
Story on RFK, Jr.’s Battle to Get on the Ballot Across the Nation — 20 Comments


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  2. Zero ballots 90 days after the announcement of his independent candidacy for President. Not a very good start!

  3. Would be curious as to how they rank all states for priority. As I have previously mentioned, quite a few are actually “low hanging fruit” which could fairly easily be gotten onto early to motivate that alleged team of volunteers. “The Kennedy campaign has divided the state requirements into a tiered system based on whether they require a VP pick, the amount of signatures needed, whether there is a date for when they can begin petitioning and their various deadlines, his press secretary told Axios.”

  4. Dr. Strangelove was fiction. To my knowledge, no one died on the film set or in any stampede in or out of cinemas. AZ might think it was a documentary . On his planet, maybe it was .

    As usual, field Marshal and world’s foremost expert on everything AZ knows best. The people actually doing their jobs, however imperfectly, are lunatics, hacks, trolls, morons, etc, etc.

    Which is why AZ is in the position he’s in, yelling from the nosebleeds at his tv and 1990s vintage desktop, and staying out of the actual lunatic asylum by never to rarely leaving his dank detroit basement / bat cave , wherein he is the guano in chief and joint taskforce commander (joint here possibly referring to cannabis or adjacent to ligaments).

    Only things saving Christian European civilization : Putin, Trump/MAGA, EUROPEAN nationalists (MEGA) winning from Belarus and Hungary to Italy and Holland, Movement Against Illegal Immigrants, Crusade Against Jihad, Orthodox Revival, Dark Enlightenment, Alt White, White Lives Matter, Mises Institute, Ron Paul, South American conservative-libertarian-populist-nationalist movements (Bolsonaro, Milei), bitcoin, Elon Musk.

    When you already have 8 figures on hand for ballot access, planning might be more important than peacemealing state to state in suboptimal weather. The latter is more important for small outfits like the el pee and see Pee which are forced to rely on a small pool of homegrown talent and donors and build donor confidence and skills of new talent in the process.

    With 8 figures already in the bag, a simultaneous multistate shotgun approach with multilayer companies, local bum ripoffs and low validity plus volunteers for margin can make up for a compressed time table. One single state initiative in say Florida or California or Ohio can be more signatures than a presidential campaign needs in 50 states plus DNC, and there are companies which handle multiple initiatives in multiple states at the same time.

    The Kennedyians might me spending more time nailing the contract and waiting for spring weather and summer festivals than they will need for actual signature harvesting. Or, they might have people you never heard of gathering in ways you never thought of and just hadn’t turned anything in to any states, or maybe even states are sitting on them like they are on No Lube autographs for whatever strange reason, like maybe not to give legal challenges sufficient time for injunctive relief before ballot printing or whatever if they hastily disqualify too many genuine autographs.

    Perhaps they’ve hired the legendary knights of the round table given the family connection to Camelot. Or perhaps they don’t yet people to vet the people to vet the people to hire the top layer contractors.

  5. Jack, how might the Max plan solve this, other than by breaking up the No Longer USA into about 3,000 countries? Kennedy could then run for chief peacekeeper of one of the 3k and achieve election night corner status by flying the Kennedy Family Flag at his mansion for a few months before using it to gather and lead his men to the election hall on a procession of white steeds in full armour.

    But what would be the initial step? As I understand it, which is poorly, step 1 of the transitional plan is to try the Max Demonstration Plan somewhere, such as far northeastern Maine or the Archangelsk area or possibly the Unorganized Borough in Alaska. If that is correct, would Kennedy run for chief peacekeeper of the MDP for a one year term or President of the 2999 for a four year term?

    If the first, some other people would still run for President of the 2999, with 2999/3000 or so of the current ballot access problem. If the second, he would be one of those people with that problem.

    The only way I can see the Max Plan solving this issue is if full implementation happened immediately. That’s either not going to happen, will happen somewhere in the 2100s or thereafter, or will follow some catastrophic social breakdown such as a full scale thermonuclear exchange if the global winter hypothesis is erroneous (which it probably is), covid 27, or an extraterrestrial invasion, etc.

