
Aurora Party Nominates Cornel West for President — 12 Comments

  1. Porcus, nephew, I’m fine. Thank you for asking. And for pointing out my unthinking adoption of groid lexicon. Avoid the groid is generally speaking good advice.

    Nevertheless, I’ll continue to stand firm in admiration of the Aurora Borealis. This is one case where I do care how they do it up north, even if they are leftists who nominated a buffoonish baboon.

  2. You are most welcome, Uncle, and I’m glad you’re OK. IN THE NAME OF JEEZUS, I implore you to extricate sinister leftist and culty Marxist influences from your mind, body, and soul. Remember, God is watching you. He’s keeping a list, and checking it twice. He’s going to know if you were naughty or nice. You don’t want to be on the naughty list on judgement day, do you?

  3. My money is on the PSL candidate in that one. Or WWP. I forget now which of the tiny marxoid cults routinely wins their P line lately.

  4. West has some interesting things on his platform that probably most Americans would like.

  5. No, Porcus, most assuredly I absolutely do not. That’s one lump of coal no one should ever want to receive, and a ticket to a coal mine no one can ever leave.

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