New Arizona Registration Data

The Arizona Secretary of State has released the registration tally as of January 1, 2024.  See it here.  Percentages are:  Republican 34.58%; Democratic 29.55%; Independent and miscellaneous 34.38%; Libertarian .79%; No Labels .63%; Green .06%.

As the October 2023 tally, the percentages had been:  Republican 34.33%; Democratic 29.76%; independent and miscellaneous 34.59%; Libertarian .80%; No Labels .45%; Green .08%.

The January 1 tally of election years determines the number of signatures needed for statewide independent candidates, .3% of the number of registered voters who are not in a qualified party.  We can now know that the 2024 independent requirement will be exactly 42,303.

No Labels registration is growing so rapidly, it seems very likely that it soon will have enough registrations to remain on the ballot into years beyond 2024.  To stay on the ballot a party needs registration of two-thirds of 1% of the state total.  Thanks to Eric Wong for the news about the new tally being released.


New Arizona Registration Data — 14 Comments

  1. 25,000 something people who registered no labels when they meant no party, 24,000 some of whom are only interested in voting in the general election. A few hundred, maybe, that registered no labels party on purpose, most of those to make a statement about the other parties. Maybe a dozen or two if that who actually wanted and expected a no labels party primary.

  2. @NLE,

    25,924 voters who made an positive affirmation that they intended to affiliate with the No Labels Party.

  3. Yes, of whom maybe 1% or less even read the statement, and of those the majority had it explained away, perhaps along the lines of having a California style primary.

  4. Sorry, that’s the petition signers. The unlubed registered voters simply screwed up, with rare exceptions. The same phenomenon can bad observed with the American Independent Party in California, various other parties with variants of independent or something similar in their name, and now No Labels.

  5. Yes, and from then on serving little purpose except to redundantly demonstrate that most people don’t really read what they checkbox and sign. Let’s plan a ticker tape parade!

  6. Independent voters in AZ can vote in a primary of any party, so at least some of these voters will ask for a primary ballot. If the state isn’t going to appeal the ruling, shouldn’t it publicize that NL Party members need to change their registration now if they want to vote in a primary or warn them at the time of registration that they are giving up this right?

  7. Most people who signed the petition did not join the party. Most people who joined the party did not sign the petition. The beliefs of the petition signers are irrelevant to the issue of registered voters not being allowed to vote in any party’s primary.

  8. @FV,

    What percentage of petition signers registered with the party?

    What percentage of voters registered with the party signed the petition?

  9. I bet most of the people registering as No Labels Party have no idea what it is and think that it means non-partisan or independent.

  10. Hi, I downloaded the Arizona voter registration form. It must be outdated since it doesn’t list Libertarians or No Labels, and Arizona might have a web app also. I’m guessing it would say:
    No Labels
    Other ___
    None or No Party

    Each line even has a Spanish translation.

    Not sure if I can post a link to a pdf here.

  11. There is almost certainly near zero overlap between no lube petition signers and no lube registered voters.

    The petition signers were all already registered Arizona voters, at least the ones who counted. They were almost all bamboozled with one deceptive pitch or another by out of state petitioners hired by no lube national.

    The no lube registered voters are mainly people who moved from out of state or became old enough to vote since then, and registered no lube when they meant no party. They almost universally have zero interest in voting in any primary.

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