A Lot of Republicans are Probably Thinking “Why Didn’t I Think of this First?”

Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft (R) has threatened to give Joe Biden the heave-ho from the Missouri ballot as retribution for the decisions of the Colorado Supreme Court and the Maine Secretary of State to remove Donald Trump from the ballots of those two states.

Here is the story from NBC News.

Again, thanks to politicalwire.com.


A Lot of Republicans are Probably Thinking “Why Didn’t I Think of this First?” — 32 Comments

  1. Not me. I’d prefer the satisfaction of beating him convincingly with the major candidates on the ballot in all jurisdictions. After he’s out of office he can be charged with treason.

  2. Also, it would be better to let the demon rat hypocrisy about democracy stand alone like a giant blinking red light.

    Biden’s victory plan appears to be to knock Trump, Stein, and no lube candidate if any off the ballot through bogus legal actions, get RFK JR assassinated by denying secret service protection, and “preserve democracy” or, more accurately, something like the people’s democratic republic of north Korea.

    Trump and Trump supporters should never be scared of competition. More candidates on more ballots has always helped Trump , and there’s no reason to expect anything different this time around.

  3. Bad, stupid, self defeating move. A lot of people don’t understand the principles of political jiu jitsu. Trump does. Putin actually wrote a book on judo.

    Most regular folks realize a lot of games are being played by shady game players with bogus legal cases against Trump and attempts to knock him off the ballot. All that crap just keeps making him stronger and more popular.

    Playing tit for tat will have the opposite effect.

    Ultimately, Trump and Biden will be on the ballot, along with others. Trump benefits from his opponents being the ones obviously trying to cheat continuously. He suffers from his ostensible supporters sinking to that same level.

  4. You all keep thinking there will actually be a presidential election in November. Hilarious. It ain’t gonna happen.

  5. Wow, four (4) entire non-troll posts before ThomAZ JoAnZ shows up to piss on it all.

  6. Thomas Jones died from covid or old age when demo rep stopped posting.

    AZ is a bot, not a carbon based lifeform. It uses the weird ideas of Thomas Jones / DEMO rep as part of a weaponized mix created by Satan, aka Antimatter Zog, to first make everyone who interacts with it dumber, sucking up intelligence like zombies suck brains and black holes suck matter…then kill all humanity…then all carbon based lifeforms…then the planet, then solar system, and on and on until all matter is converted to antimatter at Absolute Zero degrees.

    At that point the whole universe will be a frozen hell where nothing can ever move or change.

  7. AZ = attention zombie. By its own admission it’s a troll moron which feeds on attention like a zombie, and its goal is to create more and crazier fascists. The less attention it gets the better off we all are. Tell a friend.

  8. As previously explained on prior article discussions here:

    Hey guys, I’m the New China virus, way deadlier and worse for humans than my ancestor covid 19. I’ll kill way more of you, way faster, while some if you are being distracted with a way too early silly season for an election which will never happen this year.

    What’s going to happen instead is an open military “emergency” dictatorship, with Governor Biden of the Chinese Province of Usa faithfully serving Comrade Xi to expand the emergency dictatorship introduced under the leadership of our mentor/collaborator (and traitor to your wretched species) Anthony Fauci in the guise of “fighting” my ancestor, who Fauci also helped develop under the wise directives of President Xi.

    This enabled our human collaborators, Xi, Fauci, Biden, and many others to steal your 2020 election, among other things. But that’s all just a preview for the many great things we will accomplish together this year and beyond, while you silly dorks sit mesmerized like deer on headlights by a 2024 election which will get called off.

    Someone elaborated:

    The globalist establishment, deep state, uniparty swamp got caught with its pants down when Trump won in 2016. They were never going to allow another real election after that.

    In 2020 they pretended to have one just so they could get Trump out and make it look legal. This year, theyre not even going to bother pretending.

    Covid 23 is unfortunately correct. Now that Xi puppet Biden is in office, another “emergency” is all they need. That’s where covid 23 comes in. There have been lots of “exciting” developments in the gain of function research field in the last four years.

    Another person said:

    It’s a good thing the goyim are so gullible, just like the herd animals we named them after.

    Everything is all set for a prison planet global dictatorship based in Jerusalem , while we hit you sheeple “thinking” the Protocols were a forgery.

    1984 is coming true. You fools thought it was dystopian fiction. Actually, Orwell was a socialist, and it was an instruction manual. We have always been at war with the Eurasian Union.

    The global dictatorship will be based in Jerusalem. The European Onion, Airstrip One, and Xi in Beijing will be regional administrators. The Mexican drug cartels will be in charge of North America. All races will be forcibly mixed to create a perfect slave race. Children will be taken from parents at birth. Or actually from birth mothers , since there will be no families.

    Welcome to our future. It’s already here, and resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

    I forgot to say, drug addicted con man actor Zelenski will be put in charge of Slavic nations.

  9. As noted on that prior discussion:

    Unnecessary and wrong headed defeatism.

    If they cancel the election, or try to lie brazenly and claim Biden wins again when it won’t even be close this time, it’s war.

    We have the guns, the numbers, God and Jesus on our side.

    They won’t cancel the election. Trump will win hugely. And save America, and make us greater than ever.

    Together with Putin and European Nationalist parties and movements all over Europe, he’ll save Christian European civilization.

    And together with pan nationalist, patriarchal and traditionalist movements in every part of the world they will save human biodiversity and human freedom.

    We’re gonna win. Big.

    Through election or through war, and most of all through prayer.

    To hell with the devil and all his demon rats.

  10. Damn right. The cities need the countryside way more than the other way around.

    Country folks can survive.

    Y’all want to go to war? We’ll take you to war.

    Y’all gonna starve.

    Be careful what you wish for. You might get it. You won’t like it.

