No Labels California Registration Drive is Half Done

On January 26, the California Secretary of State released a new registration tally, as of January 5.  No Labels has 36,769 registrants in that tally.  It had 25,141 at the previous tally, the October 3, 2023 tally.

It needs approximately 75,000.  The exact number can’t be known now, but the formula is .33% of the total state registraton when the party qualifies.  The deadline is in July 2024.

Because No Labels gained 11,628 during October, November, and December, it is safe to assume that its current registration is probably close to 40,000, accounting for the new registrations it has probably obtained since January 5.  In that event, it is halfway toward becoming a qualified party.  See the new Report of Registration here.


No Labels California Registration Drive is Half Done — 18 Comments

  1. I hope a new report will be released well before the deadline so No Labels and especially We The People can aue how thins are oin.

  2. I heard that the No Labels Party abandoned this voter registration drive in California a few months ago. I know people who have been actively gathering petition signatures in multiple counties in California and nobody I know of is working on No Labels Party voter registrations, and nobody I know of has even seen anyone working on No Labels Party voter registrations since September.

  3. Andy, your statement seems to contradict the data. Or, do you think over ten thousand people took the initiative to register/re-register and manually wrote/typed No Labels?

  4. Andy doesn’t realize there are contractors he hasn’t heard of who find voters in ways he hasn’t thought of.

  5. The company that No Labels Party hired for ballot access has never even worked California before.

    Having said this, I have talked to and communicated online with multiple people who have actively been working petitions in California for most of the last year. I have spoken to people who have worked in and/or are currently working in the counties of San Diego, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, Los Angeles, Kern, Alameda, Contra Costa, Yolo, Sacramento and Placet. California has 58 counties, so those counties are not the entire state, but those counties fo represent a lot of the state, and they do have a lot of the most populated areas in a lot of the state, and NOBODY I have communicated with has seen or heard of anyone working on the No Labels Party voter registration drive since September. I do know people who spotted people working on No Labels Party voter registration between July and September, but NOBODY I know has seen them or even heard anything about them since. This is very bizarre. These are people who are driving around every day going to different places with public foot traffic to gather petition signatures. It is not like they just sit at home or sit in an office all day.

  6. Obviously, they hired someone else since then, and they figured out a way to reach people that doesn’t involve the shotgun approach to foot traffic

  7. The county numbers are bizarre. 99% of NL registrations are in 6 counties. In three of those counties NL registration was flat or declined between October 2023 and January 2024.

    There were huge jumps in San Bernardino and Riverside counties. There was a numerically large increase in Los Angeles County, less so on a percentage basis. The increase in “Other” voters seems to be greater in eastern areas of the county such as Pomona and the San Gabriel Valley (the SOS does not report NL voters below the county level).

    We can conclude that most NL voters were pushed by contractors rather than randomly changing their registration online. We can also conclude that active recruiting stopped in Orange, San Diego, and Kern counties, and probably in some areas of LA County.

    We can probably conclude that Andy may not know contractors working in the Inland Empire or those working there have stealthy techniques that he has not thought of, but that they have been unable to pass on to contractors in other areas of the state.

  8. The Inland Empire goes into Riverside and San Bernardino counties. I have talked to people who have worked in those counties and they have not seen or heard anything about people working No Labels Party there.

  9. I know somebody who has been working petitions in around the San Gabriel Valley in Los Angeles County. This person has not seen or heard of anyone working No Labels Party since September.

  10. @Andy,

    Literally 99% of NL registration is in LA, San Bernardino, Riverside, San Diego, Orange, and Kern counties.

    And _all_ of the increase in NL was in Riverside, San Bernardino, and Los Angeles counties.

    Riverside 721 => 4154
    San Bernardino 1394 => 6316
    Los Angeles 17899 => 21294

    contrast with

    San Diego 2287 => 2055
    Orange 1834 => 1835
    Kern 866 => 788

    When they had contractors using conventional methods before October they were entirely concentrated in Southern California (including Bakersfield). There may have been a tiny bit of leakage to Ventura County which with 80 registrants is NL #7 county – that is they likely caught a few people from Simi Valley, etc. who were shopping or working in LA.

    Santa Clara only had 15 NL registrants, Alameda 31, Contra Costa 21, San Mateo 8, and San Francisco 6.

  11. We do not know what methods their workers are using. The company No Labels Party hired only hires people as employees, which is not the norm in the ballot access business, as most ballot access workers are hired as independent contractors.

    I am going to ask around to my California contacts to see if I cam find out if anyone has seen or heard about No Labels Party workers in California.

  12. You can call or email those nl registrants who left their phone and email in the optional fields to find out.

  13. I asked several of my California contacts if they had any up to date information on the No Labels Party voter registration drive. None of them are working it, because the No Labels Party hired a company from outside of California to manage the voter registration drive who only hire people as employees and not as independent contractors (independent contracting is the norm for paid signature gatherers), and they pay their employees by the hour or by a salary instead of by the signature, and as employees they are not allowed to work on anything other than No Labels Party or the get fired.

    There are and have been petitions paying in California for several months. So I found it odd that I got not reports of anyone seeing people working No Labels Party since around late September or early October.

    Well, it did shut down for a little while apparently, but it started back up.

    The people working it are NOT using any innovate techniques to get people to register with the No Labeles Party. One of my contacts in Fresno County spotted No Labels Party workers in front of two Walmarts asking people to register within the last couple of weeks or so. In Caifornia it is recognized in law that people gathering signatures on petitions or registering people to vote can go anywhere that is open to public foot traffic, including storefronts and shopping centers and malls, so it is quite common to see people gathering signatures on petitions or registering people to vote in front of Walmarts in California.

    I also spoke to one of my contacts in Los Angeles County who saw them not to long ago there, but I am not sure where in Los Angeles County. It was possibly in or around the San Fernando Valley.

    So the mystery is solved.

  14. @Andy,

    Am I correct that you do not have access to e-mail and phone numbers of voters?

  15. Voter registration information is supposedly public information in California, which is how petition contractors get validation databases to check on their subcontractors, etc.

  16. Thus, Andy, or Who ever, could have that access. It may have a use fee attached. The California registration form has optional fields for email and phone number. If that information is stripped out of the database the state makes available or sells publicly, there are companies which sell such appended data which they research through other means and merge with voter registration database data.

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