North Carolina Likely to Have Seven Parties on the Ballot, The Most Ever

It appears that North Carolina will have seven parties on the ballot this year, the most ever.  The previous record was in 1980, when there were six parties on the ballot in North Carolina.  See this story.

The seven are:  Republican, Democratic, Libertarian, Green, Constitution, We the People, and Justice for All.  The latter two were formed by independent presidential candidates.  We the People will nominate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.; Justice for All will nominate Cornel West.

No Labels is also a qualified party in North Carolina, but it won’t appear on the ballot because it isn’t running anyone.  In North Carolina, new parties nominate by convention, and state officials of No Labels will obey the No Labels’ national office directive that no one should run for anything in their party this year.

North Carolina law is irrational by requiring statewide independent candidates to get so many more signatures than are needed for new parties.  Kennedy and West would have used the independent procedure if the independent procedure required the same number of signatures as are required for statewide independent candidates.  But in North Carolina the statewide independent petition takes eight times as many signatures as are needed for a new party.


North Carolina Likely to Have Seven Parties on the Ballot, The Most Ever — 42 Comments

  1. North Carolina could decide the election. That many third party candidates of such a variety could pull the outcome in unexpected directions.

  2. Some folks don’t appreciate how much, and how rapidly, the demographics of NC is changing.

  3. I do. Some folks don’t appreciate how much certain demographics have moved from Biden to Trump since 2020, making this election very different from 2020. And the other candidates are, on balance, no question helping Trump. Virginia will go Trump this time too. And 100% Georgia for Trump.

  4. North Carolina has too many college educated people to vote for Trump. Everyone knows only retards support Trump

  5. Trump will get the convicted(?) and ex-felons to vote for him. lol Lock him up. Lock him up.

  6. That’s funny. Everybody that posts anything anti-Trump is Stock. NOT! Retards.



  8. Maybe Stock wrote me so he can always be at the center of attention? Because that would totally make sense!

  9. @I guess I’m stock too:

    Leave us retards out of this. Some retards are trolls, but not all of us.

  10. IguessI’mstocktoo is obviously Stock. Pretty much everyone is Stock, except Trump, unless he’s also Stock.

  11. This is great news. Our state really needs diversity of thought in order to create a functioning society that will actually speak to the people instead of bowing down to an authoritarian.

  12. As long as Trump wins, that’s all that matters. And he’s gonna win big!

  13. Regardless of which duopoly fascist is elected President the Libertarian, Green, Constitution, We the People, and Justice for All parties will all be blamed as “spoilers” and their voters as dupes. That’s how fascists smear dissent.

  14. You are forgetting that American voters are dumb and will switch their vote and surprisingly (like in 2020) elect Biden again.

  15. Kennedy might get elected President. I think he’s the first one since Perot (before he dropped out and then back in) who has a nontrivial chance. It’s still an outside chance, but it can definitely happen.

  16. The American people didn’t elect Biden in 2020, the Chinese people did. This year, it won’t be close enough for them to cheat and claim to win without starting a revolution. They will still cheat a lot, but just make it look like it’s close when it’s not. They’re not dumb enough to actually try to win. A war won’t go well for them. Cities can’t feed themselves.

    Trump wins no matter how you look at it. Even Kennedy has a better chance than Beijing Biden, and it’s not much of one.

  17. RW —

    North Carolina law is irrational by requiring statewide independent candidates to get so many more signatures than are needed for new parties.


  18. It’s going to be a Trump landslide. Quisling Biden is the least popular president since Herbert Hoover to seek another term, and that’s not just me saying it – left leaning 538 says it.

    He’s the most visibly incapacitated since late second term Woodrow Wilson, and rapidly getting worse at an accelerating rate. There’s not enough meth in Mexico to pump him up for the June debate, much less September.

    He’s behind by a lot on every issue except abortion. Abortion is not most people’s top issue. Inflation and immigration are the top issues. Biden is way behind on those.

    Trump, while also underwater in those polls, is personally more popular than Biden. He leads on every personal measure as well.

