Colorado Voters Who Sued to Keep Donald Trump Off Colorado Ballot File Their Response in U.S. Supreme Court

On January 2, the Colorado voters who sued in state court to keep Donald Trump off the Republican presidential primary ballot filed their response in the U.S. Supreme Court.  See it here.

Generally, when the winners in the court below address the U.S. Supreme Court before the Court has accepted the appeal, the winners in the court below ask the U.S. Supreme Court not to hear the case.  But in this instance, the winners in the court below do want the U.S. Supreme Court to take the case.  They request that the Court decide by January 5 whether to take the case.  And they say that if the Court takes the case, they want the Court to decide the case on or before February 11.


Colorado Voters Who Sued to Keep Donald Trump Off Colorado Ballot File Their Response in U.S. Supreme Court — 34 Comments

  1. “This Court’s settled precedent holds that the Constitution provides no right to confuse voters and clutter the ballot with candidates who are not eligible to hold the office they seek.” Page 3. Colorado Anderson Respondents Brief Final
    The supposition that voters will, on a future election day, be confused by any name they see on a state monopoly ballot is a gratuitous assumption which no court need contemplate.
    Whether a candidate is eligible to hold an office is a matter for voters to decide when casting their ballots. There is no factual basis that state monopoly ballots have ever been “cluttered” with candidates who were ineligible to hold the office they sought. Such claim of ballot cluttering ignores the right of voters in 41 states to write-in any number of candidates for all offices on the ballot and this has never been held to clutter the ballot and disrupt an election. Compounding absurdities indicates a position without legal merit.

  2. I’m guessing they won’t take the case . Whether they do or not, they’ll need to deal with other 14-3 nonsense later. So why bother?

    The vast majority of.states are not interfering with the GOP nomination process with this egregious foolishness. Trump will get the nomination without the two blew states that are trying to make some ultra idiotic point, or GOP will switch to caucus, which we should anyways.

    Then the court can dispose of 14-3 baloney in one fell swoop. As an added side benefit, this site could then return to being just plain old ballot access news, and not as it has recently become 24-7 Trump 14-3 Ballot Access News.

  3. Respondents brief quote by Mr. Robinson above – what settled precedent is that? That’s total nonsense . Lots of ineligible candidates have been on ballots. Some won court cases to be there .

    The claim that voters were confused is disingenuous. Generally , ineligible candidates historically have been people no one seriously thought had any chance of winning, or were dead people that voters wanted to send a message by voting for – in the case of at least some dead incumbents, they actually won. While it’s possible some voters were confused that they were still alive, their deaths were widely reported news and common knowledge.

    It’s more likely that voters who have voted for ineligible candidates knew they were doing so, and did it anyway, either because any eligible candidate they might considering voting for still wouldn’t have won, or on the case of dead politicians, because they’re fine with the replacement mechanism – gov appointment, party committee selection, vacancy, special election, or whatever it was.

    Prima facie evidence of this is that numerous voters in different jurisdictions and years have gone to the trouble of writing in dead folks, people from outide the eligible area, members of other species, fictional characters, ETC .. they were not confused . They were making a point.

  4. The people who are making up these bogus cases against Trump are the ones who are confused. Or, more likely, just desperate and trying to confuse everyone else.

  5. I think they are using the law as a propaganda weapon through Trump to attack the Supreme Court by putting them on the spot to rule in favor of Trump and then jump up and down and yell “FIRE THEM” and stir the Democrats up to win back the House of Representatives to they can choose the next vacant Supreme Court nominee because its driving them crazy that its mostly conservative. Clever tactic.

  6. Not really. They’ll lose, and lose big, anyway. There are several other reasons that would not work

  7. The one letter entity’s Google propaganda is no more worth clicking on than any of the two letter entity’s nonstop fake news vomit.

  8. LOL,

    Nothing exploded, poor propaganda bot. I just don’t click on your google propaganda, any more than I would click on any of the endless stream of fake news propaganda from the other propaganda bot (two letter entity vs your one).

    The stoped brain function, as you admitted already, would be among those who do subject themselves to your Google brainwashing propaganda . That would include you, had you had brain function to start, as opposed to just being a propaganda bot.

    For anyone who does in fact have a functional brain, use a search engine – Google’s biased algorerhythm if you must, or any of a variety of other means – and learn more about gain of function research, fauci, fascism, and related topics. it’s a far better use of time than watching propaganda Google YouTube videos or reading fake news links .

  9. Good points above by White Men Can Trump, Smart Home Information Technology, Pig Farmer, Gen Z Supports Russia, and Stop Fauci. At least some folks here are thinking. As for the propaganda bots, they’re easy enough to scroll past.

  10. Watched the silly propaganda video. Nothing exploded. I got a half a chuckle at the stupidity but ultimately Stop Fauci is right, there are many better uses of time. Hail victory, hail the new dawn… The orange man Trumps on!

  11. Hey guys, I’m the New China virus, way deadlier and worse for humans than my ancestor covid 19. I’ll kill way more of you, way faster, while some if you are being distracted with a way too early silly season for an election which will never happen this year.

    What’s going to happen instead is an open military “emergency” dictatorship, with Governor Biden of the Chinese Province of Usa faithfully serving Comrade Xi to expand the emergency dictatorship introduced under the leadership of our mentor/collaborator (and traitor to your wretched species) Anthony Fauci in the guise of “fighting” my ancestor, who Fauci also helped develop under the wise directives of President Xi.

    This enabled our human collaborators, Xi, Fauci, Biden, and many others to steal your 2020 election, among other things. But that’s all just a preview for the many great things we will accomplish together this year and beyond, while you silly dorks sit mesmerized like deer on headlights by a 2024 election which will get called off.

  12. The globalist establishment, deep state, uniparty swamp got caught with its pants down when Trump won in 2016. They were never going to allow another real election after that.

    In 2020 they pretended to have one just so they could get Trump out and make it look legal. This year, theyre not even going to bother pretending.

    Covid 23 is unfortunately correct. Now that Xi puppet Biden is in office, another “emergency” is all they need. That’s where covid 23 comes in. There have been lots of “exciting” developments in the gain of function research field in the last four years.

  13. It’s a good thing the goyim are so gullible, just like the herd animals we named them after.

    Everything is all set for a prison planet global dictatorship based in Tel Aviv, while we hit you sheeple “thinking” the Protocols were a forgery.

    1984 is coming true. You fools thought it was dystopian fiction. Actually, Orwell was a socialist, and it was an instruction manual. We have always been at war with the Eurasian Union.

    The global dictatorship will be based in Jerusalem. The European Onion, Airstrip One, and Xi in Beijing will be regional administrators. The Mexican drug cartels will be in charge of North America. All races will be forcibly mixed to create a perfect slave race. Children will be taken from parents at birth. Or actually from birth mothers , since there will be no families.

    Welcome to our future. It’s already here, and resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

  14. Jerusalem . I forgot the synagogue of Satan already gained control of Jerusalem, as has been their objective for centuries. Tel Aviv is only their capital on maps made in other countries.

    I forgot to say, drug addicted con man actor Zelenski will be put in charge of Slavic nations.

  15. I don’t share Does It Concern Kids’ , covid 23, and Biden is a traitor’s pessimistic outlook. We got Trump. We got guns, numbers, and Jesus on our side. We’re gonna win!

  16. You mean like this election? Of course! Is that a serious question? Or all time greatest of all time?

  17. He’s for sure better than Sleepy Joe, but if they let me vote id be for Jones Santos.

  18. Trump is the best of all time at everything, including candidacy.

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