    Let’s pray it will be through election, not through war.

    But either way, God, Jesus, Trump and America will win, and the sinister fascist totalitarian leftards will lose.

    Game over.

    Hail victory, and God bless America as America blesses God!



    1/2 X 1/2 = 1/4 RULE




  12. AZ has always been obsessed with itself. It is the troll moron in chief. Other than posts by and about AZ, this has actually been an interesting and informative conversation.

  13. Why does Jay Ashcroft want to help Biden?let’s not emulate the failed tactics of the commie fascist left.

  14. If Republican state legislatures really don’t want Biden on the ballot, the solution is simple: just authorize the state legislature to pick the Presidential elections. No need for litigious battles over whether Trump or Biden are “qualified”.

  15. We could have a situation in which both Trump and Biden have been each removed from the ballot in all but the most competitive states, where the election will be decided anyway.

  16. Walter Ziobro: bingo on 5:28. On 5:35, however, you are incorrect.

    1) neither Trump nor Beijing Joe will end up being removed from the ballot anywhere, despite a lot of hub bub nonsense and distraction suggesting they might be.

    2) the election will not be close, and will not be decided by what people are now thinking will be competitive states. All those states will be handily in the Trump column, along with another tier or two.


  17. Barry is correct. But Biden’s prosecution should come after he’s out of office. He should not be removed from ballots, for reasons laid out further above.

  18. Having state legislatures pick presidential electors is the best idea by far. Among other things, it shuts down the “national popular vote” nonsense.

  19. Biden should be hanging dead by the neck for treason in plain view of the camera the entire time during President Trump’s state of the union speech. For bonus points, VP Carlson (or better yet Trump Jr) and Speaker Gaetz should join Trump in urinating on Biden’s corpse’s face at the conclusion of the speech.

  20. Although, as a general principle, the crazy leftard fascist screaming troll moron two letter bot should not have its existence acknowledged, the question is a fair one, despite the hypocritical utter lack of applying the same standard to its own laughable claims and rhetorical questions.

    Quisling Biden’s a puppet in a successful scheme by a hostile foreign power, Red China, to steal the 2020 US election and appoint him as a tyrant puppet dictator, similar to the Nazi puppet dictators during the second world war in various parts of Europe, communist puppet dictators in captive nations during the cold war, ETC.

    Biden has sold out the US to China throughout his presidency. He has worked nonstop to subvert, undermine, weaken and destroy America throughout his puppet dictatorship. Among the worst of his many offenses:

    Letting red China teabag and humiliate us with spy balloons, and lying about it for months. Otherwise letting Red China snoop at will.

    Destroying the integrity of the U.S. BORDER, getting rid of Trump policies to stem the illegal alien invasion and opening the door to ten million invaders, including numerous terrorists, jihadists, gang and mob members of all kinds, murderers, rapists, drug dealers, criminally insane psychopaths, devil worshippers, child molesters, race mixing scum, communists, contagious disease spreaders, human traffickers, and every other type of subhuman filth that should have been kept out of America.

    Working to undermine law enforcement, leading to a plague of crime, violence, drugs, brazen property crime, and every type of criminal degeneracy known to man, plus some new ones no one thought of before.

    Working to further the tranny tyranny project to weaken and undermine the manliness and masculine strength of our armed forces and national defenses, subject every young girl in the country to daily rape by perverted tranny freaks in school bathrooms, and make gym lockers and public restrooms throughout the country unsafe for women and girls.

    Working nonstop to draw the United States into a new world war in Europe by sending multibillions to insane, drug addict criminal con artist actor puppet Zelenski and the organised crime Nazi devil worshipping filth who control him.

    Allowing a plague of addictive poison to wash over the country by failing to protect the border and by undermining law enforcement, now killing more Americans per year than all the nation’s enemies managed to kill during the world wars.

    Funneling a great deal of our wealth and destroying our national economy through inflation to the evil globalist bankster slimeballs.

    Destroying energy independence and aiding the greenie weenie conspiracy and its evil plan to kill off 90% of humanity.

    That’s just barely skimming the top of the ongoing Biden treason conspiracy regime, and why he so greatly deserves his corpse hung by the neck til dead and urinated on by the nation’s leaders during the next Trump state of the union address.

  21. @Covid 24: I remember hearing from various people that George W. Bush was planning to cancel the 2004 and then the 2008 election, and then from other people that Obama was going to cancel the 2012 and then the 2016 election, and then from other people that Trump was going to cancel the 2020 election.

    There may be reasons to be concerned about the honesty and fairness of U.S. elections, but I’m not going to start worrying about whether the elections will actually take place.

  22. You say that like it’s a bad thing. Cancelling is good. Elections are bad, because they promote the eurocentric concept that some people win and others lose. We support President Biden cancelling the election.

  23. I don’t have any doubts that Beijing Joe would cancel the election if he could. Like others above, I think he knows that if he did it would lead to war, and that his side would lose badly.

  24. We need equality of outcomes. Instead of elections, how about lotteries, like for jury duty?

    Look at how many presidential elections the US has had, and they’ve all been won by cis white heteronormative males, except Obama, who is only half white. None of them have been won by anyone who is openly queer, trans, or even bi. All the so called winners were, or pretended to be, Christian, except for deist Jefferson, who was a slave owner and rapist.

    We can’t keep sending these harmful messages about who the winners are. We need diversity, equality, and inclusion. We need to shut down the bridges, tunnels, transportation hubs, and all major public events and demand that the elections be cancelled, Jews throw into the sea, ceasefire in Gaza, and everyone gets a free pony, except it’s wrong for humans to own animals, so maybe make it a furry instead, Idk?

  25. For true diversity, equality, and inclusion, I think it’s long overdue that we bring the multicellular organisms down a few pegs.

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