Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Holds a Press Conference to Present Polling Data that He Would Defeat Donald Trump if President Biden Were to Drop Out

On May 1, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., held a press conference in New York city and presented polling data that if the presidential election were between former President Donald Trump and Kennedy, with no Democrat in the race, that Kennedy would win.  See this story.


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Holds a Press Conference to Present Polling Data that He Would Defeat Donald Trump if President Biden Were to Drop Out — 60 Comments

  1. I just saw him on Jesse Waters. Great stuff. You should post a video clip if you find it.

  2. Biden needs to drop out for the good of this country. We can’t afford to split the Kennedy vote over a geriatric, highly unpopular one term presidents delusional need to hang on to power, which he will lose regardless. It’s time for Joe to go. He can still lick all the ice cream he wants while Kennedy or Trump fixes his mess.

  3. Biden is like Taft all over again . Trump is like TR. President Kennedy will be a lot like Woody Wilson.

  4. I think it’s ok that Biden is splitting the Kennedy vote, since I’m a Trump supporter, but if I was on the left, I’d be mad at “genocide Joe” too.

  5. Wrong.

    Biden = lbj / Humphrey

    Kennedy = Wallace

    Trump = Nixon, winner.

  6. No, you’re wrong

    Trump = Grover Cleveland who was elected in 1884 and 1892
    In 1888, Harrison (Biden) beat Cleveland

    In 1892, Cleveland (Trump) beat Harrison (Biden)
    Kennedy = populist James Weaver 1892

  7. I agree with RR. In 1888, Harrison won thanks to notoriously fraudulent voting in the swing states of the time – New York and Indiana. Very similar to Biden in 2020. In 1892, Cleveland managed to beat the cheat, like Trump in 2024

  8. It’s a mix of 1892 and 1912. 1892 because returning champ Trump will win, 1912 because Biden will come on 3rd, behind Kennedy.

  9. The Politico author made two interesting points, which is that New York has one of the highest petition requirements in the nation, and that a mid-October withdrawal by Biden would be too late due to early voting.

    I’m not sure about Kennedy’s data, but wouldn’t that be unfortunate if the worst loser in a three-way match could nonetheless beat either opponent in a one-on-one?

    If you think Biden has impaired cogniitive control, why would you think he has political control?

  10. Adam – thinking has nothing to do with it, facts are facts. Biden has no control. He can’t control his bowels, he can’t remember anything, he can’t stop sniffing children and licking ice cream. His mind is gone. He reads pause out loud when he reads from the teleprompter. When he has to not fall asleep for the state of the Union, he gets pumped full of so much meth that his eyes bulge out and he screams like a banshee or like the crypt keeper got really mad at somebody.

    Biden is a puppet. His whole administration is a puppet dictatorship installed by Red China, and he personally is a puppet of his handlers and adrenochrome suppliers. He’s their obedient figurehead, picked because he used to be somebody. Failing upwards writ big guy.

  11. The poll looks pretty solid btw. 3 way dynamic under fptp can get interesting. Perot in 1992 was indeed the best recent parallel. The incumbent was defeated, which will happen again this year.

  12. You’re suggesting someone else has a chance to win? Otherwise , which American president or leading contender was not a stooge?

  13. China’s notoriously geritocratic, so it should not be too surprising that they handpicked a geritocratic hand puppet as their quisling dictator of the incipient 20th province of China – Usa.

  14. Trump and Kennedy are not malicious or wilfully evil. Only Beijing Joe is.

  15. Kennedy could win. Perot was on track to win until he dropped out. He was polling above Bush and Clinton until he dropped out. He shed a lot of his support by the time he dropped back in.

    It wasn’t the typical third party dropoff as the election gets close, which happens due to the wasted vote/spoiler narrative. That happens because supporters of a 3+ candidate get hammered with the notion their candidate can’t win and they’re just helping elect the binary candidate they like least. But that doesn’t apply when a third plus candidate polls competitively and the perception of being unable to win doesn’t apply. Then it’s a different dynamic, like Ventura for governor..groundswell rather than collapse as the election gets close and closer.

    So Kennedy is not the Perot dynamic exactly. Perot started out polling above Bush and Clinton before temporarily dropping out for several months. It’s more like Ventura for governor. Ventura did not start out competitive, he was well behind but not the obscure 1 or 2%. Kind of like Kennedy right now.

    So, Kennedy path to victory is much like Ventura. He builds his percentage over the course of the next 6 months. First he debates Trump , because Biden will find an excuse to skip – Kennedy being there likely being that excuse. Trump Kennedy debates elevate Kennedy to major top 3 candidate, seen more as an equal to Trump and Biden competition rather than potential spoiler.

    At the same time. Biden is diminished by skipping the debates. If he doesn’t skip, it’s even worse for him, because his decrepit cognitive decline by that point can’t be masked by any amount of meth and adrenochrome.

    How well Kennedy does at this point – first he has to hold his own debating Trump. If he makes it over that hump, his ads and social media have to be effective. I think he’s capable of all that.

    Next, he has to chip away at Biden and Trump support. A lot of that support is soft. It’s not really Biden or Trump support, it’s Biden or Trump opposition. There are very few people who truly support Biden. They oppose Trump. As soon as they see Kennedy as winnable – crooked Joe loses their support.

