Texas Supporters of Secession Submit 139,000 Signatures to Place Their Idea on the Republican Primary Ballot

Although Texas does not have the statewide initiative or referendum, it does provide that political party primary ballots may have an initiative process. For the March 2024 Republican primary ballot, approximately 98,000 signatures are needed.

A group in favor of the secession of Texas from the United States recently submitted 139,000 signatures to get their idea on the Republican primary ballot. See this story. The Republican Party has the duty to verify the validity of the signatures.


Texas Supporters of Secession Submit 139,000 Signatures to Place Their Idea on the Republican Primary Ballot — 44 Comments

  1. I think on these petitions if they pass the issue gets added to the Repblican or Democratic party platform.

    I wonder if they did this with all volunteers or if they hired paid signature gatherers. I did hear this was going on and as far.as I know it was an all volunteer signature gathering effort.

  2. I’m guessing volunteer. Why would anybody pay anyone for something with no legal force if it passes?

    Ps paw paw Joe is a poopy head, just like daddy.





    D V R NOW


    SLAVE VS FREE OLDE 1789-1861


  5. Southeast Texas is plenty wet, and AZ is all wet. Parts of California were claimed by the Russian Empire, which had slavery-like serfdom at the time, as recently as 1841; that’s why there’s a Russian Hill in San Francisco, for example.

  6. The Texas Nationalist Movement website is https:tnm.me there is a video about the petition. It is also on their YouTube channel.

    In administering its primary the RPT is a state actor. Upon filing the petition it became a public record. I think if you want a copy they will charge a copy fee.

    The RPT does not necessarily have to verify the petition – they might just count signatures.

    It could go to court for a writ of mandamus to force acceptance or rejection of the petition.

  7. What makes it a state actor? It’s a nonbinding amendment to their own party’s platform if it passes, at most. That doesn’t bind elected Republicans to take any actual actions to further secession. It’s very doubtful any meaningful number would, if any at all. If I’m wrong about that, it will have a lot more to do with real world events than with the passing, defeat at the polls, or signature based disqualifying of the nonbinding resolution.

  8. @White,

    The political parties are administering state law. It has more to do with nomination of candidates, but there is a provision for referendum. Typically the parties put red-meat issues on the ballot: “Tofu should not be served in public schools” that pass with 97% support. This is the first time that I recall an initiated referendum.

  9. You probably wouldn’t be the one to confuse the two, but I know Texas also has referenda which are put on the ballot by the legislature (not autograph harvesters like in California, Florida, and some other states), which can actually have legal force (I don’t know if they have to).

    I seem to remember past instances where there were attempted public policy statement referenda like this in Texas party primaries. I don’t remember any details about what year(s), subject(s), whether they got enough valid signatures, whether they do in fact amend the party platform, or anything else. I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure I’ve heard of at the very least attempts being made.

  10. @Andy,

    Their website was requesting volunteers. It said they would have to be certified. If you have ever circulated in Texas, you know that there are specific requirements such as witnessing signatures, making sure there is sufficient identifying information, getting forms notarized, etc.

    They said they collected 160,000 signatures and discarded 21,000.

    They were also collecting signatures for the Democratic Party. I don’t think they collected enough.

  11. I don’t know about Andy. I circulated in Texas before, but not for this type of petition. I circulated for minor party qualifications, which needed all the things you mentioned. Also independent candidate, which I think did too.

    Another time there was something else about legalizing weed which I think just needed printed names and email addresses and zip codes and did not need notaries or street address or even county or registered voters or from Texas, but the email addresses could not be .mx or any foreign country and the emails had to not bounce or unsubscribe on the first email. I may not remember that right, it was like 20 years ago I think.

    Another time there was something about local liquor laws, but they paid us in booze, so I can’t remember any details because I was pretty much drunk that whole 2 weeks. I think they also promised us cash but didn’t pay. Or maybe they did and I didn’t have any left by the time I sobered up.

    I know for sure different kinds of petition in the same state can have different rules. I’m not sure about Texas in particular.

  12. @White,

    Some cities in Texas have the popular initiative. These date from the Progressive Era. There may have been an effort to add a statewide iniative in Texas, but instead they placed it in the primaries. You don’t want the uppity citizens getting out of hand.

