Constitution Party Moves the Dates of its National Convention

The Constitution Party has moved the dates of its presidential convention to April 24-27. Previously the party had expected to hold it April 17-20. It will be in Salt Lake City. Thanks to Charles Deemer for this news.


Constitution Party Moves the Dates of its National Convention — 19 Comments

  1. Was it because they realized April 20 aka
    420 is commonly understood to refer to cannabis aka marijuana and did not want that association with their convocation, or for what other reason? Was the location also rearranged, or only the particular dates in the upcoming April Month?

  2. Is it in the same venue with in SLC, if both the previous and new dates are in SLC?

  3. Probably too late to combine with a ski trip now. Utah has the best snow on Earth – been there in March before, but I don’t know about April.

  4. I think South American snow, up in the Andes, is better. But I guess it’s a matter of personal preference.

  5. They lost 70 percent of their vote totals for president in the last election. They will be out of business in to more elections for president.

  6. I would not count the Constitution Party out just yet. The Constitution Party of North Carolina is so close to getting on the ballot with less than 2,500 signatures left to go before they have a chance to be on the ballot. I just hope the State Board of Elections doesn’t do them dirty like they did with the Greens last year. But knowing their history with the Board of Elections, I’m confident the Constitution Party will be in the right.

  7. I doubt they would want to nominate Trump. I respect them for wanting to put up their own candidates though.

  8. Why not Trump? He’s right up their alley ideologically and a proven winner unlike any of their candidates.

  9. I’ve talked to people about this in the past and they believe that a minor party endorsing a major party candidate is a terrible idea because all it ends up doing is de-legitimizing that third party. Third parties and independents usually run BECAUSE both the democrats and republicans have failed to represent them. The example I think about was what happened during the US Senate race in Arizona in 2022. When Marc Victor dropped out of the race and endorsed Republican Blake Masters, a lot of Libertarians were very unhappy about his decision as he dropped out and endorsed Masters after running as a Libertarian and using up the party’s resources. Now the funny part about this is that Marc actually still got 2% of the vote because he dropped out too late.

    I asked Libertarian Larry Sharpe on his live stream about people wanting the Libertarian Party to support Trump a few months ago and he does not believe that is a good idea at all. He makes a good point in that third parties are needed to make real impact. The Democrats and Republicans haven’t done jack to make impact for actually improving our lives, so “winning” really means everybody who is not establishment loses. And as for why the Constitution Party wouldn’t want to endorse Trump, one issue I found interesting from the NC State Party’s 2023 convention is on the issue of abortion. Despite the overturning of Roe v. Wade, The Constitution party does still see a a difference between them and the GOP. North Carolina (led by the republican state legislature) has passed a 12-week abortion ban, which was a drop from 20 weeks, this year and the Constitution Party discussed their concerns about how this bill does not go far enough to protect life. The Constitution Party does call itself to be 100% Pro-Life. Although he is mostly pro-flie, Trump does believe abortion is okay under some circumstances. I’m sure there are other issues besides abortion that they may disagree with the GOP over.

  10. Trump is not 100% pro life? Hmmm, and who cares? He did say more for the pro life cause than everyone else combined in all of history with his three Supreme Court appointments and many below that.

    And before Trump spoke up, it was considered unspeakable even in the mainstream of the so called pro life movement to discuss PUNISHING the cold hearted mothers hiring or at least physically going to the abortoirs to kill their babies. No, we were all supposed to pretend they were poor confused victims of the abortoirs.

    Now, not only can we talk about punishing these jezebels, harlots, tramps, sluts, thots and rapemeat – we’re actually doing it!

    Roe v Wade is literally in the ash heap of history because of Trump, and you’re complaining because he’s not “100%” pro life? Take that 1% and keep it out of the sun light, because it makes the sun where uncomfortable to shine on something that dumb.

    Besides, abortion isn’t even the most important issue anymore (except to demon rats, who have literally nothing else anymore except how much Trump personally makes them reeeeeee.)

    it’s all about illegal alien invaders now.

    Build the wall.

    Finish the wall.

    Get ’em out.

    Get ’em outta here.

    Deportation Superforce!

    Round em up – toss em out.

    People come into this country in two ways. Either out of a vagina or across a border. Thanks to Trump, more than anyone else alive or in history, the ones coming across a border are a much bigger issue than the ones exiting from a vagina.

    Except for the anchor babies, who are both. In which case, the good old catapult is called for. And who better to roll out the catapults at warp speed than Trump?

  11. Amen!

    And kudos to Marc Victor for endorsing Blake Masters. Boo for waiting too long.

    Imagine how much better our country would be RIGHT NOW with Blake Masters in the Senate, especially as close as the Senate is.

    Cumala Herass might have been spending a lot more time in Europe, or somewhere else besides casting tiebreaker votes in the wrong direction?

    Among so many other things.

    Consider senate committees, appointment confirmations, reconciliation bills, negotiations.

    He’d be one of the best senator’s, like JD Vance and Tommy Tuberville!

    Republicans haven’t done anything to improve our lives? You ungrateful cur!

    Trump made me Republican again. He saved all our lives. He made America great again. He saved America. And he’s about to do it all again, way bigger and better!

    Don’t let utopia be the enemy of Best Actually Possible.

    Especially when the alternative is end of Christian, European based civilization, national surrender through open boarders, White genocide, population replacement, universal cucking, 90%+ global depopulation agenda, prison planet, WWIII with nukes, vassaldom to Xi and Red China, global blended slave race, gender bender blender confusion..

    Shall we go on?

    The very real and quite possibly single term immediate consequences of a second Beijing Biden term.

  12. The constitution party could make themselves actually somewhat relevant, and actually help save the constitution rather than have Hunter Biden roll it up to smoke dope out of, by co nomination of Trump.

  13. Until theres Rank Voting all third parties should be one issue parties.

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