No Labels Releases Some Details of Decision-Making Process

On March 14, No Labels said that it has formed a “Country Over Party Committee” that will recommend a presidential and a vice-presidential ticket. Then the party’s approximately 800 delegates will be asked if they approve of the ticket. The ticket only needs a majority vote to be launched.

The nominating committee coulc conceivably recommend a ticket as early as March 21, according to No Labels leader Joe Lieberman.


No Labels Releases Some Details of Decision-Making Process — 30 Comments

  1. Just getting here first before crAZy posts anything stupid about 1954 BROWN V BD OF ED or an unrelated yahoo link.

  2. I think that this group is mainly interested in functioning as a testing organization to do the work of everyone else to see how many people are dissatisfied with two major parties.

  3. Jesse’s fixing to triangulate off Bob Jr.’s Veep mention to get the No Labels prez nod.

  4. It might be more interesting for the nominating committee to offer several candidates for consideration, and have the delegates use elimination voting, such as is used in Libertarian national conventions.

  5. @ Walter the delegates are just a rubber stamp. The decision is made by secret No Lube Secret Order full members in secret behind closed doors.

    No Lube Secret Order full members pay million$ for their membership, take blood oaths, have compromising information on themselves in the hands of the order for blackmail, etc. The 800 are initiates who pay thousand$ and have about as much input in the decision as the chairs they sit in while issuing their rubber stamp approvals or the toilet tissue the full members use to wipe themselves off with.

    The identity of the 800 is of no importance. They may as well be bots like the AZ thing above. They are what’s called NPCs (non player characters) in video games.

  6. IMO, it would serve their purposes better if they actually gave the impression of choice. If the delegates, whoever they are, just vote the selected nominees up or down, it looks too programmed.

    Will they even publish the up or down votes?

  7. Obviously, site management is not going to ban the AZ bot. If they were going to do it they would have long since done it by now. Just scroll past and ignore it. You’ll be doing yourself and everyone else reading a favor if you do.

  8. It looks programmed because it is programmed. There’s only so much the no lube secret order can do to make it look otherwise. They’re already doing what they can in that regard.

    Anything more would give people who are not on videotape having sex with goats, or whatever, too much free will to make choices other than the ones their masters make for them. Their masters have too much money and reputation at stake (possibly jail or even their lives or family’s lives, depending on how exactly the blackmail works) to take those kinds of risks.

    The rubber stamp is the best they can do, so they’re going with it. It is what it is. Their competence exists mainly in works of fiction and people’s imagination

    . Remember, these are the folks who kept trying and failing to kill Fidel Castro with things like exploding cigars in the 1960s. You can see in present time how well thought out and successful all their other schemes to take out Trump, from the Russian collusion hoax to the present day, have been. They haven’t gotten any better at it since the Bay of Pigs.

  9. So, basically, it’s an f troop, keystone kops, Watergate bunglers type of operation. Got it. Exactly what I thought.

  10. These tools and fools are no match for Donald Trump, Roger Stone and Steve Bannon. They’re playing checkers against 9-D chess masters. It’s actually sorta funny to watch, although a bit too predictable.

  11. You can fool most of the people most of the time. PT Barnum had it down to a science a long time ago, and he was far from the first.

    Their only real goal is helping Xi Jingping, the CCP, and assorted conspirators pull a miracle out of the toilet and get senile dementia puppet Biden another 4 years of weekend at Bernie’s.

    It’s not their first choice, but there’s just no popular support for people like Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney etc, and starting a new party/non party won’t manufacture something out of nothing.

  12. The illuminati new world order is collapsing. Thank God. When they have to resort to schemes this comically bad, you know their end is near. Praise Jesus!

  13. The derp state Luciferian illuminati got too used to winning too easily with fake news and controlling “both” major parties. Trump blew up their game. Now they don’t know what to do.

    Thank the Lord, right in time to save our civilization from illegal alien invasion, satanic race mixing, and evil globalist schemes for 90% plus world depopulation under the phony excuse of imaginary global warming, stopping Putin, and whatever other BS these scumbags pull out of Satan’s anus.

    See Trump Run.
    See Trump Win.
    Win, Trump, Win!

  14. I’m done supporting the Jones for President campaign.

    First up I painted and putted up a big Jones-Santos sign. That was ok because I was super proud we have retards just like me running for president even though they don’t let me vote on account I still ain’t paid the fines and court cost even though they done let me out the Florida State Penitentiary and all.

    Plus my wife done putted up a big ole Hillary Clinton sign while I was up there at Florida State and the neighbors kept shooting holes in it. And then she done left it up on account it didn’t fit in the truck with her and the kids and my dog and all our stuff she took to her mama’s and them while I was up there.

    So anyway I done painted and put up the big Jones Santos sign and then they say it’s Stock and not Santos now. Well I done used up all the paint I had and I ain’t got a lot of money so I tried to steal some paint so I could fix the sign and got caught.

    So now I done just now got out of jail for that paint thing and I still ain’t got no paint to fix the sign and it still says Jones Santos instead of Jones Stock.

    At least it’s not that mean ole witch Hillary and the neighbors ain’t shooting at it and sending live rounds in the general direction of my trailer and surroundings when they miss.

    But I ain’t supporting them no more and I wouldn’t even vote for them if the tooth fairy paid my court fees and restored my voting rights tomorrow.

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