    It used to be part of the Republican platform to have the popular initiative. Since they gained control they seem to have forgotten. It might be part of the Democrat platform now.

    There are typically a dozen or so constitutional amendments on the ballot in odd-year November elections. The legislature only meets in regular session every other year, so they load up the ballot that fall.

  13. It’s categorically a different type of petition from the constitutional amendments you mentioned in your last paragraph, as well as from the popular initiatives in states which gave those, which generally concern things that have actual legal effects.

    Here, we’re only talking about things which at most change a state political party platform, if even that much. Jesse jogged my memory a bit; I now seem to recall that at least one of the things being circulated of this nature in Texas in the past was about legalizing the devil’s lettuce. I still don’t remember if that one or any others were deemed to have sufficient signatures, what year(s) or anything else.

    Like Jesse, I know enough that different types of petitions, even in the same state, can have different rules, and the extent to which those rules are taken seriously or enforced can vary, not just by state and type of petition and year, but literally on a case by case basis.

    As for particulars here, you would know more than I would.

  14. @White,

    Since 1907 there has been a requirement that no party that nominates by primary shall place in its platform any demand for specific legislation unless the demand for that specific legislation had been approved by a majority of votes cast in the preceding primary election.

    The state executive committee could place the demand on the primary ballot, or it could be placed there by initiative petition.

    You may recall that the Terrell Election Law which provided for government-printed ballots and nomination by primary election was passed in 1905.

    In essence all were part of an effort to take political power from the party bosses.

    Constitutional amendments in Texas must be ratified by popular vote. The significant difference from party platforms is that there is no statewide initiative.


    1/2 X 1/2 = 1/4




  16. My grandpappy wasn’t a twinkle in his parents eyes in 1905. I doubt I ever heard of the Terrell law until now. It doesn’t sound like a good law to me from your description of it.

  17. 1888-1917 ELECTION REFORM ERA —




  18. Wilson was a progressive Luciferian pos. Progressive Luciferian election “reforms” are pieces OS.

  19. I looked it up and can’t find if other such initiated primary referenda made it on the ballot before – too many irrelevant search results. I did find articles about this same effort from 2015 and 2021, so either they tried it before or the signatures can be harvested over the course of multiple years.

  20. @White,

    The Terrell Election Law forms the basis for current election laws. The statutes have been reorganized, but the basic structure has not.

    archive.org has a booklet from 1908 that it has digitized. You may want to peruse that before making your judgment about whether you like it or not.

    In any case it is a historical document. It is what it is.

  21. With such a horrible basis, no wonder modernity is an utter mistake. Your description was sufficient; it was very much a move in a bad direction. Government printed ballots and government “primary elections” are both very much the problem. History, certainly, and hopefully on its ash heap sooner rather than later.

  22. @Alien,

    It is possible that there has not been an initiative before.

    The website for the backers had instructions to discard any old petitions. There is no starting date for collection of signatures for primary ballot access, but an old petition would have many stale addresses, and perhaps different wording.

    If someone wanted to challenge a petition those sorts of issues would crop up.

    The backers of the petition had gone to the SREC and asked them to put the proposition on the primary ballot. One of the SREC members suggested that if they had enough signatures that they wouldn’t be asking for the SREC to put the proposition on the ballot.

    So now the RPT will have to validate the petition.

  23. I view aliens much like Pig Farmer does pigs, but only when it comes to the killing part, and I don’t need to profit from it to be worthwhile. Make blasting them as they cross the border legal, and I’m there. I don’t raise and feed them either, at least not by choice.

    Sure, it’s possible. I only remember seeing the effort to collect signatures mentioned in prior years. Not whether it succeeded.

  24. @Alien,

    And no doubt similar to how “White Men Can Trump”.

    Such is the risk of using a slogan for a name.

  25. It’s a fact not a slogan.

    I’ve made the mistake of using my name before. Never again.

    It got me doxxed by commie fascist scum, fired, divorced, working 3 minimum wage mcjobs while getting a business off the ground etc. Something elitists don’t need to worry about since not all opinions are created equal either.

    Now my business and #tradwife are more than making up for those losses.

    Keep calling me an alien in my homeland. It lets me know where you stand and which side you take in the reconquista / great replacement / White genocide / coming race war.

