Pat Buchanan petitioned as the Reform Party presidential nominee.


Indiana Green Party Files Brief in Seventh Circuit in Ballot Access Case — 6 Comments

  1. Courts have said that a dozen or so candidates makes a crowded ballot. So, that’s an upper limit.

    What about a lower limit? When is the ballot too deserted? It’s about the “mandate” principle. The State’s interest is receiving a mandate of the people. Forget the effect of ballot access on voter turnout… if only one or two candidates are on the ballot, how can you possibly know whether that candidate has the people’s mandate? You can’t distinguish between support for a candidate and opposition against a different one!!! Voting in opposition does not contribute to the mandate.

    Actually, a voting system like we use in the US encourages voting against a candidate, due to the spoiler effect. Meanwhile, Approval Voting does not have this problem. Ranked Choice Voting sort of does but mostly doesn’t. Is Plurality Voting… against our principles?

  2. NOOO mention again of 1954 Brown v Bd of Ed.

    NOOO great emphasis on EQUAL in 14-1 AMDT —

    ie ballot access or even party printed ballots for GOP and other parties and indees in ex-slave States


  3. No voting in opposition under Max Plan. Also no fraud multiplier as with commie rcv and approval schemes. Zero candidates is fine. Standing count by party. Winning party can appoint officeholders after election.

  4. Baloney. AZ = new age Luciferian quackery mixed with politburo gibberish, fake news amplified in the mind of a lunatic, garbage in garbage out, rube Goldberg schemes too ridiculous even for “Polisci” quack nostrum salesmen and ooga booga mau mau bone in nose witch doctors, self parody in an endless loop.

    Max plan = freedom, peace, prosperity, morality, civilization. Opposite of AZ Plan tyranny. AZ Plan would make stone age look like the good old days. Max plan is opposite of tyranny. AZ Big lies about max plan. No monarchy. Oligarchy only one of several balanced elements. Real checks and balances, not the failed attempt we’ve suffered – well intended as it was.

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