Pennsylvania Lawsuit Filed to Bar Congressman Scott Perry from the Republican Primary Ballot on Section Three Grounds

On January 2, a Pennsylvania voter filed a lawsuit in Commonwealth Court to keep Congressman Scott Perry from appearing on the Republican primary ballot.  Perry is running for re-election, and represents the Tenth District, including Harrisburg and York.  The lawsuit says that Perry engaged in insurrection.  Here is the Lawsuit.  Thanks to Political Wire for this news.


Pennsylvania Lawsuit Filed to Bar Congressman Scott Perry from the Republican Primary Ballot on Section Three Grounds — 8 Comments

  1. The communists have always favored a one party dictatorship where those who vote decide nothing and those who count the votes decide everything. In other news, we’ve always been at war with the Eurasian Union.

  2. From what I know about Scott Perry he is one of the better Republicans in Congress. It is not as though I follow him but I looked into him a little bit a few years ago and from what I recall is was better than the average Republican.

  3. Exactly. Which is why demon rats are going after him. They serve Lucifer, so anyone who is better is worse from their twisted perspective

  4. The demon rat theory of insurrection appears to be that merely expressing opinions contrary to their own and bringing up their treasonous election fraud and working hand in hand with America’s enemies to steal the election and install our current Xi puppet in chief is in itself insurrection.

    The traitorous, disloyal demon rat vermin show themselves for the communist scum they actually are behind their fake veneer of democracy with this satanic propaganda of theirs.

    Like totalitarian communists and fascists all over the world, they view disagreement, dissent, and pointing out that 1+1=2, the emperor is naked, and the election was stolen to be insurrection (or as they may say behind closed doors – the peasants are revolting? They certainly are!)

  5. Of course not. Neither has Trump. Perry hasn’t even been charged. According to the Fauscist communist demon craps, even speaking the truth about their stolen election is self evident insurrection, which is self evidently disqualifying insurrection.

    This is why they have to be defeated by any means necessary before we end up in gulags and killing fields. Trump 2024 is literally the last opportunity to save America peacefully. After that, war is the only option left. Our side will win,but for those of you who have never seen the horror of war, please pray that you don’t, as I do.

  6. Communists like one party government?! Shocking !!

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