Chase Oliver Nominated as Libertarian Party Candidate for President on Seventh Ballot

Final Tally:

Chase Oliver:             497     60.61%
Write-ins:                    23         2.80%
None of the Above     300     36.59%


Chase Oliver Nominated as Libertarian Party Candidate for President on Seventh Ballot — 150 Comments

  1. He’ll get over a million votes just for being an option on the ballot. But I don’t think he’s a very compelling candidate.



  3. He was not my preferred candidate but he was not one of the ones I didn’t want. So I am glad the delegates chose him over NOTA. And I liked Mike ter Mat so it will be a good ticket.

  4. Freakin Afroman is a better candidate. That’s how sad this loser is.

  5. Oliver Chase was a Democrat who left Obama because he wasn’t far left enough lol

    The LP would have been better of with RFK Jr. Oh well.





  8. Don’t worry nobody knows who Chase Oliver is . The Duopoly is not scared of Oliver 🤣

  9. Anyone who thinks Chase will perform over 3 times worse than Jorgensen is absolutely delusional.

  10. Anyone who doesn’t think so is. She was the main protest vote. He’s not.

  11. How many libertarians vote principles over party and choose Trump over the communist Oliver?

  12. Chase Oliver agrees with Nick Sarwark and Darryl Perry supporting lockdowns and masks. Pure evil.

  13. Kennedy gets the generic protest vote. Constitution and Greens both have much stronger nominee / presumptive than in 2020. Oliver comes in behind all of them. Cornell West would also beat him with better ballot access and will get more media. Oliver gets nowhere near Jorgensen numbers.

    It’s back to 1984 for the LP. It took 7 ballots to nominate him and on the last ballot almost 40% went for NOTA. His party is not united. It’s 11 pm where they’re meeting and instead of a presidential banquet they’re still counting national committee votes. Total disaster Trainwreck dumpster fire.

  14. You forgot the Retard Party votes. Thomas W Jones has quite the following

  15. Trump is more libertarian than Oliver. Oliver does not like old people. I am old. I will vote Trump.

  16. This is a great nominee for the party. When the Democrats, Republicans and Independents all have an old geyser as their candidate, the Libertarian put forward an eloquent, good-looking millennial.

  17. The fact nearly 40% of the delegation preferred NOTA or a write in on the final ballot shows Oliver is a terrible candidate. His own party doesn’t fully support him.

  18. You can tell we’re at or near a full moon by the number of loons out tonight.

  19. Robert K Stock trolling under one of his many fake names is the loon.

  20. I am not SocraticGadfly or anyone other than myself. I have NEVER used a pseudonym.

  21. Some of the deleted comments here were posted on IPR-X. Check it out.

  22. I’m no fan of Oliver, but you idiots claiming he is worse than Trump or Biden belong in the Rs or Ds – you’re not libertarians at all.

    Trump *rightfully* got his a** booed out of the convention hall. He *created* the mask mandates and the hyper inflation.

    Biden has been a racist warmonger for 50 years.

    At least Chase represents a solid step in the *right* direction, unlike those other bozos.

    And as the LP nominee, he’ll be on more ballots than literally anyone other than those two bozos.

    I’m still writing in “NOBODY”, but you are truly a moron if you vote Trump or Biden. No matter the reason.

  23. Lacking full support? Party not united? That’s a good thing, because it battle-hardens them.

  24. At least the Libertarian Party National Convention was contested. The major party conventions are now just media shows. Only the Libertarians have been able to provide some real political entertainment.

  25. Chase Oliver supported mandates. He supports giving puberty blockers to 12 year Olds. He supports a wide open border. He pushes DEI. He loves Obama.

    Chase Oliver is not a libertarian.

  26. Jeff, guilty as charged, if you say so. But, Trump is the first Republican President or Presidential candidate I’ve supported since Reagan. Before that it was Goldwater, when I was too young to vote. In between, I’ve supported the Libertarian presidential candidates twice – Ron Paul and Bob Barr.

    I’ve also supported the American/American Independent candidates in 1968-76, Ross Perot both times he ran, Pat Buchanan twice (including a write in when he wasn’t running in 2004), and Virgil Goode of the Constitution Party. My favorite Presidential vote remains for Lester Maddox in 1976.