    In the meantime, you still have the present problems.

  6. Jeff Becker, did you not answer your own question? If not , I misunderstood the question.

  7. @Scott Kohlhaas

    In some of the states, you can’t start petitioning yet. I don’t remember how many. And I heard that in some other states, the states just sit on the applications for a while.

    @Jeff Becker

    Just below that, they say “tier one” is no VP pick, no elector slate, and can start collecting sigs now. I wonder what the tiers are.

    One other minor factor they might consider is whether a state allows or bans out-of-state circulators.

  8. Adam Cerini, do any states still ban those on presidential petitions? I know some do on initiatives, and some used to to (and still might on the books, but since thrown out in court).

  9. I generally don’t favor passing new laws, other than to repeal old ones. One possible exception : when laws are thrown out in court, they must be automatically removed from the legal code, or a note they are moot due to court ruling should be added.

    Legislators may not take action to actually remove or change the struck law, and it continues to be quoted by election departments, information brokers, campaign proponents / consultants / contractors, even law enforcement officers in some cases. The law speaks louder than the courts.

    Given that printed books of law aren’t the easiest reference any more and it’s much easier to edit reference websites than issue a new printing each time judges vote nay, this shouldn’t be too technically difficult.

    Can anyone translate that into legalese and get a legislator to introduce this somewhere like NH or wherever? Has it already been done anywhere?




  11. Please translate machine language to English. States have their own constitutions. I have not read them. My State’s is very long. It’s easily amended, but amendments can only happen with the permission of the legislature.

    If anyone not AZ can translate into legalese and find a sponsor, lettuce snow. If that last sentence is the actual proposed legalese, cool. I was expecting something longer. In which case just need sponsor. Once introduced in any state, much easier to shop around to more states.

  12. I wonder why they have Georgia in the list of 10 states. Do they not know that starting with the 2016 election Georgia reduced its petition requirement for presidential candidates to 7,500 signatures? There are several states that have more difficult requirements than that that are not in their top ten list.

  13. There are other easy states on there too, Colorado for example (not as easy as it used to be, but still easier than a lot of states).

    I don’t see a unifying theme to the target states. Some are swing states, some the opposite. Some are easy, others hard. Not sure the reasoning.

    Maybe they have active supporter groups and targeted donations there? Airline hubs? Your guess is at least as good as mine.

  14. Colorado now requires 12,000 valid petition signatures to place an independent candidate on the statewide ballot, so it is not as easy as it used to be.

  15. Duh. I already said that. Which again is still easier than a lot of states. I think they might still have another process to qualify a new party which might be easier. I don’t feel like checking right now.

  16. 1k voter reg by Jul 1. But they’d need to do the QPO part by New Years eve, or realistically by Xmas, if not done already.

    Alternatively, there’s 9 parties already with minor party status in CO. They could check whether any of those are amenable to offering up or (selling, if legal) their presidential line.

    1k reg at 2x sig cost = not much her than sig price given validity differences. With sigs you need a lot more margin.

    So, registration is way cheaper. There are downsides to having a party label versus true independent though. All things being equal, independents generally do better than minor parties. Not being weighed down by minor party baggage may be more important than a 4-5 figure cost difference when you have 8 figures at the starting line.

    I forgot to check if QPO is needed for a petition for independent. But that’s their problem, not mine. Maybe getting the QPO done by Christmas is why Colorado is on the top 10 list.

    They’ve probably already done a serious analysis, and there are multiple factors we haven’t mentioned. If they haven’t done it, that’s their problem, not mine. I’m not going to do it for them for free. I doubt they’d hire me to do it even if it’s not already done. I don’t know if I’d even want their money if for whatever odd reason they hadn’t already done their homework and would not find someone they would think is better to do it then me. And even with 8 figures, they couldn’t afford to pay me to do it before Christmas. So any way you look at it it’s a moot point.

  17. Andy, aren’t you supposed to be an expert on this stuff? Did you try to contact the Kennedy people yourself and offer your consulting services, interview them as a video or print journalist, or anything?

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