Tenth Circuit Refuses to Rehear Wyoming Case Involving “No-Politics” 300 Foot Zone

On November 20, the Tenth Circuit refused to rehear Frank v Lee, 21-8060, the case challenging the “no-politics” zone around polling places in Wyoming. The law forbids petitioning and other free speech activity within 300 feet.

It is likely the plaintiffs will now ask for U.S. Supreme Court review.


Tenth Circuit Refuses to Rehear Wyoming Case Involving “No-Politics” 300 Foot Zone — 8 Comments

  1. No distances in the first amendment is no reason to create all fraudulent snail elections.

  2. Replacement lists are even more retarded than extremely fraud prone snail voting. That’s saying a lot because of how extremely retarded snail voting is, unless you actually want phony pretend elections.

  3. More fake news links from antiTrump moron AZ. Slow counts are bad, but magnifying fraud is worse. Fixing the lesser problem does not help solve the larger. It’s at best rearranging deck chairs on the titanic.

  4. You think AZ cares? He wants to eliminate the Senate and calls small population states gerrymanders (except for other times when he calls them sovereign states. That usually only applies to out of state petitioners though. The rest of the time the states are just imperial provinces).

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