Libertarian Party First Ballot Presidential Nomination Vote

Michael Rectenwald:    259
Chase Oliver:               181
Mike Ter Maat:             141
Lars Mapstead:            122
Joshua Smith:                73
Jacob Hornberger:         59
Charles Balley:               21
RFK, Jr.:                         19
Toad:                              16
Art Olivier:                        4


Libertarian Party First Ballot Presidential Nomination Vote — 54 Comments

  1. Who designed the worst graphics in the world to go above the stage? It summed up everything about the Libertarian party: ugly, pointless, incompetent, powerless and ugly. Libertarian white men — but I repeat myself— must be the ugliest people on the planet. So that graphic designer knew how to represent.

  2. In before the AZ bot claims this is a gerrymandered monarchy hack job troll moron vote.

  3. It would make sense for this retarded party to nominate a barely coherent guy who thinks Trump’s first name is Ronald and was so drunk out of his mind yesterday that he had to claim he was slipped edibles to save face. Trump was overly optimistic with the 3% line. Rectenwald will get 0.3%.

  4. Go away Stock. We know you are a commie and hate Ron Paul. Get a life.

  5. Rectumwalled claims he was slipped a cannabis edible. Another report I’ve seen confirms that 6 delegates voted for Trump, but contradicts the report above regarding Ben Dover and Chris Chan. They claim 1 vote each for Stephanie “Stormy Daniels” Clifford, Denali the Cat, and Joseph “Afroman” Foreman.

  6. None of the nominated clowns will get above half a percent. I would have voted for NOTA.

  7. “Rectumwalled claims he was slipped a cannabis edible.”

    And he’s a liar. People could smell the alcohol on his breath.

  8. Ungrateful libertardians deserve to get nothing and no representation in the Trump cabinet.

  9. Jim Beam nominated Sean Lavatoire for Secretary, I think. Rectumwalled was probably washing that edible with vodka.

  10. “Dylan” (Stock) claims he doesn’t care about the LP, yet here he is.

  11. I’m not Stock, you should take your own screen names advice, I don’t recall saying whether I care about the el pee, I don’t, but it’s silly entertainment for me today.

  12. Stock, you openly said you don’t care. Obviously you are lying, because you are a liar in general.

  13. Grow up. Only your multiple personalities care about your silly baseless, pointless, and irrelevant claims about my alleged (by nobody except you) alternate identity. Your “point” was already addressed. You should take your own advice, stop trolling and get a life.

  14. “Dylan” (Stock), why don’t you take care of your guests instead of trolling?

  15. Stop trolling, et al: I have not commented on this thread until now. I am not Dylan or anyone else. I NEVER use a pseudonym.

    Just because I don’t care about the outcome doesn’t mean that I can’t enjoy seeing Trump being booed and given the finger by most of the crowd. It was so fun to watch the discomfort on Trump’s swollen red face.

    You bet I am a Communist. I don’t know who will be on the Oklahoma ballot, but if West, Stein, Fruit, or Rivera are on I would vote for one of them. If none of them are on the Oklahoma ballot then I will vote for Biden.

  16. Trump wasn’t serious about his promise, which was “libertarians,” not el pee members. Biden will probably be elected again anyway, but even if it’s Trump, the el pee deserves nothing and will get exactly that.

  17. As for Ron Paul. I don’t hate him. He is just one more person with whom I disagree. Now Senator Rand Paul is extremely distasteful to me. It’s not hate, but disgust that I feel for Rand.

  18. “Dylan” and Stock posting four minutes apart. It’s so obvious they are the same person.

  19. I’m a communist as well, and I will not be validating the phony capitalist elections by voting. I honestly don’t care whether Biden or Trump wins, capitalism will take the same amount of time to collapse either way. I would not trust any promises from Trump or Biden.

    I don’t see any point in voting for candidates who have no chance to win, even if I wanted to validate the corrupt oppressive regime by voting or thought the vote count was honest or lived in a state where my vote mattered. As it happens, none of those are the case. I’ll watch the vote come in and laugh, much like I’m doing today at the looney toons party.

