Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Campaign Spent $1,100,000 for New York Petition

This news story says the Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., campaign spent $1,100,000 on its New York petition drive.  It also says the campaign has filed a lawsuit to overturn New York state ballot access laws.  This post will be updated when more information about the lawsuit is found.


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Campaign Spent $1,100,000 for New York Petition — 22 Comments

  1. Once again, it would just make so much sense for everyone if states gave candidates the option to gain ballot position with filing fees. If NY just charged $50,000 for a line on the statewide ballot, that would be $50,000 more than they got now, without even considering how much it is going to cost the state to process all that paperwork, and print the ballots with Kennedy’s name on them.

  2. Ballot access at precinct level by showing up in person on election night.

  3. Wins what? Ballot access lawsuit? Probably won’t be timely, but maybe it will be. Petition challenge? No effect. Presidency? He won’t, but even if he does, still no effect.

  4. It would not surprise me if he spent more than $1.1 million including petition coordinator overrides and fees to petition validity checkers.

  5. With 45,000 signatures as the requirement and figuring on a 60% validity ratio, it looks like Bobby was paying on the order of $15/signature. Awfully lucrative for those that were able to be involved.



  7. The lead petition coordinator was getting $15 (or possibly up to $20) per signature), but the circulators were getting around $9 per sig, extrapolated on a per hour basis since the law prohibits pay per signature in New York.

    Note that they got a lot of volunteer signatures there as well, so not all of those were paid.

  8. If that’s the case, then, what, was he spending money on advertising or is there money laundering?

  9. High time for Trump and Kennedy to agree to debate on Fox.

  10. Fox it too leftist. OANN, Epoch Times or The Blaze would be a better debate platform. Oooooh, bring them on InfoWars! XD

  11. Kennedy is way more leftist than Fox. They’re a bigger platform than ones you mentioned.

  12. I’m not sure RFK is more leftist than Fox. He is on some issues, like climate. But on vaccines and Israel, he is way more right than Fox. The only sort of centrists Fox had were Tucker Carlson and Greg Gutfeld; one of them’s gone and the other is forced to bring increasingly far left guests on his show.
    Really, InfoWars would be perfect to host for a three-way debate between Trump, RFK and Biden – the latter for comic relief.

  13. He’s huge tax and spend, antigun etc. He was running as a Democrat less than a year ago and was a lifetime dim. There are a lot of leftist antivax, especially far left crunchys.

    Israel / Palestine is another issue that’s not necessarily left or right. Zionists started out as socialist 1880s or so and Israel was rather socialist til I think 1980s or 90s. The reason the left is pro Palestinian now goes back to Stalin pragmatic calculations there are more Arab/Muslim nations and more Arabs/Muslims than Israel/Jews, thus it would be more advantageous for the USSR to ally with the former. Fellow travelers and pinkos followed along, as usual.

    In most issues Kennedy is left of Biden.

  14. Biden won’t debate Kennedy, and certain woulda not go on Infowars. He claims he will debate Trump only, but I think will back out.

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