    I’ve voted for Libertarians down ticket, and might again. So, are you sure you want to keep telling me I should only ever support Republicans and never libertarians? If you tell me enough times, maybe you’ll convince me. Even if you don’t convince me, you very well might convince some folks who might vote Libertarian some times and not others or split their ticket. The Republican party thanks you for your volunteer work on our behalf. I’ll say our, because I’m increasingly confident that the MAGA revolution in the GOP is long term, and because I’m currently active in my local GOP.

    Regarding your ignorant claim that Trump created mask mandates and hyperinflation, all I can say is that it would have been a whole lot worse if Killary Klingon had been elected, which was the only practical alternative. We face a similarly bleak, in fact even worse, decision now. Given that Trump or Biden will serve in the next presidential term,I have a strong preference, and will vote for Trump yet again. I also believe he’ll be much better in his second term than his first. We can talk about why if you demonstrate any interest in an actual conversation, instead of yelling slogans back and forth.

    As for predicting ballot access, I predict Kennedy will be on all ballots and Oliver won’t be. It’s plausible Stein could end up eclipsing his ballot access as well. I won’t vote for either of them, or him.

  27. Adam, you can put lipstick on a pig, but take it from a pig farmer – it ain’t gonna be pretty.

  28. Oliver will split the commie vote with Biden Stein and West. Trump has all of the patriots. Trump wins.

  29. Caryn Ann Harlos is taking a beating on Twitter for supporting communist Chase Oliver.

  30. She’s probably just being a party loyalist. She didn’t back him for the nomination, did she?

  31. Chase Oliver, is an openly gay former supporter of former President Barack Obama.

  32. She did back him eventually. She didn’t vote NOTA at the end. CAH is a fraud. Probably a crappy musician too.

  33. I preferred a different candidate than Chase, but in all fairness to Chase he said he abandoned the Democratic Party a long time ago.

  34. We all know politicians never lie. Andy, if you really believe him, you are a fucking moron.

  35. F that. I’d never support anyone who wants to just cuck and give away our country without a fight.

  36. I think it’s time we have a gay president. Pride Month is about to kick off, so that should kick the campaign into high gear. Vroom vroom!




  38. I love Chase Oliver’s woke gay leftism, but I’m afraid he could take votes from Biden.

  39. All mail ballots is fucking retarded. As retarded as the LP nominating Chase Oliver.

  40. Oliver supports transing kids, is for totally open borders, raised money for 0bama, is a supporter of mask mandates, supports trans athletes in women’s sports.

  41. I did not want Chase to win. I voted for Michael Rectenwald on every ballot.

  42. @Kent: Trump never again. Terry all the way! #Ancaps4Terry

    @Steve: Crappy presidential candidates since 1988, crappy VP candidates for even longer.

    @Jeff: I agree, except that Chase Oliver is definitely not “a solid step in the *right* direction” and he likely won’t be on more ballots than RFK (and perhaps even Terry).

    @Chase Oliver is a fraud: Thanks for that link! I’ll be archiving that.

    @Dump Chase: Wow cool! I wonder if her band was any good.

    @Tim: More like a backdoor deal, if you know what I mean. I wonder how Mrs ter Maat feels about that.

  43. Even Terry says vote Trump, and he won’t be on more ballots than the LP. Kennedy will, and Stein might be. According to Karen, her band sucked. Mrs. TerMaat feels about that with a strap on.

  44. Gene Berkman once again showing he’s a statist commie retard.

  45. @Jack @Dump Chase:
    The band’s alright, I certainly wouldn’t go so far as to say it sucked

    But I am a tiny bit skeptical about Caryn Ann Harlos and Caryn dos Santos being the same person. Of course, it is not unlikely that she changed her surname if got divorced from or was widowed by Marcel dos Santos and remarried Wayne Harlos. And it also entirely possible that she moved from Florida to Colorado sometime in the last 34 years. But I can find no paper trail linking Harlos and dos Santos. Nowhere are they mentioned together. And really the only indications I’ve seen that they are the same person, are your words and the photo someone uploaded to Metallum, which could just be a joke. How do you know for sure that’s her?

