Two U.S. House Committee Chairmen Ask North Carolina State Board of Elections to Reveal Documents on Why Three Minor Parties Have Not Been Certified

On July 1, Congressman Bryan Steil, chair of the U.S. House Administration Committee, and Congressman Jim Jordan, chair of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee, sent a letter to the Chair and Administrator of the North Carolina State Board of Elections.  The letter orders the North Carolina officials to produce all documents relating to the decision of the Board not to certify the Constitution, We the People, and Justice for All Parties.  The two-page letter notes that the county boards have determined that each of the three petitions has enough valid signatures, and notes that the state board’s refusal to certify the three parties is a matter of concern to the two U.S. House committees, both of which have jurisdiction over various laws and processes in federal elections.  Thanks to several people for this news.

We the People is Robert F. Kennedy, Jr’s party.  Justice for All is Cornel West’s party.  The nominee of the Constitution Party is Randall Terry.


Two U.S. House Committee Chairmen Ask North Carolina State Board of Elections to Reveal Documents on Why Three Minor Parties Have Not Been Certified — 7 Comments

  1. Both Congressmen are Republicans. And both Republican members of the North Carolina Board of Elections voted in favor of approving all three parties. It’s just the Democrats that are scared of third parties, in NC that is.

    Recall the excuse given by the Democrat members of the NC BoE:
    “The three Democratic members said they are concerned that the Constitution Party petition lists the party’s address on the petition instead of the address of the state chair. The three Democrats said that they feel the other two party petitions might have tricked some voters into signing.”

  2. We just don’t want them spoiling the election and handing North Carolina to Trump. Our democratcy is at stake! So, um, we need to reduce how many parties are on the ballot, LOL. Ideally one, but if we can’t keep Trump off, at least reduce it to as few extra super unnecessary space and time wasting options as possible, so they don’t confuse voters and, like, steal and siphon the votes that are the property of Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the DNC. DUH!

  3. How did those three crazy Democrats who repeatedly deny other parties in office. Are they appointed or voted in ? Anybody know ?

  4. The Governor is a Democrat, and I think the Governor appoints 3 members of the 5-member board.



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