    You probably wouldn’t want to know my business. Or me. Or even my wife. As trad as she is, she’s very well rounded in survival skills. So are my kids, kin, and kountry neighbors and there’s 3 ks for a very good reason there.

    I’m not making any illegal threats and I’m not the courthouse type. Never seen the inside of a courtroom except in leg irons and hope to never see one again.

    But a new day is coming, a new order. Hail the new dawn! All accounts to be settled then; it will be 100% legal but in no way litigious.

    You’ll want to be on the Right side then just like on Judgement Day. Not on the side of the alien invaders or the side that calls me an alien.

    Hail victory ! Cleanse our homeland or die trying!

  26. @White,

    I believe you are acknowledging that the petition is part of a formal process, quite distinct from informal petitions on change.org etc.

    And the RPT is a state actor in administering their primary.

    This does not mean that you necessarily approve of the process.

  27. I’m not disputing what the current laws are, if that bears further belaboring. The laws have what I consider an extremely faulty foundation in Terrell and didn’t build anything good on top. They should not be a state actor in administering their own partisan internal process. But…If wishes were fishes, I wouldn’t need to fish.

  28. As the hangmans noose said on the day of the rope,

    Frayed knot

  29. @WK,

    The Wikipedia article is careless. The 1903 law was not the Terrell Election Law. It might be regarded as a precursor of the 1905 law.

    The 1905 law provides the framework for the election system that is used today. The provision for primary referendum on platform demands has been in statute since 1907.

    It was not until 1923 that the legislature banned blacks voting in the Democratic primaries.

  30. @White,

    The incumbent parties, whether Democrat or Republican, do not see it as interference. They envision themselves as part of the state.

  31. Maybe some of them do? I’m a Republican and I sure don’t see it that way.

    But then I’m a MEGA ULTRA MAGA Republican who has been third party/independent more often than not – American Independent, Libertarian, Reform, Constitution – and could see myself going that route again if the globalist, elitist, rhino, fascist, Luciferian, pedo, uniparty, derp state, cuntry club, covert commie, anti-White, anti-patriarchy, antiChrist former GOP establishment takes the party back from us again.

    I don’t think they will.

    I think the Ron Paul, Tea Party, Trump Train Revolution is just the start of a great Macho Maledom White Power Christian Reactionary Traditionalist Nationalist Revival which will spearhead the GOP to Save America and, together with Putin and nationalist, national conservative, right-libertarian, Christian Nationalist and patriotic parties and movements in all White nations and throughout the world, will save civilization, usher in the second coming of Jesus, and beat the evil forces of Satan and his demons.

    But to make a way too long story short:

    If anything, I’m anti state, and I think most rank and file Republicans are too, as is the new MAGA Republican Ruling Clique.

  32. To make it longer again :

    We’re patriotic nationalists via a vis internationalist, united abominations, globalist demon scum.

    We’re states rights , vis a vis derp state feds.

    We’re local rights vis a vis state.

    We’re individual rights, government governs best which governs least when it comes to any level of government, even local.

    But we reject the atomistic individualist, anti-faith, anti family values, anti blood and soil, antiracialist, antiChrist left libertarian dogma, which only plays into the hands of totalitarian prison planet global government elitist scum by destroying all social institutions which counterbalance totalitarian government encroachment into everything.

    We’re the Gadsden Flag guys.

    We’re the Trump Flag guys.

    We’re the 13 Star American Flag guys.

    We’re the Thin Blue Line Flag guys.

    We’re the Inverted 50 Star Flag guys.

    We’re the Christian Flag guys.

    We’re the State Flag guys.

    We’re the Crossed Out UN Flag Guys

    We’re coming, and we’re going to win and keep winning forever. We’re marching in a giant growing army with God, Jesus, Ron Paul, Alex Jones, Donald Trump, and Vladimir Putin leading the way. We’re winning, and we have tiger blood.

    We’re going to send Satan, sinister leftards, jihaadi jinns, demons and demon rats, commies and fascists and feminazis and greenie weenie gaia gerbils and every type of leftist scum to hell forever.

    Forever and ever, amen! So let it be written, so let it be done!

  33. I hope you’re Confederate Flag and Russian Imperial Flag and German Imperial Flag and St Andrews Cross Flag and St George’s Cross Flag and Celtic Cross Flag and every European Nationalist Flag and White Nationalist Flag guys too!

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