Libertarians Will Have Presidential Primary in Oklahoma in 2024 for the First Time

Oklahoma has been holding presidential primaries starting in 1988, but until now, has never had a presidential primary for any party other than the Democratic and Republican Parties. But in 2024, the Libertarian Party will have a presidential primary, between Jacob Hornberger and Chase Oliver. They each needed to either pay $5,000, or to submit a petition of 1% of the registered Libertarians, in each of the five U.S. House districts. They each needed 203 signatures, and their supporters in Oklahoma obtained those signatures.

Here is a list of all the presidential primary candidates in Oklahoma next year. Thanks to Chris Powell for this news.


Libertarians Will Have Presidential Primary in Oklahoma in 2024 for the First Time — 14 Comments

  1. Congratulations to the Libertarian Party of Oklahoma and to Mr. Oliver and Mr. Hornberger!

  2. well AZ, as of now there is no front-runner for our nomination, and none of those announced have any money worth speaking of.

  3. Candidate fees and petition quotas are censorship of voter choice. Oklahoma prohibits write-in voting. The ballot publishing monopoly of all states should be uncensored without the names of any candidates or parties printed on the state ballot. Voters must have the power to write-in whomever they please for any office on the ballot. The present system is election rigging to entrench the candidates of two parties and suppress all dissenting candidates and parties. U S elections promote fascism and have done so for over 100 years.

  4. However, none of the LP candidates for the nomination has challenged the cult of omnipotent censorship nor does the LNC challenge any state’s ballot censorship. Oklahoma is most deserving of a federal lawsuit to abolish its ballot access censorship of voter choice. So long as voters remain oblivious of the fraud of election censorship alternative candidates will be limited to winning only local elections and banned from winning any federal office. Let’s move up from fascism.

  5. Libertarians will have a presidential primary, but no independent voters will be allowed to vote in it. Libertarians think they win elections just with their partisan voters and only them, or else the elections are not pure or something.

  6. “However, none of the LP candidates for the nomination has challenged the cult of omnipotent censorship ”

    Ha ha Good one.

  7. As the circulator of the candidate petitions, and as a vocal advocate for opening OKLP primaries to unaffiliated voters, I will point out that had OKLP primaries been opened to unaffiliated voters it would have increased the number of signatures necessary to get these candidates on the ballot to 1000 per congressional district for a total of 5000. That simply would not have been achievable. It is also quite unlikely that any of the candidates would have been willing to pay the $5000 filing fee in lieu of the petition. Indeed, no Libertarian presidential candidate did so for 2020, nor did any file by fee this time.

  8. @AZ,

    We should have open ballots so that we can determine how many voters right to vote is abridged.




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