No Labels Now Has Enough Registered Members in Arizona to Remain on the Ballot After 2024

The Arizona Secretary of State has issued a new registration tally. See it here. No Labels Party registration continues to climb, and the party now has enough registered voters to maintain its qualified status, regardless of whether it receives any particular vote, or even if it doesn’t run any candidates in 2024. The law requires two-thirds of 1% of the state registration total for a party to remain on the ballot (as an alternative to a vote test) and No Labels now has enough members. Thanks to Richard Grayson for this news.


No Labels Now Has Enough Registered Members in Arizona to Remain on the Ballot After 2024 — 22 Comments

  1. I would be willing to bet that almost everyone who registered to vote with the the No Labels Party has no idea what the party is and think that they are registering as independent/non-partisan.

  2. Never mind registered voters. It wouldn’t surprise if many of those involved in the group have little idea what they are doing. Are they like Freemasons with special handshakes and secret rituals?

  3. I’m sure it’s mostly paid petitioners doing registrations, but I wonder if they aren’t also snagging some a la “American Independent” who misunderstand it as registering no-party.

  4. There is no paid voter registration drive for the No Labels Party in Arizona. The No Labels Party qualified for the ballot there via petition awhile ago in this cycle. They have no reason to pay for voter registrations there now. They got added to the Aruzona voter registration form and some people are checking that box on their own, likely because they mistakenly think they are registering as independent/non-partisan.

  5. Looking at those numbers in the link is interesting. Party change from OCT. 2023 to March 2024. No LABELS +8,832, Green Party +2,273, Libertarian -1,754, GOP -8,196, Dem -52,439

  6. It’s exactly what Andy said it is. The people who signed to get them on the ballot were just snagged by paid, mostly out of state petitioner who were doing it strictly for the money. 99%+ had and have no interest in creating a party. The people who registered to vote with them just checked a box on the registration by mistake. Again 99%+.

    Walter Ziobro is not far off the mark either, except that unlike the Freemasons, very few people are actually involved with the No Lube Secret Order in any manner.

    The No Lube Secret Order is a highly financially focused organization. It’s very pay to play. To access the initiate stage you must pay thousands in federal reserve “dollar” terms. To be promoted to higher levels costs millions. You also have to take blood oaths and subject yourself to vetting (ie and subject yourself to the threat of public humiliation by offering up compromising personal information as blackmail, etc).

    Unlike the honorable 19th century American Party smeared as “know nothing” by Luciferian scum, both at the time and through distorted history, the No Lube Secret Order is a real Know Nothing Party. (The 19th century American Party actually had a great idea, to preserve our original genetic heritage. But that’s another subject).

    Surprisingly, Ryan Clancy is a real name (or else the tv show I saw him interviewed on didn’t check either). I still wonder if he’s related to Tom Clancy and whatever he was named after his character Jack Ryan (or vice versa).

  7. It’s nice to see the decline in libertarian numbers. They are an enemy of the people.

  8. No lube at heavens gate, interesting. I’d ask how you know all that, but you’d probably say you could tell me, but then you’d have to kill me, or something?

    Antilibertarian, I wouldn’t go that far. I’ve been involved with them a couple of times in the past. They’re a mix of good and bad. In a nutshell, the leftist elements of libertarianism mess it up. Essentially, the Babylon Bee’s take, while humorous, is exactly correct about their ideology:

    Organizationally, there are a lot of other problems which plague all political parties, and third parties especially.

    I’m glad to see the decline in demon rat numbers. They’re the real enemy of the people. (Someone should call an exterminator. I kid, only slightly). Trump and Lake will kick demon rat ass there in November, and this time our team will stop the steal dead in its tracks. Hail victory!




  10. Andy is correct. Once No Labels got on the ballot, the national group has had no one trying to get people to register with the party. If anything, they would discourage it. They went to federal court to prevent any state or congressional candidates from running in a No Labels Party primary and won an injunction that prevents the Secretary of State from accepting signature petitions from No Labels candidates.

    The judge refused to stay the injunction once the state filed an appeal to the Ninth Circuit. Briefs are not due for quite a while, and the state has not asked the Ninth Circuit to stay the district court’s injunction, so the only No Labels candidates who could run in a primary would have to await a favorable ruling from the appellate court coming before the write-in deadline in late June. The deadline for on-ballot candidates to file signatures is in early April, before anything would happen at trial. You can see the docket at Justia for case number 24-563.