    The polls in battleground states lean more Trump than the national polls. Both Biden and Trump have a lot of soft support – more opposition to the other than genuine support – but in Biden’s case, unlike Trump, that’s almost the only kind of support he has. That starts to matter when you have additional well funded candidates in the mix.

  19. I can’t guarantee Trump will win, but the important thing is that crooked dementia pedo Joe Biden will lose!

  20. I’m voting for Biden because he lets Jews control him and everything in America and openly gives free money to Jew Netanyahu and Jew Zelensky.

  21. Hi, John Taylor Bowles. You look dashing in a Nazi uniform. You switched from Kennedy to Biden, now? If that’s the case you’ll probably switch 20 more times before November. Whether you’re still in South Carolina or moved back to Maryland , neither one is a swing state. You could try explaining what Biden gives Jews that Trump doesn’t or Kennedy wouldn’t, but I don’t care. Jews are just individual people, same as members of any other religion or ethnicity or cultural group.

  22. Biden will win, you fools. China is not going to give up its new province of usa. The deal is already done, now they’re just boiling the frog. They’re already cooking up another scamdemic with the bird flu. They’ll have another George Floyd megachimpout or whatever they need to do to rile things up and steal a second election in a row for their quisling puppet dictator Biden and his master Xi. Trump is going to prison, Russia, or North Korea. Take your pick.

  23. “Taran” Stock said earlier he wasn’t supporting Biden. Multiple personalities going at each other?

  24. Sorry, I should learn to read better, stop projecting, and stop trolling. I apologize. But I’m still going to keep doing it, because I can’t and won’t stop.

  25. Sorry, that was me. I have so many names, sometimes I even forget which was the last one I used when I correct myself.

  26. I’m not anti-Semitic, but a previous post in here does raise an important issue on American foreign policy in regards to Ukraine and Israel in that those countries take American taxpayers money and don’t answer for the money or snubs the President when he asks a a question about it or their policies. Just my observation.

  27. Murphy,

    Trump is more pro Israel than Biden, and Kennedy is even more pro Israel than Trump. Biden is still pretty pro Israel though. You can presume this is because of Jewish influence, and some of it is, or go with the more conventional explanation that it’s due to Israel being the most reliable US ally in a strategically important area of the world.

    On Ukraine, it’s the other way around, Biden is the one most eager of the three to pour money down a rathole, the more and the quicker the better. Ukraine is of course not primarily Jewish. Jews used to be a large minority in Ukraine, but Nazis (real Nazis, not cosplay American Nazis like John Taylor Bowles) killed most of them, and communists caused most of the rest to flee. Now, they are a tiny minority in Ukraine.

    Ukrainians, like Russians, actually tend to be pretty antisemitic compared to Americans, but despite this, their president happens to be a nonreligious Jew. It happens; for instance, Peru has had a president of Japanese ethnic origin. It’s pretty antisemitic to presume that American interference in Ukraine is due to the ethnicity of their president, rather than more plausible explanations having to do with simmering long term tensions between Russia and EU/ NATO nations to their West, particularly over former Soviet republics interested in joining EU/NATO (Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Baltic republics), regardless of whether you consider yourself antisemitic or not.

    There are other countries where the US government arguably misuses taxpayer money to prop up various dictatorships or put us at unnecessary risk of war – Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iraq, Palestinian Authority, Taiwan, etc – where you’d have to stretch facts even more to blame Jews.

    If you want the US government to stop spending American money to prop up foreign governments and put the US at risk of getting sucked into foreign wars altogether, I’m not sure any of the top three Presidential candidates is your guy. You’d probably have to look at candidates with less than a snowballs chance in hell.

  28. State officials of No Labels in North Carolina will obey the No Labels’ national office directive that no one should run for anything in their party this year. But state officials in Alaska are disobeying No Labels’ national office because there is a No Labels Party candidate on *their* ballot, which was finalized a few days ago.

  29. Watch for a lawsuit from no lube national to remove that candidate.

  30. Sean knows what’s up. Major kudos for cutting through all the BS like that!

  31. On balance, Trump is the best for bringing US troops home from around the world and putting them on the Mexican border, at US sea and airports, etc.

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