  20. Stock is a troll: Does that mean that you are Stop trolling, Knower of things, Guy, and White men can Trump? Different people commenting around the same time doesn’t mean that they are the same person.

  21. Stock is desperately trying to convince people he isn’t Dylan and Taran. He’s failing miserably.

  22. I’ve been out of prison long enough to have my voting rights restored, I just don’t see any reason to waste the time or money begging massa to let me choose my overseer.

  23. Stop trolling: Why don’t we have a Zoom meeting with you, Dylan, Taran, and myself? That way we can see each other face to face and settle this malarkey you keep pedaling.

  24. The only one failing miserably is you, boy. I have yet to see anyone else even care whether your allegations are correct. Literally nobody cares. You are only wasting people’s time in addition to your own.

  25. No thanks. I’m not going on zoom. Dylan is in fact my first name. That’s as much as you need to know. If you don’t believe me, I don’t care. I was named after Robert Zimmerman. My mother told me it was because my biological sperm donor was a rolling stone.

    Stop trolling, who should take that advice, won’t even tell us that much about himself, not that I really care who he is. He probably won’t go on zoom either because he does not want to reveal his age. I’m going to just guess it’s 12.

  26. Of course Dylan won’t go on Zoom because Stock can’t clone himself.

    Stock is getting more pathetic by the minute.

  27. Continue in your delusions. I won’t comment on this tread any further.

  28. “I’ve been out of prison long enough to have my voting rights restored,”

    Is “Dylan” the same person as Tony From Long Island aka the Long Island pedophile?

  29. No, but I wouldn’t be surprised if you are. I have not posted under other names. Believe whatever you want. I believe you’re the same person who keeps saying I’m Robert Stock. I’m not from Long Island and I hate pedos. I’ve done time in prison for drug and property “crimes.”

  30. I was addressing WWE fan, although that’s probably the same person as Mr. Troll.

  31. Dylan even writes like Stock. It’s obvious they are one in the same.

  32. The Libertarian Party through history has contributed a lot to ballot access easing.

  33. “The Libertarian Party through history has contributed a lot to ballot access easing.”

    The Libertardian Party is useless; an exercise in futility; endless debates over how many angels can masturbate on a pin while the government and corporations take away our freedoms.

  34. @Guy: Did Rectumwald say he was roofied? Or did he say he was stupid enough to accept and ingest an edible prior to the press conference of his own volition. Also I can confirm that you are correct about the write-in votes.

    @Robert K Stock: Rand is like a more pragmatic and mellow Ron. Ron is an idealist, which is very respectable but also impractical, and sometimes leads him astray, e.g. going too easy on antisemitism, infanticide and the alphabet mob.

  35. I don’t remember whether he said anything about whether he was “roofied.” It’s quite easy to, for example, eat a cookie or gummy or something else without realizing it has cannabis or how much. That can happen without either the person who puts them out or the person who takes one having any ill intent. I’ve done both. It happens. Luckily for me, never when I was speaking in public or doing anything else where it mattered much.

    There are any number of possibilities here: someone slipped him an edible to mess with him and he didn’t know it was spiked; someone put out edibles and he took one, without ill intent on anyone’s part; he knowingly ingested one without realizing how strong it was; he got drunk and lied about taking an edible; he got drunk as well as one of the scenarios re: edible.

  36. I wonder if we’ll ever find out which it was. But I guess since he wasn’t selected, the point is kind of moot – well, at least until he makes another bid in a few years.

    Speaking of which, Angela McArdle should make a bid for Libertarian presidential candidate. She seems like a poor planner with neither the self-confidence nor the charisma to exert authority, but for a politician her heart is in the right place, which is more than can be said for any LP presidential candidate since Ron Paul.

  37. He said he knew what he took. And some states are still possibly pitting him on the ballot regardless. We’ll see. Your read on Angela is backwards. She’s supremely self confident, but her organs are inverted – cranium and anus, heart and digestive tract, etc.

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