News Story on the Oddity that New Jersey Primary Ballots for Republicans Look Entirely Different than Democratic Ballots

Here is an interesting news story, with pictures, about the oddity of the New Jersey primary of June 4, 2024.  Democratic primary ballots use an office-block ballot.  Republican primary ballots still use the old format.


News Story on the Oddity that New Jersey Primary Ballots for Republicans Look Entirely Different than Democratic Ballots — 14 Comments

  1. Silly crap. Ballots not needed at all. Standing count is the way to go.

  2. I think someone confused in another thread, chair estimate of people standing with lights in her eyes vs standing count. The latter worked fine

  3. I was accused of confusing them, but I did in fact mean that the standing count with tellers and counting off was also unreliable.

  4. It’s not. It works just fine. The teller thing was screwy. It’s usually just one person counting every one off. Done at every past l.p. Convention , not just this one and works great, way better than all alternatives

  5. Votes were counted from non-delegates pretending they were allowed to vote. It was complete chaos.
    If you want to do standing vote securely, every voter would half to be ID’ed every time they voted, etc. It would be as slow if not slower than ID’ing once and filling out a paper ballot.

  6. If the separate design was what each party preferred for its own primary, that’s fine.

  7. Paper ballots are too fraud prone. Both intentional and unintentional miscounts. With standing count everyone can see for themselves.

    The issue of who’s eligible to vote is separate. With election meetings that should be checked upon entry into the room..

  8. They should do like the Texas Senate at the Paxton impeachment trial.

    Senators filled out a ballot and signed it. These were shuffled, and then secretary read them off one by one.

    Then they did a roll call where each senator stood and voted.

  9. Issues with voter eligibility are separate from vote counting systems. If you’re letting ineligible voters in the voter pool, no vote counting system will help you.

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