No Labels is Considering 13 Candidates for Its Presidential Ticket

Here is the story from The Washington Examiner.

Assuming this is so, it appears that No Labels should not have a problem forming a presidential ticket in the near future. It is unclear how the presidential ticket will be selected, but apparently it will be a private process within the organization.

Thanks to for the heads up!


No Labels is Considering 13 Candidates for Its Presidential Ticket — 8 Comments

  1. The selection method would be the most obscure method of choosing a nominee ever in US history. Even before the convention method was adopted, nominees were chosen by partisan Congressional caucuses.

    There needs to be a more open selection process to assure transparency and build popular support.

  2. And, further, No Labels should endorse candidates for Congress in the event that they win enough electoral votes to deadlock the election.

  3. Last year, No Labels said it would announce the procedure for choosing nominees by the end of 2023, but they did not actually do that, so far at least.

  4. No Labels is in danger of becoming the Freemasons of 2024

    Do they have a secret handshake?

  5. Derp state globalist machinations. They are threatened, so quasi uncloaking .

    “No such agency”

    “There is no mafia”

    “I know nothing”

  6. No Labels saying that they are considering 13 candidates is one thing. Whether any of those candidates is willing to run on the No Labels party ticket is another. No Labels can consider whoever they want but that doesn’t mean that the person will actually be their candidate.

  7. It could also mean they told 13 people they would be considered, regardless of how sincerely or not. Or it could be a made up number. It really doesn’t matter, since who ever they might actually consider, if anyone, may or may not be among this alleged 13.

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