  46. It is NOT a good sign that he lost 40% of the delegates to nobody. Not a good choice.

  47. Andy homosexually says:

    “I did not want Chase to win. I voted for Michael Rectenwald on every ballot.”

    The only appropriate option was to vote Trump on every ballot.

  48. Andy homosexually comments:

    “I did not want Chase to win. I voted for Michael Rectenwald on every ballot.”

    The only appropriate option was to vote Trump on every ballot.

  49. It’s not a secret she was Caryn dos Santos of Florida. You can ask her. I did, and she admits it freely. Marcel was an abusive alcoholic cop who beat her, so tread lightly. One of his other bands was called Atheist. His best friend is a notorious bad cop who committed a well known murder. I don’t remember for sure, but I think he got away with it, like cops usually do.

    She has a different life now in Colorado with Wayne and is a Christian. She’s not playing in metal bands anymore. Prior to getting involved in the LP, she became heavily involved in Christian theology arguments under a pseudonym and was outed as Caryn “evil bitch” dos Santos by people she was battling over that. It’s not something she runs away from anymore, but it’s also far from her favorite thing to talk about, since it was an abusive relationship and a bad time in her life.

  50. Terry faq is self contradictory now since it still says his purpose is to help defeat Biden in swing states. I doubt he has become delusional enough since last month to believe he will actually win the Presidency, so that means he’s trying to help Trump. He must have been pressured into changing the answer where he made that explicit.

    I’m voting for Trump, but I wouldn’t have voted for Trump for the LP nomination since he was ruled ineligible. I would have voted NOTA on every ballot. I will vote for Trump and donate to both Trump and Terry.

  51. Trump was not eligible for the LP nomination under either the LP or GOP party rules. If he had been eligible he could have only been on the ballot in NY and CT as far as having LP votes counted separately. CA would have also listed him under both parties, but aggregated the vote total.

  52. 40% of LP delegates voted for Trump by voting for NOTA. They will support Trump and vote for him in November. Just like over 90% of the Libertarians who were not at the convention. Oliver will only get the votes of a tiny number of LP loyalists who always vote LP no matter who they nominate (and even some of those are switching to Trump now) and some Queers for Hamas, since he is one of them and Biden is not pro Hamas enough for them. He’ll have to fight it out for those votes with Jill Stein and Cornel West.

  53. @Anon
    Hmm. It sounds like talking about anything from her past is walking a minefield. As a stranger to her, I don’t think I am capable of navigating that with sufficient tact. But thank you for the elaboration.

  54. I’m going to have to go ahead and agree that paramoure or however they spelled it sucked. More trash than thrash.

  55. The new LNC appears to be made up of a lot of talkers. They love to talk Libertarian philosophy but take no action toward getting themselves seated in a local government role. Many of them run multiple times for un-winnable office such as governor and US Senate, while ignoring local elected or appointed offices they could hold with little effort.

  56. Chaser couldn’t get 50% of delegates against a breathing candidate (who screwed up the biggest media opportunity of his political life by taking drugs to the point of rambling incoherently – and I’ve now seen where he admitted he knew what he was taking). He barely eaked out 60% against not running a candidate at all. At midnight, on the 7th ballot.

    That’s among people who care enough about the LP to spend their memorial day weekend and their own money to go to this convention, and unless something changed in the LP since the last time I was that dumb, most of them are not what I’d call wealthy. Many don’t even qualify as middle class and stuff multiple people into vehicles and motel rooms to make it happen.

    How’s he going to do with the people who care about the L.P. less (ie 99.99% of libertarians and many more people who aren’t?) I’m predicting 6th place, around 200k votes, zero electors, 7th in media coverage, most of the 200k being non libertarian leftists.

  57. CAH is continuing to get roasted on her Twitter for supporting child abuse supporter Oliver.



  59. @Bobby Can I have a link to where Rectenwald admit he knew what he was taking?

