James Carville Thinks Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Candidacy Could Help President Joe Biden

On March 28, James Carville, famous long-time Democratic Party strategist, said the Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., campaign might be helpful to President Joe Biden.  See this story.


James Carville Thinks Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Candidacy Could Help President Joe Biden — 28 Comments

  1. Biden hurts Kennedy more than Trump does. Kennedy hurts Biden more than he hurts Trump. Trump hurts Biden more than he hurts Kennedy.

  2. He must have vote for Kennedy in the primary, although Kennedy withdrew from the primary maybe he wasn’t actually removed from the ballot, or maybe it was a write in.

  3. It’s not a mystery. Polls are done with and without Kennedy. Trump’s lead over Biden grows when Kennedy is mentioned by name.

  4. He does? I thought he is one. He said he’d vote for Hitler and KKK. Then again he said he’d vote for communists too, I think.

  5. Trump being elected is. Which is what will happen; Trump will win. However, this fellow votes in either Maryland or West Virginia.

    If there’s any chance Maryland might go for Trump, the overall election is well in hand and the Kingdom of Heaven is nigh. If there’s any chance West Virginia would go for Biden – there’s none, but if there was – we’re already sunk. Welcome to hell.

    So, it doesn’t matter whether or how he votes in the general election, much less if he wants to make some oddball statement by voting in the primaries for a candidate who dropped out of the primaries to run as an independent / turd party guy.

  6. CP fan on March 29, 2024 at 4:14 pm said:
    Hey “Bigdaddyluvs”,

    Why do you hate White people?

    Because White people have let this country go to sh*t and are going to give it up without a fight.

  7. Nope. I’m the real Donald J. Trump! I hate white people and have a small pencil.

  8. Other than me being Trump, which is obviously wishful thinking, the rest is true.

  9. Why do these discussions devolve into jr high recess?
    The real issue is who of the minor parties and independents will successfully gain sufficient ballot access in this hostile electoral environment controlled by the duopolists, who’ve already made clear their intentions to try to interfere and challenge.
    The Dems have already funded 3 groups and at least one of them has in the past shown itself not above dirty tricks.

  10. 1. Again, I have no interest in pretending to be anyone.

    2. It is nice to see a major Democratic strategist not blaming things on an Independent or a third-party candidate. Now, if only we could get him to support and advocate ranked choice voting publicly.

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