Illinois House Passes a Bill to Make it More Difficult for Qualified Parties to Nominate

On May 3, the Illinois House removed all the contents of SB 2412, a bill that originally concerned child welfare, and converted it into an election law bill.  It now eliminates the ability of a qualified party to nominate someone by party meeting if no one had won the party’s primary.

It also moves the petition deadline for presidential primary candidates from early January of the election year, to early December of the year before the election.  Illinois primaries for president and all other partisan office are in March of election years.

See this story, which says the bill is highly partisan and seems designed to eliminate the ability of the Republican Party to nominate for one particular state legislative seat this year. Assuming this bill becomes law, the Illinois Republican Party would have a strong case that the bill violates due process.  Thanks to Eliyahu Neiman for the link.


Illinois House Passes a Bill to Make it More Difficult for Qualified Parties to Nominate — 18 Comments

  1. It’s not a real democracy unless Democrats have 100% of the power. Duh@

  2. Let’s see

    The Democrats in Illinois have 40 state senators to the Republicans 19, and 118 state reps to the Republicans 40.

    It seems a but greedy of the Democrats to change the law just to win one seat.

  3. No way! Too much is never enough. The more power we the people have, the more power we want. Real democracy means total power to the Democratic Party.

    We don’t need Republicans or any one else who is not a Democrat endangering our Democracy by having a minority opinion, especially openly. Our ultimate goal is to create a Democratic People’s Republic of Illinois, modeled on the one in Korea. Voting will be both mandatory and unanimous, to give the workers a chance to demonstrate their enthusiastic support for our unanimous collective decision-making.

    Everyone will give according to their abilities, and receive according to their needs. Dissenters don’t need anything from our collective, and everything will belong to us, so they can just starve and die, or poor, disappear.

    We’re not there yet. But we’re making more and more progress every day. You can say we’re progressive that way.

  4. Poof, not poor. We love the poor. That’s why we want to keep them that way and make everyone else poor too.

  5. We love racial and some ethnic minorities, and some religious minorities. The only time we don’t is when important minorities don’t like them. For example, we don’t like Jews, because Arabs and Muslims are more important. That wasn’t always the case. But now, currently Arabs and Muslims are more important. Especially radical jihadists.

    We also love gender and sexual minorities. Except men, because technically women are a slight majority.

    We can’t stand ideological, partisan, and nonpartisan minorities. They need to get with the program, start marching in lockstop, or we’re going to hurt them more and more. F around and find out.

  6. True. We also used to love blacks. But now we only like them when Whites are in the way. We like LatinX and illegals way more than blacks, because the blacks civil rights are, like, so old news.

    If they want their Democratic Favorite Minority card renewed , they need to go back to Africa, or Haiti, or wherever. Then sneak back into the US. At that point we love them again, like all illegals, but especially the criminal ones.

  7. We just started progressing, and progressively became more and more progressive. We love all women. But especially single moms and lesbians. An ideal woman is a single mom lesbian transgender illegal Muslima jihadist/career criminal who takes jobs from domestic criminals, plans terrorist attacks and collects welfare. Shaw shoots fent and meth and loved long walks on the beach.



  9. You bet. Then she moved to Chicago, and loves long walks on the beach of Lake Michigan. It’s a great way to get some time alone or with a special lady and plan terrorist onslaught.

  10. @WZ,

    The article had a picture of the representative who proposed the change chortling about its passage.

    He represents HD-113 and the bill is said to benefit the incumbent Democrat in HD-112, a neighboring district.

  11. One party to rule them all, one party to find them, one party to bring them all in and in the darkness bind them

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