Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Nevada Lawsuit Is Assigned to U.S. District Court Judge James C. Mahan

On June 3, court officials in the U.S. District Court in Nevada assigned the lawsuit Team Kennedy v Aguilar to U.S. District Court Judge James C. Mahan, a Bush Jr. appointee.

In 2010, Judge Mahan enjoined a Nevada election law that said initiative petition circulators had to sign an oath saying all the signers are registered voters.  Angle v Miller.


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Nevada Lawsuit Is Assigned to U.S. District Court Judge James C. Mahan — 8 Comments

  1. Kennedy will get a lot of the soft support. Both Trump and Biden have a lot of soft support, but especially Biden – he doesn’t have a lot of hardcore support at all, unlike Trump. On balance, this will help Trump.

  2. Terry will also help Trump with his anti abortion TV and radio ads.

  3. It should be noted that RFK left the AG office on 3 September 1964. Therefore he was not part of the problem in the Johnson Administation post 10 September 1964 as the Alaska sovereignty issues to the Alaska Arctic Islands to the North of Siberia
    When the State Department told Franklin K. VAN Zandt circa 28 September to drop references or Wrangell Island and the DeLong Islands in the then forth coming USGS Bulitin 1212 of 1966 under the flawed UNCLOS I of 1958.

  4. Kennedy’s Brain Worm, I think only 6 or 7 states certified so far. With Terry and Kennedy helping, Trump will win big.

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