
No Labels Announces It Plans to Run a 2024 Presidential Ticket — 48 Comments

  1. Lol. Translation: they do not and will not have a suitable candidate. It’s a shakedown by unscrupulous political consultants of gullible billionaire donors, exactly the same as American Select.

  2. It still doesn’t sound like things are going very well. I’ll run for President. I’ll even use my real name. Where do I sign up?

  3. It’s unlikely that you’re what they consider a suitable candidate. They want someone like Manchin or Romney, but showing “a path to actually winning” and, if not, at least hurting rather than helping Trump. Such a mythical creature does not exist. It’s fools gold yet again .

  4. He also said No Labels would be “more public” about its candidate selection process moving forward.

    One thing that could be “more public” is the actual vote count they got. Was it overwhelming, or only narrowly decided?

  5. Jason Palmer

    You would be tied up in courts under the sore loser laws. You can’t put your name on the ballot for one party then jump to another party in the general. Why some say the loser laws don’t apply to Presidential candidates it was used in against Gary Johnson keeping him off the ballot.

  6. @Bobby G: John Anderson ran in some of the Republican primaries in 1980, and later managed to get on the general election ballot that year in all 50 states and DC. He had to sue some of those states to get ballot access, but he did manage to overcome the sore loser laws.

  7. Yes its true John Anderson was able to do it in 1980 but as a result of that incident many more laws were put in the 90’s to block it. Any effort now would likely tie the person in court fighting state by state to get access. In the Gary Johnson case it went to MICHIGAN Supreme court who still blocked him from the ballot. While he attempted to appeal to the supreme court of USA they refused to even hear the case.

  8. IMO, sore loser laws can be evaded by Presidential candidates by running stand-in candidates in states where they apply, and if the stand-in receives any electoral votes, they simply withdraw, and release their electors from their pledges to vote for whomever they want, thus allowing them to vote for the preferred candidate. Of course, releasing electors means that they could vote for anyone, and not just the preferred candidate.

  9. Jones must have dumped Santos from the ticket. Who is the new VP candidate for the Retard Party?

  10. I knew they were previously bluffing and was going to run a candidate. Hearing lunatic Biden giving the State of the Union speech tipped the balance.

  11. I don’t understand why they won’t choose and endorse Kennedy ?

  12. I think we’ve discovered the problem. AZ spends too way much time reading Yahoo News. Walk away from it, Thomas.

  13. Johnny Zohar: I agree with you. They should endorse Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Maybe they will surprise us by doing it. But I doubt it.

  14. Are you people daft? Kennedy is far from their type. In other news:

    * bots don’t wear diapers

    * Mr Jones died with demo rep. Az is a bot.

    *slightly more transparent than zero is still pretty much solidly opaque

    * in addition to Johnson, de la Fuente was kept off presidential ballots with sore loser laws. 1980 precedents were superseded.

    * they are not running a candidate, they’re desperately seeking a unicorn

    * last I read, rumor has it Stock replaced Santos as Jones VP. Jones being dead could be a problem, but probably not. Biden has most likely been deceased for just as long if not longer, as were a not insignificant number of his alleged 2020 voters.

    * the people running this con are smart enough to know by now there won’t be a candidate. They will milk publicity and donors as long as they can. Track record, unity 04, 08, Americans Elect, Bloomberg for President, nevertrumpers fizzled with Egg McMuffin finally having to run himself…if dollars and establishment fake news op eds could vote, they’d have a viable party. In the real world outside the beltway, fake news media, wall street and a very few other such power centers, they have negligible support.

    The bushes, Cheney’s, doles, McCain’s, Romney’s, et al only looked like they had a lot of support when they held a death grip on the rnc. Trump busted up their crooked game. Bloomberg, Manchin, Sinema…also negligible support. It’s just not what real world voters want, no matter how much dying fake news, wall street, military contractors and associated scumbags wish they did. They are dodo birds.

  15. Now there’s a “rumor” they are “considering” a former Georgia Lt Gov. Egg mc muffin level embarrassing.

  16. Remember when they were going to anounce a ticket by a March 5 and not run unless there was a path to victory? This is like a straight to video dumb and dumberererer sequel.



  18. This is a case where there was nothing but rats on board the ship to begin with.

  19. In states that have elector binding laws like were upheld in Chiafalo, there is no way for the candidate to withdraw and thus “release” their electors. A vote for any other candidate will still be invalidated.

  20. Why unfortunately? It was just yet another in a long series of failed schemes to take down Trump by the fake news – derp state – globalist elitist illuminati Luciferian sinister axis of evil. The same folks that Trump ran off from the leadership of the GOP, and they’re still steaming mad about it but can’t do anything because dollars and fake news noise don’t vote.

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