Second Circuit Hears Challenge to New York’s May Petition Deadline for Independent Candidates

On May 14, the Second Circuit heard oral argument in Meadors v Erie County Board of Elections, 23-1054. This is the challenge to New York’s May petition deadline. The U.S. District Court Jagistrate had upheld it. The petition deadline had been in September or August in the entire history of ballot access laws in New York, until 2019 when the legislature moved it to May. See this Courtouse News Story.


Second Circuit Hears Challenge to New York’s May Petition Deadline for Independent Candidates — 16 Comments

  1. Should be an easy case, since Richard Winger said even August deadlines are unconstitutionally early?

  2. There won’t be any violence outside the demon rat convention because they’re going to move it online. In fact, that’s the actual reason for the untifada. Why would Soros and his ilk fund it? Not because they want Trump to win.

    After the state of the Union speech caused a shortage of both legal and illegal stimulants on the East Coast, and many addicts missed a lot of work afterwards while supply chain issues were resolved, the globalist elitists cooked up this plot to try to help keep Biden in office. They have others, like another phony pandemic they’re busy cooking up with bird flu to help them make voting more virtual again and pretend Biden is leading in a crisis, etc.

  3. Biden will not be in any debates. He will find an excuse to duck out. He is not in any condition for it, and getting worse quickly

  4. They’re trying all the combos and dosage levels, and nothing seems to work anymore. Adrenochrome plus another chemical which is only in the blood or glands of children, I forget what it’s called, seems to be a key ingredient, but the problem is you keep needing larger doses, and you pretty much have to kill the kids or really mess them up bad to get any out.

    And they have to be virgins and not on drugs, or they’re no good, so homeless kids are pretty much out, or anyone you’re realistically going to lure with an online pedo chat or giving out candy on the playground. Also, there’s a lot of hovering parents and cameras everywhere these days, so it’s not easy to even get the kids away from their parents where you can nab them.

    So, basically, to make a long story short, it’s getting to be a real serious supply issue for Biden staff and handlers. Sniffing the kids is not nearly enough anymore, he has to mainline and even then, his veins are getting to the point you can’t find anything to hit.

  5. SOOO-


  6. @Can’t tell you how I know
    Adrenochrome is the oxidation product of adrenaline. You don’t need drug-free virgin childrens’ blood or glands for that. Just good old adrenaline from literally anywhere and a suitably strong oxidizer (e.g. silver oxide, potassium ferricyanide, sodium nitrite, ceric sulfate, potassium permanganate, sodium persulfate, potassium persulfate, lead dioxide, manganese dioxide, etc. to name but a few choices – there’s plenty of options available). For someone with Biden’s money and connections, it would be breeze to produce adrenochrome on a massive scale.

  7. You didn’t read carefully enough. Adrenochrome is the easy part. The other one really kicks it in, I just forgot the name of it but I think it’s a gland product, or you might need a massive amount of blood to distill enough. It’s a combo cocktail with multiple ingredients, meth, dexedrine (another kind of amphetamine), cocaine, caffeine, B vitamins, etc.

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