    Trump has a lot more actual support, but a lot of his support is soft too – it’s people who say no to mo Beijing Joe, and only reluctantly support Trump for no other reason than they don’t see any other way to remove the traitor Biden. When Kennedy actually being elected starts looking plausible, the Haley voter and Trump leaning independent becomes up for grabs – Trump and Kennedy have to duke it out for those voters. That’s where the election winner is determined – most likely TRUMP, but it could be Kennedy. Biden comes in 3rd.

    Biden and Trump, Biden especially, are vulnerable because of all the soft supporters who support them only because each one is not the other. There are more of those than for major party nominees ever before. A strong third candidate has a huge opening, given money, name recognition, media coverage, a base of grassroots support and debate inclusion.

  16. That ran long. I’ll try to sum up: the election could come down to Trump vs Kennedy, Biden in 3rd place. Trump probably wins , but Kennedy could win.

    People who don’t see this as a plausible scenario ignore the dynamics of a campaign over the next 6 months. They are the election frozen in time with current polls and minor variation. Given a third candidate and lots of soft support for the current top two, lots of dynamic change over those six months is highly possible, unlike id this were a 2 way race.

    For details see preceding comment.

  17. Ok, that’s cool. I can dig it. Trump wins, Kennedy comes in second, crooked Joe comes in 3rd. First sitting President to come in 3rd since Taft.

  18. Actually: well thought out and expressed analysis. We are in for an interesting campaign.

  19. We can’t support Genocide Joe, Genocide Bob, Genocide Don! We must have intifada revolution in America! Intifada revolution is the only solution! It’s gonna be a long hot summer! Ready to join the clusterfuck? Better get ready, because we’re coming your way!

  20. In the Jesse Waters interview last night on FOX, Kennedy was poised and had the Kennedy family charisma I hadn’t seen in him before in this campaign until now. He’s found his groove. It’s going to get interesting.

  21. Long hot summer? Now that sounds like 1968. Not good for the incumbent or incumbents party.

    Unlike Wallace, Kennedy has no regional base. Wallace came close to throwing election into the house by denying Nixon and Humphrey majority. He would have had a lot more leverage with Nixon had that happened. He screwed up by campaigning in northern and western states rather than winnable border states like Kentucky.

    Perot got a higher popular vote than Wallace, iirc, but zero electors. But Actually is right, Perot could have also plausibly won..So Kennedy is like Perot in this sense. Not like Wallace because his support is not regional.

    Interesting what would Kennedy do if he does do well enough to carry states, but not a majority of electors? He’s going to be at a disadvantage in a state by state vote in the house.

    As far as influencing his electors to swing to Biden or Trump to avert that, it’s not clear which one he would pick. I’d like to say Trump, but guessing Biden more likely.

    Or, what if he doesn’t pick, or has no control over his electors? I think the house goes for Trump, one vote per state – maybe narrow margin, but Trump wins.

  22. We must secure a Victory for Donald Trump and a future for White children!

  23. No worries. It’s in the bag for Trump. If the dim ole rats take their cheating to the level of claiming the least popular President since Hoover gets reelected, revolution, cities can’t feed themselves, Trump wins. If Kennedy throws it into the House, Trump wins. Any way you look at it, Trump wins.





  25. Chicago riots by pro Hamas thugs this summer. Trump won’t resign or get removed. He won’t get impeached either, since Republicans will win decisive control of both houses of Congress. Even if Trump loses congress in the midterm, which is not going to happen, impeachment but not removal. Been there, done that, meh.

  26. 2024 = 1912

    Biden = Taft
    Kennedy = Roosevelt (split from presidents major party)
    Trump = Wilson – Trump wins.

  27. Almost, not quite. Trump is more like Kennedy here. In 1912 we had a president versus an ex president, and the winner wasn’t either one of them.

  28. Every election is different. 2024 has parallels to 1892, 1912 and 1968, but is not exactly like any one of them. It is, however, more like each of them than it is like 2016 or 2020, despite Trump being in both of the other two and Biden in 2/3. Kennedy is the difference, along with Biden’s record in office, plus things we don’t know yet.

  29. I am Tyler Swift. I’m definitely not Taylor Swift. I’m nothing like her. For one thing, I’m not a billionaire or celebrity. For another, I’m not a woman. Also, in related news,I don’t go out with football players. Very few if any people find me attractive, although sometimes I find less desirable women who are willing to settle for me, as I am for them, because something is better than nothing . Most of the time I’m just ignored.

  30. Kennedy is even more pro Jew than genocide Joe and holocaust Donald. No way are we supporting European Colonized Bob . Free free Palestine! 10,000 more Oct 7s! Kill Jews ,! Death to America! Rape me to death!

  31. You don’t date football players because you’re a loser, not because you’re a guy. Women play football. I’m in a female football league. We play full contact, no pads, in lingerie. The cheerleaders are guys who wear only combat boots and socks on their dicks. I can’t post pics or videos, some of the guys and gals want privacy. But it’s a lot of fun for everyone involved.

  32. Pretty much all of them – cowgirl, doggy, mish, you name it. And, don’t be a pussy, eat it – get your red wings right here. If it bleeds, it leads.

  33. Bug daddy / bobo / bobbo,

    But he can’t beat Bart Simpson or Dennis the Menace , aka Donald Trump.

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