    Yeah, the LP really shit the bed by picking a guy who can barely get 60% support against running no presidential candidate and consequently losing ballot access (I’m still not sure in how many states they would have lost ballot access – I’ve read everything from just two to all the states they currently have it – does anyone know for sure? I bet Richard Winger knows)

    The LP National still has this tweet near the top of their feed:
    “We categorically oppose all sex reassignment surgeries for children. It’s child abuse, and no child can consent to such a thing.”
    Which is in direct contradiction to the position expressed by their new presidential candidate.

  60. *sigh* Randall Terry’s changed his FAQ yet again:

    First it said:
    Q. Won’t this campaign hurt Trump?
    A. Not at all. Every ad is aimed squarely at Biden, telling voters: Do NOT vote for Biden. Moreover, the ads do not ask voters to vote for Randall Terry. They just say: Don’t vote for Biden and Democrats!

    Then it said:
    Q. Won’t this campaign hurt Trump?
    A. That is not our concern. Trump has hurt Trump by waffling on his pro-life position. Terry/Broden are the only pro-life candidates in this race. Biden is running ON abortion, Trump is running FROM abortion and we are AT abortion…to END child killing!

    Now it says:
    Q. Won’t this campaign hurt Trump?
    A. NO! We do not even ask for your vote. Our campaign has 3 Goals to Defend the babies, Defeat Biden and Destroy the Democrat Party!

    You really gotta love fickleness in a candidate, it is after all one of the most important presidential qualities…

  61. Like the L.P., Terry contradicts himself.

    I don’t remember where I read it. Reason article quoting something from Twitter, possibly.

  62. Chase Oliver is doubling down on supporting child abuse. What a piece of shit communist.

  63. You’re the fucking retard. What you’re calling child abuse is trans. The USSR, CCP, NK etc tolerate no such thing. There are libertarians and leftists who support it and there are also libertarians and leftists who oppose it. Hence orthogonal.

  64. It doesn’t matter since he might be on the ballot in half or 1/3 of l.p. States and get 100k votes or less. This isn’t back to 1984, it’s more like back to the early to mid 70s. Party is over, turn out lights.

  65. No. I don’t know who that is. I think I saw a few comments here. I’m not trolling, but you obviously are. Get a life.

  66. Stop lying whoever you are. You troll under multiple names accusing anyone from the left of being the same person trolling under multiple names, when in fact were different people with different views. I’m not a communist or Satanist . People with leftist opinions have just as much right to express our views as people with rightist opinions on a third parties and independent site.

    You are a piece of shit troll trying to run. Off everyone with a different opinion like a wannabe fascist thug. Except you do it online anonymously because no doubt you are a weak mangina with mental problems and arrested development in real life. Being a total reject loser in the real world the cowardly alt right fash troll plays internet tough guy . For what possible reason ?

    Nazi punk, fuck off

  67. I’ve exceeded the amount I card about whether he knew it. It’s unclear what substances he was mixing in what quantities under what impression , true or false. Given the importance or potential importance of the post Trump conference, he should have stayed sober til after, but plenty of people have made that mistake, especially with edibles. The strength is very inconsistent.

  68. I can definitely see Oliver and/or ter Maat’s campaign roofying Rectenwald ahead of the press conference. But I can also see him being irresponsible enough to ingest an edible knowingly. I wish he would just come out make make a clear statement about what happened on his campaign site or his twitter or something.

  69. If I cared enough I would ask him. I’m sure someone has or will at some point. That assumes he’s honest, which isn’t necessarily a safe assumption..

  70. Give me Chase. Let’s outrun the three Establishment candidates and make America the land we once thought it would be. The country our parents knew and loved. C’mon, man, we can do this!

  71. LOL wut? He’ll be on the ballot in a dozen states and come in 6th or 7th place.

  72. Seeing a lot of comments here from people who are either very badly misinformed, or are knee-jerk partisans who lack any semblance of honesty or intellectual integrity, calling Chase Oliver a communist, less libertarian than Biden or Trump, etc. Not sure how some of you maintain any self-respect. Are these the kinds of lies you’d want someone telling about you if you ran for office to try to advance the cause of freedom and limited government?

  73. Mentally unstable, communist freak “Starchild” supports Chase Oliver, therefore supports child abuse, mandates, and shutting down speech. There’s your Chase Oliver supporter.

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