North Carolina State Board of Elections Votes to Allow Former President Donald Trump on Presidential Primary Ballot

On December 19, the North Carolina State Board of Elections voted 4-1 to allow former President Donald Trump to appear on the Republican presidential primary ballot. See this story. The Board has three Democrats and two Republicans.


North Carolina State Board of Elections Votes to Allow Former President Donald Trump on Presidential Primary Ballot — 10 Comments

  1. Colorado will stick out like a sore thumb unless US Supremes waste time on their nonsense in which case Trump will be on the ballot there too. Any way you look at it Trump just keeps getting stronger from every attack he endures. We will

    Make Trump President Again

  2. Notice the upcoming trend now. It has switched from getting on the ballot with more emphasis to getting disqualified from the ballot. Things sure have changed. From a positive to a negative. Ain’t America wonderful?

  3. I occasionally check out this party’s site because I am a firm believer in the Constitution. I like how it functions, I like how it is a bedrock principle, yet includes mechanisms for its own gradual change. I love our Constitution.

    Our Constitution says:

    “No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.”

    Trump and his associates orchestrated an attempt to disrupt our election by creating unfounded doubts about its integrity, by disrupting the counting of our votes by creating slates of fake electors and by impeding the physical transition of the Office of the President to his successor. The Colorado vote was a correct one and it upholds the Constitution. Other states legislatures and courts must follow suit and similarly bar Trump from the ballot.

  4. Aaron Earl, this party, what party? You have it completely backwards. Please extract your cranium from your intestines.

    The integrity of the election was not on doubt; it was thoroughly corrupted and stolen. Even if that wasn’t true, there is nothing illegal or unprecedented, much less insurrectionist, about raising doubts – it’s called free speech.

    Trump did not disrupt the counting of votes. The counting proceeded. We made, unfortunately inadequate, attempts to investigate counting discrepancies and apparent irregularities. It was too little, too late.

    Alternative slates of electors are also not illegal or unprecedented, much less an insurrection. For example, used in Hawaii in 1960. It was part of a legal strategy which did not end up working out, but was nevertheless completely legal.

    Nobody impeded the physical transfer of office. Trump left office on J20 legally and peacefully like every preceding president. You may have that confused with J6, the certification of highly questionable and downright stolen state results in congress.

    It’s true that on J6 a tiny percentage of Trump supporters (not associates) were trapped by false flag operatives into temporarily disrupting the proceedings. There is zero evidence much less proof that Trump orchestrated or approved any of that. On the contrary, he clearly, unambiguously and publicly told supporters to protest vigorously but peacefully and legally; when a few didn’t, publicly asked them to cease and desist ; and ahead of time suggested deploying 10,000 national guard troops to prevent any such thing, which was rejected by Pelosi due to “bad optics”.

    Thus, Trump did nothing whatsoever wrong.

    The tempest in a teapot on J6 was well short of an insurrection. There were no armed forces, no attempt at a coup, no possible way to carry one out, and the only person killed that day was a pro Trump protester. Insurrections are things like the war between the States, which among other things led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of human beings on each side. The American revolution was a a successful insurrection. The Whiskey rebellion was an unsuccessful one, arguably. J6 was a mini riot at most, far less of a breach than the leftist riots throughout 2020, the pro Palestinian riots going on now, etc.

    Even if J6 had been an insurrection, Trump wasn’t there, and the only actual proven evidence is that he warned against it, tried to take measures to prevent it, and called on it to stop when it happened anyway.

    Nothing else you or others have mentioned amounts remotely to an insurrection.

    But if it did, and if in fact Trump was involved – as opposed to reality, where it didn’t and he wasn’t – the “presidential elections” are for delegates to a party convention in the primaries and slates of electors in the general. There’s no scenario under which delegates to a party convention are officers under the united States. If they were, you’d have to examine their individual qualifications, not those of the presidential candidate They are pledged to.

    Whether president is even an officer under the united states is another question legal scholars debate, but I’ll leave that one alone.

    Suffice it to say that for all the other reasons, the Colorado decision was not only wrong but ridiculous. See the separate article discussion of that decision for additional details.

  5. Aaron Earl has no clue. The communist 4-3 bare majority on a 7-0 Colorado (Mexican for red) communist court is not a legislature. No legislature has barred Trump from any ballot. Nor could one legally.

    The 14-3 idiocy is the latest hail Mary pass by the derp state fake news axis of evil against Trump. Like all of their other increasingly desperate rube goldberg schemes and plots to take down Trump over the past 8 years plus, it will backfire on them and only making him stronger. He’s even better than a Teflon Don. It doesn’t just fall off him like water off a ducks back but actually adds to his power.

    Our great orange hope is the people’s champ. Trump gives our people hope.

    We must secure the presidency for Donald Trump and a future for White children!

  6. The forces of evil are like Wiley Coyote, and Trump is like the roadrunner. Beep beep!

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