    Or you can believe “no lube at Heaven’s Gate.”

  11. The online voter registration for Arizona voters at the website has a drop-down box in which the voter can select a party. It looks like this:
    Party Preference: Select
    Republican Party
    Democratic Party
    Green Party
    Libertarian Party
    No Labels Party
    Other Party
    No Party Preference (Independent)

    Or you can believe what other commenters have said.

  12. Apologies to Mx. No Lube, as I meant you can otherwise believe the Observer who said, “I’m sure it’s mostly paid petitioners doing registrations…”

  13. Fully poisoned, what part of what I said do you not believe? And why not? Nothing I said contradicts anything you said about the court case. That part is all true, and fully in line with what I said as well.

    The online dropdown can easily be screwed up by people who are in a hurry, not highly proficient readers, inebriated, multitasking, distracted, etc, etc. Paper forms for registration are also still used in a lot of states, for example at government offices; I don’t know how much or little they are currently in use in Arizona.

    Yes, the petition drive was mostly by paid petitioners, if by mostly you mean over 99% . That is in fact technically mostly, although virtually all would be more descriptive.

    I don’t know if you are Mexican or nonbinary. I’m not either of those. I’m also not clear on what you’re apologizing for, thus have no way to know whether to accept your apology.

    Troll moron: the native savages did not found the USA, and were not granted citizenship until recently. Our original genetic heritage refers to the men who founded and built this country, and voting should be limited in the ways they originally limited it as well.

  14. No lube at heaven’s gate has described the nefarious secret order accurately.

  15. Mike, you are correct. Thanks for the reminder. My apologies for replying to it.

  16. They didn’t have anyone of the ideology and resume/quality of candidate they want willing to subject themselves to all the substantial downsides of being one, then or now.

    Nothing has changed in this regard since 2012. Or 2016 when McMullin was the best they could do. Or 2020 when Bloomberg fizzled in the primaries after blowing a lot of money. Or 2008 and 2004 when the unity efforts died on the vine.

    What they are pushing is just not what large numbers of voters want. Trump has proved that conclusively in the GOP. Sanders almost did in the DP party, and was only stopped through fraud, much as Trump was in the 2020 general election.

    The dying globalist elite is losing their tenuous hold on power. Trump will almost certainly put them away for good in November. Putin is winning in Ukraine. Musk is bringing free speech back on X. Crypto is back for another run. Nationalist parties are on the rise all over Europe.

    The future is happening, and they don’t have to like it. It’s going to happen anyway. Obviously, they won’t go out without a fight. But. All their schemes will continue to fail, whether it’s no lube or the Trump indictments or whatever they cook up next.

    It’s fun to watch, kinda like their repeat comically bad attempts to assassinate Fidel Castro during his early years in power.

    They’re going down, and it’s a good thing they are. The world will be better off, after some transition pains.

  17. The millionaire consultants are ripping off the billionaire donors. Yes, there are a lot of elite politicians who wish that someone like them would step up and do what No Labels wants. But none of them want to be that person. They would take too much crap from too many people, ranging from random stalkers and haters to friends, family, business partners, hostile media, comedians, etc, etc.

    When they try to do the same thing in the primaries, they fail. See Bloomberg, Hailey, Chris Crusty the Clown, etc, etc. People aren’t buying what they’re selling anymore. Their product is past its expiration date.

    Crooked Hillary and Dementia Joe are their last toehold. The 2016 loss shocked them, thus the 2020 steal.

    The spectacular failure of Dementia Joe’s administration ensures that won’t work again. He’s the least popular incumbent seeking another term since Herbert Hoover, along with being the most obviously incapacitated president since the end of Woodrow Wilson’s second term.

    His VP is somehow even less popular than he is, but can’t be shoved aside because of the special interest group identity politics in the double penetration party. They are toast.

    Even the minorities and young people are fed up with them. At the same time, they’re too beholden to their left flank for the tastes of the people behind No Lube, even if not nearly enough for the tastes of their left flank or the groups they are trying to hold on to and turn out in November.

    The Trump wing is consolidating control of the GOP, and contrary to MSM wishful thinking, we’re not a cult of personality. Trump is just the beginning.

  18. No lube is and will continue to be a shell game. If they come up with something similar after this year, it won’t work out any better for them.

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